[DEPRECATION WARNING]: ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATHS option, does not fit var naming standard, use the singular form ANSIBLE_COLLECTIONS_PATH instead. This feature will be removed from ansible-core in version 2.19. Deprecation warnings can be disabled by setting deprecation_warnings=False in ansible.cfg. 123374 1726888243.69590: starting run ansible-playbook [core 2.17.4] config file = None configured module search path = ['/root/.ansible/plugins/modules', '/usr/share/ansible/plugins/modules'] ansible python module location = /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible ansible collection location = /tmp/collections-JvL executable location = /usr/local/bin/ansible-playbook python version = 3.12.6 (main, Sep 9 2024, 00:00:00) [GCC 14.2.1 20240801 (Red Hat 14.2.1-1)] (/usr/bin/python3.12) jinja version = 3.1.4 libyaml = True No config file found; using defaults 123374 1726888243.70086: Added group all to inventory 123374 1726888243.70088: Added group ungrouped to inventory 123374 1726888243.70093: Group all now contains ungrouped 123374 1726888243.70096: Examining possible inventory source: /tmp/storage-wZC/inventory.yml 123374 1726888243.87642: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/cache 123374 1726888243.87708: Loading CacheModule 'memory' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/cache/memory.py 123374 1726888243.87732: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory 123374 1726888243.87797: Loading InventoryModule 'host_list' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/host_list.py 123374 1726888243.87879: Loaded config def from plugin (inventory/script) 123374 1726888243.87881: Loading InventoryModule 'script' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/script.py 123374 1726888243.87926: Loading InventoryModule 'auto' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/auto.py 123374 1726888243.88024: Loaded config def from plugin (inventory/yaml) 123374 1726888243.88027: Loading InventoryModule 'yaml' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/yaml.py 123374 1726888243.88323: Loading InventoryModule 'ini' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/ini.py 123374 1726888243.89026: Loading InventoryModule 'toml' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/toml.py 123374 1726888243.89030: Attempting to use plugin host_list (/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/host_list.py) 123374 1726888243.89034: Attempting to use plugin script (/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/script.py) 123374 1726888243.89040: Attempting to use plugin auto (/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/auto.py) 123374 1726888243.89045: Loading data from /tmp/storage-wZC/inventory.yml 123374 1726888243.89121: /tmp/storage-wZC/inventory.yml was not parsable by auto 123374 1726888243.89197: Attempting to use plugin yaml (/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/inventory/yaml.py) 123374 1726888243.89247: Loading data from /tmp/storage-wZC/inventory.yml 123374 1726888243.89335: group all already in inventory 123374 1726888243.89343: set inventory_file for managed_node1 123374 1726888243.89352: set inventory_dir for managed_node1 123374 1726888243.89354: Added host managed_node1 to inventory 123374 1726888243.89356: Added host managed_node1 to group all 123374 1726888243.89357: set ansible_host for managed_node1 123374 1726888243.89358: set ansible_ssh_extra_args for managed_node1 123374 1726888243.89362: set inventory_file for managed_node2 123374 1726888243.89366: set inventory_dir for managed_node2 123374 1726888243.89367: Added host managed_node2 to inventory 123374 1726888243.89368: Added host managed_node2 to group all 123374 1726888243.89369: set ansible_host for managed_node2 123374 1726888243.89370: set ansible_ssh_extra_args for managed_node2 123374 1726888243.89372: set inventory_file for managed_node3 123374 1726888243.89375: set inventory_dir for managed_node3 123374 1726888243.89376: Added host managed_node3 to inventory 123374 1726888243.89377: Added host managed_node3 to group all 123374 1726888243.89378: set ansible_host for managed_node3 123374 1726888243.89379: set ansible_ssh_extra_args for managed_node3 123374 1726888243.89382: Reconcile groups and hosts in inventory. 123374 1726888243.89386: Group ungrouped now contains managed_node1 123374 1726888243.89388: Group ungrouped now contains managed_node2 123374 1726888243.89390: Group ungrouped now contains managed_node3 123374 1726888243.89481: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/vars/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888243.89627: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments 123374 1726888243.89686: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'vars_plugin_staging' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/vars_plugin_staging.py 123374 1726888243.89719: Loaded config def from plugin (vars/host_group_vars) 123374 1726888243.89721: Loading VarsModule 'host_group_vars' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/vars/host_group_vars.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.89729: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/vars 123374 1726888243.89737: Loading VarsModule 'host_group_vars' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/vars/host_group_vars.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.89789: Loading CacheModule 'memory' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/cache/memory.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.90152: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888243.90258: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'connection_pipelining' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/connection_pipelining.py 123374 1726888243.90302: Loaded config def from plugin (connection/local) 123374 1726888243.90306: Loading Connection 'local' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/local.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.91062: Loaded config def from plugin (connection/paramiko_ssh) 123374 1726888243.91065: Loading Connection 'paramiko_ssh' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/paramiko_ssh.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.92074: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'connection_pipelining' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/connection_pipelining.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.92120: Loaded config def from plugin (connection/psrp) 123374 1726888243.92123: Loading Connection 'psrp' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/psrp.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.92962: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'connection_pipelining' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/connection_pipelining.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.93006: Loaded config def from plugin (connection/ssh) 123374 1726888243.93009: Loading Connection 'ssh' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/ssh.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.95170: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'connection_pipelining' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/connection_pipelining.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.95217: Loaded config def from plugin (connection/winrm) 123374 1726888243.95222: Loading Connection 'winrm' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/winrm.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.95255: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888243.95323: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'shell_windows' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/shell_windows.py 123374 1726888243.95398: Loaded config def from plugin (shell/cmd) 123374 1726888243.95406: Loading ShellModule 'cmd' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/cmd.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.95436: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'shell_windows' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/shell_windows.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888243.95515: Loaded config def from plugin (shell/powershell) 123374 1726888243.95518: Loading ShellModule 'powershell' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/powershell.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.95573: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'shell_common' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/shell_common.py 123374 1726888243.95783: Loaded config def from plugin (shell/sh) 123374 1726888243.95785: Loading ShellModule 'sh' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/shell/sh.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.95825: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/become/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888243.95970: Loaded config def from plugin (become/runas) 123374 1726888243.95972: Loading BecomeModule 'runas' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/become/runas.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.96187: Loaded config def from plugin (become/su) 123374 1726888243.96189: Loading BecomeModule 'su' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/become/su.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888243.96369: Loaded config def from plugin (become/sudo) 123374 1726888243.96371: Loading BecomeModule 'sudo' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/become/sudo.py (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) running playbook inside collection fedora.linux_system_roles 123374 1726888243.96417: Loading data from /tmp/collections-JvL/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/storage/tests_lvm_pool_pv_grow_nvme_generated.yml 123374 1726888243.96867: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/modules 123374 1726888244.03209: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/action 123374 1726888244.03458: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.03467: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.03470: variable 'playbook_dir' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03471: variable 'ansible_playbook_python' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03472: variable 'ansible_config_file' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03473: variable 'groups' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03474: variable 'omit' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03475: variable 'ansible_version' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03475: variable 'ansible_check_mode' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03476: variable 'ansible_diff_mode' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03477: variable 'ansible_forks' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03478: variable 'ansible_inventory_sources' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03478: variable 'ansible_skip_tags' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03479: variable 'ansible_limit' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03480: variable 'ansible_run_tags' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03481: variable 'ansible_verbosity' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.03640: Loading data from /tmp/collections-JvL/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/storage/tests_lvm_pool_pv_grow.yml 123374 1726888244.05082: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05104: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05666: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05796: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05872: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05887: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05959: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.05973: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.06334: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback 123374 1726888244.06351: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__ redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.debug to ansible.posix.debug redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.debug to ansible.posix.debug 123374 1726888244.06903: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'default_callback' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/default_callback.py 123374 1726888244.07325: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/ansible_collections.ansible.posix.plugins.callback.debug) 123374 1726888244.07328: Loading CallbackModule 'ansible_collections.ansible.posix.plugins.callback.debug' from /tmp/collections-JvL/ansible_collections/ansible/posix/plugins/callback/debug.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) 123374 1726888244.07362: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.07390: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'default_callback' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/default_callback.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888244.08079: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'result_format_callback' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/result_format_callback.py 123374 1726888244.08350: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/default) 123374 1726888244.08353: Loading CallbackModule 'default' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/default.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888244.09643: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/junit) 123374 1726888244.09646: Loading CallbackModule 'junit' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/junit.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888244.09693: Loading ModuleDocFragment 'result_format_callback' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/doc_fragments/result_format_callback.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888244.09769: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/minimal) 123374 1726888244.09771: Loading CallbackModule 'minimal' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/minimal.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888244.09814: Loading CallbackModule 'oneline' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/oneline.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) 123374 1726888244.09879: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/tree) 123374 1726888244.09881: Loading CallbackModule 'tree' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/tree.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) redirecting (type: callback) ansible.builtin.profile_tasks to ansible.posix.profile_tasks 123374 1726888244.10008: Loaded config def from plugin (callback/ansible_collections.ansible.posix.plugins.callback.profile_tasks) 123374 1726888244.10011: Loading CallbackModule 'ansible_collections.ansible.posix.plugins.callback.profile_tasks' from /tmp/collections-JvL/ansible_collections/ansible/posix/plugins/callback/profile_tasks.py (searched paths: /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback/__pycache__:/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/callback) (found_in_cache=False, class_only=True) Skipping callback 'default', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'minimal', as we already have a stdout callback. Skipping callback 'oneline', as we already have a stdout callback. PLAYBOOK: tests_lvm_pool_pv_grow_nvme_generated.yml **************************** 2 plays in /tmp/collections-JvL/ansible_collections/fedora/linux_system_roles/tests/storage/tests_lvm_pool_pv_grow_nvme_generated.yml 123374 1726888244.10043: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10060: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10066: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10075: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10079: variable 'omit' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.10123: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10139: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10163: variable 'omit' from source: magic vars PLAY [Run test tests_lvm_pool_pv_grow.yml for nvme] **************************** 123374 1726888244.10743: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/strategy 123374 1726888244.10821: Loading StrategyModule 'linear' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/strategy/linear.py 123374 1726888244.10851: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.10853: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.10856: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10861: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10862: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.10864: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=1, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=None, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.10867: getting variables 123374 1726888244.10868: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.10877: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10880: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10882: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10895: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10910: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10914: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.10951: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11011: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11017: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.11184: trying /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/action/__pycache__ 123374 1726888244.11243: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11252: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11254: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11257: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11261: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11263: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11266: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11296: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11313: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11324: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.11326: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.11327: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11329: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11329: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11330: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11331: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.11332: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.11333: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11334: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11336: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11341: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11342: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.11344: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.11346: getting variables 123374 1726888244.11347: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11355: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11357: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11359: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11364: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11366: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11369: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11395: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11412: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11418: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.11464: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11472: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11474: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11477: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11481: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11484: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11486: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11519: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11533: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11544: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.11546: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.11547: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11548: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11549: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11550: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11550: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.11551: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.11552: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11553: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11555: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11559: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11560: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.11561: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.11563: getting variables 123374 1726888244.11564: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11572: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11575: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11577: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11581: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11583: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11586: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11616: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11630: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11635: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.11685: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11693: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11696: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11698: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11706: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11708: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11712: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11740: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.11753: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11762: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.11764: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.11765: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11766: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11766: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11767: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11768: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.11769: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.11770: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11770: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.11772: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11775: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11776: ^ task is: None 123374 1726888244.11777: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=4, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=5, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.11778: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.11779: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.11780: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11781: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.11781: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11782: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.11783: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.11784: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.11785: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11787: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.11788: ^ task is: None 123374 1726888244.11789: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=4, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=5, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.11818: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11830: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11837: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11848: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11852: variable 'omit' from source: magic vars 123374 1726888244.11877: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11888: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.11912: variable 'omit' from source: magic vars PLAY [Test create disk and remove] ********************************************* 123374 1726888244.13889: Loading StrategyModule 'linear' from /usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/strategy/linear.py (found_in_cache=True, class_only=False) 123374 1726888244.13913: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.13915: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.13918: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13921: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13923: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.13924: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=1, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=None, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.13927: getting variables 123374 1726888244.13928: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.13936: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13938: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13941: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13946: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13948: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13951: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.13982: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.13998: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14007: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.14054: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14062: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14065: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14067: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14072: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14074: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14077: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14107: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.14122: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14132: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.14134: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.14135: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14136: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14137: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14138: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14138: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.14139: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.14140: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14141: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14143: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14146: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14147: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.14149: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=2, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.14151: getting variables 123374 1726888244.14152: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14160: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14162: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14164: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14168: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14171: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14174: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14203: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.14218: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14223: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.14269: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14277: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14279: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14282: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14290: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14293: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14296: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14325: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.14339: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14348: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.14349: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.14350: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14351: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14352: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14353: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14353: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.14354: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.14355: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14356: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14358: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14361: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14362: ^ task is: TASK: meta (flush_handlers) 123374 1726888244.14363: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=3, task=1, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=1, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.14366: getting variables 123374 1726888244.14366: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14373: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14375: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14377: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14381: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14383: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14386: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14417: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.14431: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14436: done getting variables 123374 1726888244.14479: in VariableManager get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14486: Calling all_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14488: Calling groups_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14491: Calling all_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14495: Calling all_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14497: Calling groups_plugins_inventory to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14502: Calling groups_plugins_play to load vars for managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14529: '/usr/local/lib/python3.12/site-packages/ansible/plugins/connection/__init__' skipped due to reserved name 123374 1726888244.14543: done with get_vars() 123374 1726888244.14551: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.14553: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.14553: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14555: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14555: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14556: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14557: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.14558: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.14558: getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14559: done getting the remaining hosts for this loop 123374 1726888244.14561: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14564: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14565: ^ task is: None 123374 1726888244.14566: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=4, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=5, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False 123374 1726888244.14567: done queuing things up, now waiting for results queue to drain 123374 1726888244.14568: results queue empty 123374 1726888244.14569: checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14569: done checking for any_errors_fatal 123374 1726888244.14570: checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14571: done checking for max_fail_percentage 123374 1726888244.14571: checking to see if all hosts have failed and the running result is not ok 123374 1726888244.14572: done checking to see if all hosts have failed 123374 1726888244.14573: getting the next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14576: done getting next task for host managed_node2 123374 1726888244.14576: ^ task is: None 123374 1726888244.14578: ^ state is: HOST STATE: block=4, task=0, rescue=0, always=0, handlers=0, run_state=5, fail_state=0, pre_flushing_run_state=1, update_handlers=True, pending_setup=False, tasks child state? (None), rescue child state? (None), always child state? (None), did rescue? False, did start at task? False PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************* Friday 20 September 2024 23:10:44 -0400 (0:00:00.046) 0:00:00.046 ****** =============================================================================== 123374 1726888244.14614: RUNNING CLEANUP