% to weave: % noweave -t4 -delay -index example.nw -filter custom-code >example.tex % \documentclass{article} \usepackage{noweb} \noweboptions{smallcode} \topmargin=0pt \textheight=9in \def\sub#1{$_{#1}$} \def\minus{-} \def\plus{+} \def\equals{=} \def\lt{<} \def\gt{>} \def\neliac{% \catcode`_=\active% \catcode`|=\active% \catcode`&=\active% \catcode`*=\active% \catcode`'=\active% \catcode`^=\active% \catcode`-=\active% \catcode`+=\active% \catcode`==\active% \catcode`<=\active% \catcode`>=\active% \catcode`/=\active% } \bgroup\neliac \global\def\nwcustomcode{\neliac% \global\def_##1{\sub{##1}}% \global\def|{$\cup$}% \global\def&{$\cap$}% \global\def*{$\times$}% \global\def'{$\vert$}% \global\def^{$\uparrow$}% \global\def+{$\plus$}% \global\def={$\equals$}% \global\def/##1{\(\ifx##1=\ne\else\slash##1\fi\)}% \global\def<##1{\(\ifx##1=\le\else\lt##1\fi\)}% \global\def>##1{\(\ifx##1=\ge\else\gt##1\fi\)}% \global\def-##1{\(\ifx##1>\to\else\minus##1\fi\)}% } \egroup \begin{document} Here is some actual code from the original Neliac compiler for the Univac M-460 ``Countess'' computer (written in Neliac, of course): <<*>>= DEBUG SCAN: i = 0: standard compiling location -> i; ; j = 0: obj prog std last address -> j; ; i = i(1)j{ [i] = straight jump function | [i] = return jump function: fault 9. ; [i](15 -> 29) = 61000_8 & [i](0 -> 14) - bias -> k /= 0: { [k] = 0 | [k] = straight jump function: fault 10. ; }; ; l'oop exit: }. check key sets, turn off flex, clear indices, key[2] /= 0: dump name lists and stop. exit. F'AULT 9: start flex, carriage return upper case, 69 -> lower loop limit, 72 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, n = 177_8(1)0{ undefined name location[n] = i: write undefined name, continue. ; }, C'ONTINUE: write address, loop exit. F'AULT 10: start flex, carriage return upper case, 77 -> lower loop limit, 82 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, n = 777_8(1)0{ name address[n] - bias = k: write name, go on. ; }, k -> upper dump buffer[1], dump five number, G'O ON: write address, loop exit. W'RITE ADDRESS: { 73 -> lower loop limit, 76 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, i -> upper dump buffer[1], dump five numbers, }. e'xit: . . @ And here is the very same code without the \verb"custom-code" typesetting:\let\nwcustomcode=\relax <<*>>= DEBUG SCAN: i = 0: standard compiling location -> i; ; j = 0: obj prog std last address -> j; ; i = i(1)j{ [i] = straight jump function | [i] = return jump function: fault 9. ; [i](15 -> 29) = 61000_8 & [i](0 -> 14) - bias -> k /= 0: { [k] = 0 | [k] = straight jump function: fault 10. ; }; ; l'oop exit: }. check key sets, turn off flex, clear indices, key[2] /= 0: dump name lists and stop. exit. F'AULT 9: start flex, carriage return upper case, 69 -> lower loop limit, 72 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, n = 177_8(1)0{ undefined name location[n] = i: write undefined name, continue. ; }, C'ONTINUE: write address, loop exit. F'AULT 10: start flex, carriage return upper case, 77 -> lower loop limit, 82 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, n = 777_8(1)0{ name address[n] - bias = k: write name, go on. ; }, k -> upper dump buffer[1], dump five number, G'O ON: write address, loop exit. W'RITE ADDRESS: { 73 -> lower loop limit, 76 -> upper loop limit, dump a title, i -> upper dump buffer[1], dump five numbers, }. e'xit: . . @ \relax \end{document}