%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % This is an example of how to write a degree thesis according with % % the standards of the Technion. % %-------------------------------------------------------------------% % CHANGED FOR LATEX 2E BY: Boris Lavva % %-------------------------------------------------------------------% % ORIGINAL VERSION BY: Irina Abramovici % % Computer Centre % % February, 1994 % %-------------------------------------------------------------------% % % % -------------------------The main file----------------------------% % % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % % The following line defines the "styles" which design how will your % thesis look. The mybib.bib presented here is only an example. The % same holds true for the rest of the files which belong to this package. % \documentclass[12pt]{hebtech} \usepackage[8859-8]{inputenc} \usepackage{hebfont} \usepackage{latexsym} \usepackage{epsf} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% PARAMETERS %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Enter the title of your thesis. \title{הכותרת}{Title} % Enter your name \author{שם המחבר}{Author} % Enter the name of your department \dept{בפקולטה להנדסת חשמל} {Electrical Engineering Department} \dom{בעיבוד מזון}{Food Processing} % Enter the domain of research, for the Master % degree, and leave this line as \dom{} in case % of a Doctor degree \advisori{המנחה האהוב שלי}{my lovely advisor} % Enter the name of your advisor \advisorii{פרופ' שולי} {Dr. Z Q} % Enter the name of your second advisor, if any % If the paper was written under the supervision % of more than two advisors, you should change the % tech.sty file in order to add the additional name % If no scholarship need be acknowledged, comment the following line: \donori{מר ג'}{Mr. G} % Enter the name of the person or institution which % granted you help in the form of scholarship, if any. % If no scholarship need be acknowledged, comment the following line: \donorii{מר ד'}{Mrs. HH} % Enter the name of the person or institution which % granted you help in the form of scholarship, if % more than one was granted you. Analogous with the % advisor, you'll have to modify the tech.sty if more % than two scholarships were garnted to you. % If no scholarship or other financial help need to be acknowledged, % uncomment the following line. (i.e., \renewcommand{\donor}{ }) %\donor{}{} %\donor{ממר ג' ר ג'}{Mr. G scholarships granted} \setcounter{thestype}{1} % Set thestype counter to: % 1 --- for a research thesis % 2 --- for a project thesis % 3 --- for a final paper \setcounter{grade}{1} % Set grade counter to: % 1 --- for master of science % 2 --- for master % 3 --- for master of technology % 4 --- for doctor of science %\date{28}{8}{1998} % Enter the Gregorian date, so it will be printed and % get converted the Jewish date. % If not defined, today's date will be printed. % %\pagestyle{headings} % If you want running headers, uncomment this line \pagestyle{thesis} % If you want special running headers, % uncomment this line % %%% NEW THEOREMS \newtheorem{theorem}{Theorem} \newtheorem{lemma}{Lemma} \newtheorem{corolar}{Corollary} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \begin{document} \unsethebrew \makecover % this macro builds the cover (here in English) \frontmatter % this macro starts roman numbering (when in English) \maketitle % macro which builds the title page (here in English) \begin{acknowledgment} % macro which builds the acknowledgement page % % (here in English) \noindent I am grateful to ... \noindent I wish to express gratitude to... \end{acknowledgment} \begin{dedication} % macro which builds the dedication page (here in English) Dedicated to ... \end{dedication} \tableofcontents % tables (here in English) \listoffigures \listoftables \begin{abstract} % Abstract (here in English) This is only an example. This should be the abstract of the thesis, in accordance to the standards and demands listed by the Graduate School. This abstract is part of the thesis, not the advertising abstract which is to be submitted as a separate item. \end{abstract} \mainmatter % this macro starts arabic numbering of the main % part \input{abreviation} % The file abreviation.tex should contain a table % with a list of abbreviations and symbols \input{preface} % The introductory chapter of your thesis \input{chap1} % Add as many chapters as needed, ie % Documentation research, description of your % research, discussion upon your results, % connections between this paper and other % printings, etc. \input{chap2} \input{chaph1} \input{chaph2} \appendix % This instruction switches to appendix mode \input{ap1} % File app1.tex is the first appendix \input{ap2} % File app2.tex is the second appendix \input{aph} \bibliographystyle{plain} \bibliography{mybib} % File mybib.bib is your bibliographic data base %%% HEBREW PART \sethebrew \makecover % this macro builds the cover (here in Hebrew) \backmatter % this macro starts hebrew letter numbering (when in Hebrew) \maketitle % macro which builds the title page (here in Hebrew) \begin{acknowledgment} % macro which builds the acknowledgement page % % (here in Hebrew) \par הנני אסיר תודה לפרופ''ח א' על עזרתם בכל שלבי המחקר ועל ... עבודה זו מוקדשת ל... \end{acknowledgment} \begin{dedication} % macro which builds the dedication page (here in Hebrew) העבודה מוקדשת ל... \end{dedication} \tableofcontents % tables (here in Hebrew) \listoffigures \listoftables \begin{abstract} % abstract (here in Hebrew) העבודה הזאת חוקרת היבטים מסויימים הקשורים בפיתרונות נומריים של משואות אינ\-טגר\-ליות מסוג ראשון. קימות דוגמות רבות של שימושים מעשיים עבור משואות אינטגרליות מסוג ראשון. מסויימים הקשורים בפיתרונות נומריים. \end{abstract} \end{document}