% \iffalse meta-comment % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % berenisadf.dtx % Additions and changes Copyright (C) 2010-2024 Clea F. Rees. % Code from skeleton.dtx Copyright (C) 2015-2024 Scott Pakin (see below). % % This work may be distributed and/or modified under the % conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3c % of this license or (at your option) any later version. % The latest version of this license is in % https://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt % and version 1.3c or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX % version 2008-05-04 or later. % % This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'. % % The Current Maintainer of this work is Clea F. Rees. % % This work consists of all files listed in manifest.txt. % % The file berenisadf.dtx is a derived work under the terms of the % LPPL. It is based on version 2.4 of skeleton.dtx which is part of % dtxtut by Scott Pakin. A copy of dtxtut, including the % unmodified version of skeleton.dtx is available from % https://www.ctan.org/pkg/dtxtut and released under the LPPL. % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % \fi % % \iffalse %<*driver> \RequirePackage{svn-prov} % ref. ateb Max Chernoff: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/723294/ \def\ModMakePrivateLetters{\makeatletter\ExplSyntaxOn\endlinechar13} \ProvidesFileSVN{$Id: berenisadf.dtx 10366 2024-09-18 14:25:21Z cfrees $}[v2.1 \revinfo][\filebase DTX: FONT for 8-bit engines] \DefineFileInfoSVN[berenisadf] \documentclass[11pt,british]{ltxdoc} % l3doc loads fancyvrb % fancyvrb overwrites svn-prov's macros without warning % restore \fileversion \filerev in case we're using l3doc \GetFileInfoSVN{berenisadf} \EnableCrossrefs \CodelineIndex \RecordChanges \DoNotIndex{\verb,\ProvidesPackageSVN,\NeedsTeXFormat,\ProcessKeyOptions,\revinfo,\filebase,\filename,\filedate,\RequirePackage,\usepackage,\DefineFileInfoSVN,\GetFileInfoSVN,\ProvidesPackageSVN,\documentclass,\MakeAutoQuote,\parindent,\par,\smallskip,\setlength,\bigskip,\maketitle,\title,\author,\date,\ExplSyntaxOn,\ExplSyntaxOff} \usepackage{babel} \pdfmapfile{-ybd.map} % not necessary for installed package \pdfmapfile{+ybd.map} % not necessary for installed package \usepackage{berenis} \usepackage{fancyhdr} \usepackage{fixfoot} \usepackage{array,tabularx} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[referable]{threeparttablex} \usepackage{enumitem} \makeatletter \def\TPT@measurement{% ateb David Carlisle: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/370691/ \ifdim\wd\@tempboxb<\TPTminimum \hsize \TPTminimum \else \hsize\wd\@tempboxb \fi \xdef\TPT@hsize{\hsize\the\hsize \noexpand\@parboxrestore}\TPT@hsize \ifx\TPT@docapt\@undefined\else \TPT@docapt \vskip.2\baselineskip \fi \par \dimen@\dp\@tempboxb % new \box\@tempboxb \ifvmode \prevdepth\dimen@ \fi% was \z@ not \dimen@ } \renewlist{tablenotes}{enumerate}{1} \setlist[tablenotes]{label=\tnote{\alph*},ref=\alph*,itemsep=\z@,topsep=\z@skip,partopsep=\z@skip,parsep=\z@,itemindent=\z@,labelindent=\tabcolsep,labelsep=.2em,leftmargin=*,align=left,before={\unskip\medskip\footnotesize}} \makeatother \usepackage{booktabs} \usepackage{multirow} \usepackage{xcolor} \usepackage{xurl} \urlstyle{tt} \usepackage{microtype} \usepackage[a4paper,headheight=14pt,vscale=.8,includemp=true,reversemp=true,hscale=0.9,marginparwidth=45mm,verbose]{geometry} % use 14pt for 11pt text, 15pt for 12pt text \usepackage{csquotes} \MakeAutoQuote{‘}{’} \MakeAutoQuote*{“}{”} \usepackage{fancyref} \usepackage{caption} \DeclareCaptionFont{lf}{\lstyle} \captionsetup[table]{labelfont=lf} \usepackage{changepage} % sicrhau hyperindex=false: llwytho CYN bookmark \usepackage{hypdoc}% ateb Ulrike Fischer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/695555/ \usepackage{bookmark} \hypersetup{% colorlinks=true, citecolor={moss}, extension=pdf, linkcolor={strawberry}, linktocpage=true, pdfcreator={TeX}, pdfproducer={pdfeTeX}, urlcolor={blueberry}% } \NewDocElement[% idxtype=opt., idxgroup=options, printtype=\textit{opt.}, ]{Opt}{option} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=alt., idxgroup=alternates, printtype=\textit{alt.}, ]{Alt}{alternate} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=lig., idxgroup=ligatures, printtype=\textit{lig.}, ]{Lig}{ligature} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=pkg., idxgroup=packages, printtype=\textit{pkg.}, ]{Pkg}{package} \NewDocElement[% printtype=\textdagger, idxtype=, macrolike, ]{DMacro}{dmacro} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=script, idxgroup=script files, printtype=\textit{script}, ]{File}{ffeil} \NewDocElement[% idxtype=fd., idxgroup=font definition files, printtype=\textit{fd.}, ]{Fdefn}{fntdefn} \NewDocumentCommand \val { m } {% {\ttfamily =\,\meta{#1}}% } \ExplSyntaxOn \NewDocumentCommand \vals { m } { { \ttfamily = \, \clist_use:nn { #1 } { \textbar } } } \ExplSyntaxOff %^^A \usepackage{cleveref} \title{\filebase} \author{Clea F. 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Rees) % /Title (berenisadf) % /Subject (TeX) % /Keywords (TeX,LaTeX,font,fonts,tex,latex,Berenis,berenis,berenisadf,BerenisADF,BerenisADFPro,ADF,adf,Arkandis,Digital,Foundry,arkandis,digital,foundry,Hirwen,Harendal,Clea,Rees)} % \pdfcatalog{% % /URL () % /PageMode /UseOutlines} % \setlength{\parindent}{0pt} % \setlength{\parskip}{0.5em} % % % % \begin{abstract} % \noindent Hirwen Harendal, Arkandis Digital Foundry (\adf) has produced the Berenis \adf\ font collection. % This guide outlines the \TeX/\LaTeX\ support provided by \lpack{berenisadf} for version 1.004 of the fonts. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % This document explains how to use the \TeX/\LaTeX\ support provided for version 1.004 of the Berenis \adf\ font collection developed by Hirwen Harendal of the Arkandis Digital Foundry (\adf). % \lpack{berenisadf} includes copies of the fonts in postscript type 1 format and opentype versions as source. % Further information about the fonts themselves can be found at \url{http://arkandis.tuxfamily.org/adffonts.html}. % The fonts are released under the \textsc{gnu} General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or any later version, with font exception. % For details, see \textsc{notice}.txt and \textsc{copying}. % % The \TeX/\LaTeX\ support package consists of all files listed in \path{manifest.txt} and these files are released under the \LaTeX\ Project Public License as explained in the included licensing notices. % Please report any issues using the \bug{}. % % \section{The collection} % % Berenis \adf\ is a serif family designed as a substitute for Bodoni or Didot. % The family currently includes upright, italic, small-caps and italic small-caps shapes in each of regular and bold weights. % Six sets of digits are provided: proportional oldstyle and lining; tabular oldstyle and lining; inferior; and superior\footnote{In fact, the fonts also include denominator and numerator figures. % Since there is currently no use for these in TeX, however, the support package ignores them.}. % The support package renames the fonts according to the Karl Berry fontname scheme and defines 22 families. % Together, these provide support for the \textsc{t1} and two versions of the \textsc{ly1} font encoding\footnote{The initial version of the package did not support \textsc{t1} and \textsc{ly1} remains the default to ensure backwards compatibility.}. % Whether to use \textsc{ly1} or \textsc{t1} depends on the features of the fonts required in any particular document. % For example, Welsh should be typeset using \textsc{ly1}\footnote{% % This is true specifically for \lpack{berenisadf}. % For most fonts, it makes no difference which encoding is chosen as Welsh is equally poorly supported by all of them and most postscript fonts don't provide the relevant characters anyway.% % }, but Polish requires \textsc{t1} and only \textsc{ly1} provides extended ligatures and ‘swash’ variants. % % Eight families primarily provide access to the ‘standard’ or default characters while the four ‘ligature’ or ‘swash’ families support additional non-standard ligatures, alternate glyphs, the slashed zero and additional pre-composed accented characters\footnote{\Fref{sec:encs} describes the encodings used to create these families. % For further details see the encoding (\path{.enc}) and kerning/ligaturing (\path{.lig}) files.}. % Four further families include the inferior and superior figures, together with any other complementary characters included in the fonts. % The remaining six families provide the ‘Text Companion’ encoding for use with the \textsc{t1} encoding. % The included package files provide access to these features in \LaTeX\ as explained in \fref{sec:support} and \fref{sec:commands}. % % \changes{v1.0}{2010/09/19}{Provide support for the \textsc{ly1} encoding.} % \changes{v2.0}{2013/11/25}{Add support for \textsc{t1} and \textsc{ts1}, and include some changes to the \textsc{ly1} encoding used.} % \changes{v2.0}{2013/11/25}{Addresses issues typesetting Polish, as discussed at \url{https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/134989/recode-ly1-encoding-to-t1-berenis-font-and-polish-letters/145938}.} % \changes{v2.0}{2013/11/25}{Change to recommended configuration for Welsh.} % The ‘ligature’ or ‘swash’ families are supported only for \textsc{ly1}. % In addition, Welsh should be typeset in \textsc{ly1} since the customised encodings better support it, especially in version 2.0. % Polish should be typeset (from version 2.0) with \texttt{enc}\val{t1} and either no \texttt{lig} or \texttt{lig}\val{false}. % % \begin{table} % \begin{adjustwidth}{-\savedfancyoffset}{0pt} % \centering % \caption{Mapping Arkandis to \TeX{} Berry Names}\label{tab:coll} % \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{>{\ttfamily}lXl>{\ttfamily\arraybackslash}l} % \toprule % \normalfont\textbf{\TeX{} Directory} & \normalfont\textbf{Font Families} & \normalfont\textbf{Original Name} & \normalfont\textbf{Berry Name}\\\midrule % berenis & \multirow[t]{8}{=}{\ttfamily ybd, ybdj, ybdjw, ybdw, ybd2, ybd2j, ybd2jw, ybd2w, ybd0, ybd1} & BerenisADFPro-Regular & ybdr \\ % & & BerenisADFPro-Italic & ybdri\\ % & & BerenisADFPro-Bold & ybdb\\ % & & BerenisADFPro-BoldItalic & ybdbi\\ % & & BerenisADFProSC-Regular & ybdrc\\ % & & BerenisADFProSC-Italic & ybdrci\\ % & & BerenisADFProSC-Bold & ybdbc\\ % & & BerenisADFProSC-BoldItalic & ybdbci\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabularx} % \end{adjustwidth} % \end{table} % % % \section{Requirements} % % Apart from such obvious requirements as \LaTeXe, the \LaTeX\ support provided by \path{berenis.sty} requires \lpack{nfssext-cfr} and \lpack{xkeyval}. % Without \lpack{nfssext-cfr}, you will get errors complaining that the package cannot be found and you will not be able to use any of the additional font commands described in \fref{sec:commands}. % % The documentation requires additional packages. % These are all standard and available from \textsc{ctan} but you can always comment out the relevant lines in \path{berenisadf.tex} if you wish. % % % \section{The support package}\label{sec:support} % % \subsection{Encodings}\label{sec:encs} % % The package supports modified TeXnANSI/\textsc{ly1} encodings, as shown in \fref{tab:berenis}. % \changes{v1.004/2.0}{2013/11/25}{Limited support for \textsc{t1} and \textsc{ts1}.} % Version 2.0 provides limited support for \textsc{t1} and \textsc{ts1}. % Most characters in the \TeX{}nANSI encoding are available, including the \texteuro. % Six of the families use encodings based on \path{texnansi.enc}; four use encodings based on \path{texnansx.enc}. % These bases are reflected in the file names as shown below. % All encodings make certain changes to accommodate differences in glyph names. % For example, the slots for \path{onesuperior}, \path{twosuperior} and \path{threesuperior} are used for \path{one.superior}, \path{two.superior} and \path{three.superior} in all encodings. % % \begin{table} % \begin{adjustwidth}{-\savedfancyoffset}{0pt} % \centering % \caption{berenis}\label{tab:berenis} % \begin{tabularx}\linewidth{>{\ttfamily}l>{\ttfamily\arraybackslash}lXX} % \toprule % \normalfont\textbf{encoding file} & \normalfont\textbf{provides} & \normalfont\textbf{figures} & \normalfont\textbf{empty slots $\rightarrow$} \\ % \midrule % texnansi-ybd.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd & tabular lining & fj, ffj, \^W, \^w, \^Y, \^y \\ % texnansi-ybd2.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd2 & proportional lining & \\ % texnansi-ybd2j.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd2j & proportional oldstyle & \\ % texnansi-ybdj.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybdj & tabular oldstyle & \\\cmidrule(lr){1-4} % texnansx-ybd2jw.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd2jw & proportional oldstyle & \multirow{4}{0.175\textwidth}{fj, ffj, ft, fft, tt,\\\textswash{ch, ck, cl, ct,\\sh, sk, sl, sp, st,\\\textl{\zeroslash}, Q*, \^W, \^w, \^Y, \^y}}\\ % texnansx-ybd2w.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd2w & proportional lining & \\ % texnansx-ybdjw.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybdjw & tabular oldstyle & \\ % texnansx-ybdw.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybdw & tabular lining & \\\cmidrule(lr){1-4} % texnansi-ybd0.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd0 & inferiors, as available & N/A \\ % texnansi-ybd1.enc & \TeX{}nANSIEncoding-ybd1 & superiors, as available & \\\cmidrule(lr){1-4} % t1-ybd.enc & T1-ybd & tabular lining & None\\ % t1-ybd2.enc & T1-ybd2 & proportional lining & \\ % t1-ybd2j.enc & T1-ybd2j & proportional oldstyle & \\ % t1-ybdj.enc & T1-ybdj & tabular oldstyle & \\ % t1-ybd0.enc & T1-ybd0 & inferiors, as available & \\ % t1-ybd1.enc & T1-ybd1 & superiors, as available & \\\cmidrule(lr){1-4} % ts1-ybd.enc & TS1-ybd & tabular lining & N/A\\ % ts1-ybd2.enc & TS1-ybd2 & proportional lining & \\ % ts1-ybd2j.enc & TS1-ybd2j & proportional oldstyle & \\ % ts1-ybdj.enc & TS1-ybdj & tabular oldstyle & \\ % ts1-ybd0.enc & TS1-ybd0 & inferiors, as available & \\ % ts1-ybd1.enc & TS1-ybd1 & superiors, as available & \\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabularx} % \end{adjustwidth} % \end{table} % % By default, \path{texnansx.enc} does not work correctly with \path{ly1def.enc} which is needed by \lpack{fontenc} to implement the \textsc{ly1} encoding. % The idea of the encoding file is to remove the duplicates found in the standard TeXnANSI/\textsc{ly1} encoding, freeing up additional slots for other purposes. % Unfortunately, from the point of view of \path{ly1def.enc}, the file frequently removes the wrong duplicate. % All encodings for \lpack{berenisadf} based on this file were therefore further modified to restore the removed duplicate and remove the correct one where this was necessary for cooperation with \path{ly1def.enc}. % % The fonts do not provide anything like a full set of inferiors or superiors. % \path{texnansi-ybd0}, \path{texnansi-ybd1}, \path{t1-ybd0}, \path{t1-ybd1}, \path{ts1-ybd0} and \path{ts1-ybd1} are intended only to support what is available. % This amounts to the digits (\textinf{0123456789}/\textsu{0123456789}), some basic punctuation (\textinf{(,)-.}/\textsu{(,)-.}) and symbols (\textinf{+\pounds\$\textcent\texteuro\textyen}/\textsu{+\pounds\$\textcent\texteuro\textyen}) and, in the case of superiors, a selection of lowercase letters (\textsu{abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz}). % The ‘standard’ letters and symbols make no sense here so when inferiors or superiors are in use \emph{only} those symbols available in subscript or superscript form are provided. % % The encodings use symbols to match the relevant style of figures when these are available. % For example, \verb|\texteuro 3.15| will variously produce \texteuro 3.15, \textl{\texteuro 3.15}, \textto{\texteuro 3.15}, \texttl{\texteuro 3.15}, \textinf{\texteuro 3.15} or \textsu{\texteuro 3.15} depending on the current family. % % % \subsection{\LaTeX\ package} % % \DescribePkg{berenis} % To use the fonts in a \LaTeX\ document, add \verb|\usepackage{berenis}| to your document preamble. % This will set the default serif/roman family to \fname{ybd} (\fgroup{berenis}) and enable access to the various alternates, styles and ligatures. % Six optional arguments are available to tailor the behaviour of the package: \verb|lf|/\verb|osf|, \verb|tab|/\verb|prop|, \verb|lig| and \verb|lm|. % % \DescribeOpt{lf}\vals{true,false} % \DescribeOpt{lining} % % By default, oldstyle figures are used as standard and lining digits are available using the commands explained in \fref{sec:commands}. % To make lining figures the default instead, use one of the following when loading the package: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[lf]{berenis} \usepackage[lf=true]{berenis} \usepackage[osf=false]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \DescribeOpt{osf}\vals{true,false} % % Similarly, to explicitly request oldstyle figures: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[osf]{berenis} \usepackage[osf=true]{berenis} \usepackage[lf=false]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \DescribeOpt{tab}\vals{true,false} % % By default, proportional figures are used as standard and tabular digits are available using the commands explained in \fref{sec:commands}. % To make tabular figures the default instead, use one of the following when loading the package: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[tab]{berenis} \usepackage[tab=true]{berenis} \usepackage[prop=false]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \DescribeOpt{prop}\vals{true,false} % % Similarly, to explicitly request proportional figures: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[prop]{berenis} \usepackage[prop=true]{berenis} \usepackage[tab=false]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \DescribeOpt{enc}\vals{ly1,LY1,t1,T1} % % By default, the package will use the \textsc{ly1} encoding. % To use \textsc{t1}: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[enc=t1]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % To explicitly request \textsc{ly1}, use: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \usepackage[enc=ly1]{berenis} \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \DescribeOpt{lig}\vals{true,false} % % Loading \lpack{berenis} with \verb|lig| or \verb|lig=true| will select the versions which enable the additional ligatures and pre-built accented characters, and access to the alternate Q and the slashed zero as default. % \textbf{\emph{This option is not recommended unless you are sure you know what you are doing}}. % You should also note that this option will mean all of the additional ligatures will be active, which may not be what you want. % Again, passing \verb|lig=false| will explicitly request the default --- and strongly recommended --- behaviour which is to \emph{not} enable the additional characters by default. % % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Backwards-incompatible change to option handling.} % Note that \verb|lig| \textbf{requires} the LY1 encoding. % This encoding is the default, but if you enable T1 instead, the package will warn you about the inconsistency.\footnote{% % In earlier versions, selecting \verb|lig| also selected the \textsc{ly1} encoding and setting \verb|enc=t1| deselected \verb|lig|, so that the last option used was always effective. % The current version processes all options before examining inconsistencies, so the previous behaviour is no longer the case.} % % \DescribeOpt{lm}\vals{true,false} % % This option controls whether Latin Modern is used for sans and typewriter text. % Because Computer Modern does not support the TeXnANSI/\textsc{ly1} encoding, you will likely get strange results unless you redefine \path{\sfdefault} and \path{\ttdefault}. % Latin Modern is used because it is close to the default Computer Modern fonts and is widely available. % If you would prefer that the package not redefine the default sans and typewriter families, use \verb|lm=false| when loading \lpack{berenis}. % To explicitly request the default behaviour, which does redefine these families, use \verb|lm| or \verb|lm=true|. % % Note that loading \path{berenis.sty} will not affect the default setup for mathematics. % % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Enable \textt{scale} package option.} % \DescribeOpt{scale}\val{scaling factor} % % Scale all fonts provided by the package by \meta{scaling factor}, which should be a positive integer or simple decimal such as \verb|2| or \verb|1.2|. % This option is intended for cases where the fonts should be scaled to match other families used in the document e.g.~for consistency with the size of sans and/or typewriter fonts. % % Initially empty, which is equivalent to \verb|1| but more efficient. % % \section{Additional font selection commands}\label{sec:commands} % % The \LaTeX\ package \lpack{berenis} loads \lpack{nfssext-cfr} which is an extension of the package \lpack{nfssext}\ supplied by Philipp Lehman as part of The Font Installation Guide. % The file extends the font selection commands to facilitate access to various font features. % Both the original and the extension are designed for use with a wide range of fonts. % For this reason, only a subset of the additional commands are relevant to any particular font support package. % Those relevant to \lpack{berenisadf} are described below. % % % \subsection{nfssext-cfr} % % These commands are available when \lpack{berenis} is loaded. % If for some reason you wish to make them available when no relevant package is loaded, use \verb|\usepackage{nfssext-cfr}| in your document preamble. % % % \subsubsection{Shapes} % % \DescribeDMacro{\sishape} % \DescribeDMacro{\textsi} % Commands to change font shape which extend the default \LaTeXe{} functionality in relevant ways are listed in \fref{tab:shapes}. % These font features are available regardless of font encoding selected. % % \begin{table} % \centering % \begin{threeparttable} % \caption{Shapes}\label{tab:shapes} % \begin{tabular}{lll} % \toprule % \textbf{shape} & \textbf{shape command} & \textbf{text command}\\\midrule % italic small-caps & \verb|\itshape\scshape|\tnotex{tn:all} & \verb|\textit{\textsc{}}|\tnotex{tn:all} \\ % & \verb|\scshape\itshape|\tnotex{tn:all} & \verb|\textsc{\textit{}}|\tnotex{tn:all} \\ % & \verb|\sishape| & \verb|\textsi{}| \\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \begin{tablenotes} % \item \label{tn:all}Supported for all versions of \LaTeXe{}. % \end{tablenotes} % \end{threeparttable} % \end{table} % % For example, \verb|\textit{\scshape I always avoid a kangaroo.}| produces: % \begin{center} % \textit{\scshape Lewis Carroll wrote, ‘I always avoid a kangaroo’.} % \end{center} % % % \subsubsection{Styles} % % This section applies only when the \textsc{ly1} encoding is used. % If \textsc{t1} is selected instead, none of the font features described here will be active. % % \DescribeMacro{\swashstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\textswash} % \Fref{tab:styles} lists commands provided for changing the current font style. % Commands provided by \LaTeXe{} are not included. % \begin{table} % \centering % \begin{threeparttable} % \caption{Styles}\label{tab:styles} % \begin{tabular}{llll} % \toprule % \textbf{style} & \textbf{style command} & \textbf{text command} & \textbf{effect}\\\midrule % swash\tnotex{tn:swash} & \verb|\swashstyle| & \verb|\textswash{}| & ‘ligature’ or ‘swash’ as described\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \begin{tablenotes} % \item \label{tn:swash}Swash is implemented \emph{\textbf{completely differently}} by \lpack{nfssext-cfr} from the newly developed kernel implementation. % The new version of \lpack{nfssext-cfr} should be compatible with the kernel implementation but you \emph{\textbf{must}} use the macros provided by that package (e.g.~\cs{swashstyle} or \cs{textswash}) to access the swash variants provided by \lpack{berenisadf}. % That is, you \textbf{cannot} use the kernel's methods to access these features. % You may, however, use the macros provided by \lpack{nfssext-cfr} for fonts designed to work with the kernel implementation, since that package has been revised to work with these fonts, too. % \end{tablenotes} % \end{threeparttable} % \end{table} % % \verb|\swashstyle| and \verb|\textswash{}| switch to the ‘ligature’/‘swash’ families (\fgroup{ybdw}/\fgroup{ybdjw}/\fgroup{ybd2w}/\fgroup{ybd2jw}). % Within the scope of these commands: % \DescribeAlt{Q*} % \DescribeLig{fj} % \DescribeLig{ffj} % \DescribeLig{ch} % \DescribeLig{ck} % \DescribeLig{cl} % \DescribeLig{ct} % \DescribeLig{ft} % \DescribeLig{fft} % \DescribeLig{sh} % \DescribeLig{sk} % \DescribeLig{sl} % \DescribeLig{sp} % \DescribeLig{st} % \DescribeLig{tt} % \DescribeMacro{\zeroslash} % \begin{itemize} % \item \verb|Q| will typeset the regular ‘Q’ (\textswash{Q}); % \item \verb|Q*| will typeset the alternate ‘Q’ (\textswash{Q*}); % \item \verb|fj| \verb|ffj| will produce ligatures (\textswash{fj/ffj}); % \item \verb|ch| \verb|ck| \verb|cl| \verb|ct| \verb|ft| \verb|fft| \verb|sh| \verb|sk| \verb|sl| \verb|sp| \verb|st| \verb|tt| will produce additional ligatures (\textswash{ch/ck/cl/ct/ft/fft/sh/sk/sl/sp/st/tt}); % \item \verb|\zeroslash| will produce the slashed zero if lining figures are in use (\textswash{\textl{\zeroslash}/\texttl{\zeroslash}}); % \item \verb|\^W|, \verb|\^w|, \verb|\^Y| and \verb|\^y| will use pre-composed glyphs (\textswash{\^W/\^w/\^Y/\^y}). % \end{itemize} % % \DescribeLig{fj} % \DescribeLig{ffj} % Outside the scope of these commands: % \begin{itemize} % \item \verb|Q| will typeset the regular ‘Q’ (Q); % \item \verb|Q*| will typeset the regular ‘Q’ followed by an asterisk (Q*); % \item \verb|fj| \verb|ffj| will produce ligatures (fj/ffj); % \item \verb|ch| \verb|ck| \verb|cl| \verb|ct| \verb|ft| \verb|fft| \verb|sh| \verb|sk| \verb|sl| \verb|sp| \verb|st| \verb|tt| will not produce ligatures (ch/ck/cl/ct/ft/fft/sh/sk/sl/sp/st/tt); % \item \verb|\zeroslash| will not produce the slashed zero even if lining figures are in use (\textl{\zeroslash/\texttl{\zeroslash}}); % \item \verb|\^W|, \verb|\^w|, \verb|\^Y| and \verb|\^y| will use pre-composed glyphs (\textswash{\^W/\^w/\^Y/\^y}). % \end{itemize} % % For example, suppose that \lpack{berenis}\ was loaded and the following commands set up: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \newcommand{\fytext}{% Queenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.\par {% \swashstyle Q*ueenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.% }% } \newcommand{\fytest}{% \fytext \medskip\par {\itshape\fytext} \medskip\par {\scshape\fytext} \medskip\par {\sishape\fytext}% } \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % \newcommand{\fytext}{% % Queenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.\par % {% % \swashstyle % Q*ueenie, actor-spy and often acclaimed sky-stringer, chuckled at slightly shivering otters in fjords.% % }% % } % \newcommand{\fytest}{% % \fytext \medskip\par % {\itshape\fytext} \medskip\par % {\scshape\fytext} \medskip\par % {\sishape\fytext}% % } % Then: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} \fytext \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % produces: % \begin{center} % \fytest % \end{center} % % \subsubsection{Figures} % % The font features described in this section are available regardless of font encoding selected. % % Two sets of commands are available for choosing tabular or proportional and oldstyle or lining digits. % \begin{table} % \centering % \begin{threeparttable} % \caption{Figures}\label{tab:figs} % \begin{tabular}{llll} % \toprule % \textbf{figure style} & \textbf{style command} & \textbf{text command} & \textbf{effect}\\ \midrule % lining & \verb|\lstyle| & \verb|\textl{}| & \textl{0123456789}\\ % oldstyle & \verb|\ostyle| & \verb|\texto{}| & \texto{0123456789}\\ % tabular & \verb|\tstyle| & \verb|\textt{}| & \textt{0123456789}\\ % proportional & \verb|\pstyle| & \verb|\textp{}| & \textp{0123456789}\\ \midrule % tabular lining & \verb|\tlstyle| & \verb|\texttl{}| & \texttl{0123456789}\\ % tabular oldstyle & \verb|\tostyle| & \verb|\textto{}| & \textto{0123456789}\\ % proportional lining & \verb|\plstyle| & \verb|\textpl{}| & \textpl{0123456789}\\ % proportional oldstyle & \verb|\postyle| & \verb|\textpo{}| & \textpo{0123456789}\\ \midrule % inferior/subscript & \verb|\infstyle| & \verb|\textinf{}| & \textinf{0123456789}\\ % & \color{gray}\verb|\instyle|\tnotex{tn:indep1} & \color{gray}\verb|\textin{}|\tnotex{tn:indep2} \\ % superior/superscript & \verb|\sustyle| & \verb|\textsu{}| & \textsu{0123456789}\\ % \bottomrule % \end{tabular} % \begin{tablenotes} % \item \label{tn:indep1} This macro is deprecated. % \item \label{tn:indep2} This macro is deprecated due to an incompatibility with \lpack{hyperref}. % If \lpack{hyperref} is \textbf{not} loaded, the command is provided for backwards compatibility only, but should be replaced. % If \lpack{hyperref} \textbf{is} loaded, the command will not switch to inferiors and will give an (extremely confusing) error. % \end{tablenotes} % \end{threeparttable} % \end{table} % % \DescribeMacro{\lstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\ostyle} % \DescribeMacro{\textl} % \DescribeMacro{\texto} % \DescribeMacro{\pstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\tstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\textp} % \DescribeMacro{\textt} % The commands in the first four rows of \fref{tab:figs} affect \emph{one} aspect of the figure style. % Their effect therefore depends partly on the style of figures in use at the time they are issued. % Since this document uses proportional oldstyle figures by default (0123456789), \verb|\textl{}| gives \emph{proportional} lining figures (\textl{0123456789}) and \verb|\textt{}| gives tabular \emph{oldstyle} digits (\textt{0123456789}). % If lining figures had been in use {\lstyle(0123456789), \verb|\textt{}| would have switched to tabular \emph{lining} figures (\textt{0123456789}) rather than to tabular oldstyle digits}. % Likewise, if tabular figures had been in use {\tstyle(0123456789), \verb|\textl{}| would have changed to \emph{tabular} lining figures (\textl{0123456789})}. % % \DescribeMacro{\plstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\postyle} % \DescribeMacro{\tlstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\tostyle} % \DescribeMacro{\textpl} % \DescribeMacro{\textpo} % \DescribeMacro{\texttl} % \DescribeMacro{\textto} % The commands in the next four rows of the table, on the other hand, affect \emph{two} aspects of the figure style --- whether digits are proportional or tabular \emph{and} whether they are oldstyle or lining. % If you are not sure which style of figures will be active when the command is issued and you wish to ensure a particular result, choose one of these commands or combine two commands from the first four rows. % For example, to ensure tabular lining figures(\texttl{0123456789}), use \verb|\texttl{}|, \verb|\textt{\textl{}}| or \verb|\textl{\textt{}}|. % % The final two rows list commands for accessing superiors and inferiors. % % \DescribeMacro{\infstyle} % \DescribeMacro{\sustyle} % \DescribeMacro{\textinf} % \DescribeMacro{\textsu} % \DescribeDMacro{\instyle} % \DescribeDMacro{\textin} % In addition to modifying the figure style, these commands affect the style of certain complementary characters in the \textsc{ly1}, \textsc{t1} and \textsc{ts1} encodings as explained in \fref{sec:encs}. % This means that: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} 50\%\ off! That's just \texteuro 2.95, \pounds 3.41, \textyen 5.28 \& \$8.67\textcent\ \textsl{or} less than \textdollar 1 \& \textsterling 0.99!! \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % produces: % \begin{center} % 50\%\ off! That's just \texteuro 2.95, \pounds 3.41, \textyen 5.28 % \& \$8.67\textcent\ \textsl{or} less than \textdollar 1 \& \textsterling 0.99!! % \end{center} % when oldstyle digits are in use, but: % \begin{center} % \textl{50\%\ off! That's just \texteuro 2.95, \pounds 3.41, \textyen 5.28 % \& \$8.67\textcent\ \textsl{or} less than \textdollar 1 \& \textsterling 0.99!!} % \end{center} % after switching to lining figures. % % Note that the commands for inferior and superior figures make further changes. % \textbf{\emph{Normal text cannot be typeset within the scope of the commands for inferiors or superiors.}} % The commands for subscript activate basic symbols and punctuation to complement the digits. % So \verb|Llundain\textinf{(1,4+\$5)}| produces Llundain\textinf{(1,4+\$5)}. % The commands for superscript activate a partial lowercase in as well. % For example, \verb|postbox\textsu{9(iii)}| produces postbox\textsu{9(iii)}. % % \DescribeOpt{scale}\val{scaling factor} % % Scale all fonts provided by the package by \meta{scaling factor}, which should be a positive integer or simple decimal such as \verb|2| or \verb|1.2|. % This option is intended for cases where the fonts should be scaled to match other families used in the document e.g.~for consistency with the size of sans-serif or typewriter fonts. % % Initially empty, which is equivalent to \verb|1| but more efficient. % % % % Note that creating the font files, as opposed to just the package and documentation files, requires \gnu{} \texttt{make}, \texttt{fontforge} and a set of associated files. % Testing also requires custom \texttt{lua} scripts available on \texttt{codeberg}. % % % \appendix % % % \DeclareFixedFootnote \fnupdmap {% % See, for example, \texsepost[Why shouldn't I use \texttt{getnonfreefonts} to install additional fonts? Why shouldn't I use \texttt{updmap} when installing or removing fonts?]{q/255709/}.} % % % \section{Installation} % % \textbf{The vast majority of users should IGNORE this section entirely.} % \lpack{berenisadf} is included in all major \TeX{} distributions and should be installed as part of your \TeX{} installation. % Installing the package yourself should be done only as a last resort or an educational exercise. % % Note, in particular, that this version of \lpack{berenisadf} should \textbf{not} be installed on older \LaTeX{} kernels as it is designed to work with the (New) New Font Selection Scheme, as updated around 2020\footnote{% % The package should\texttrademark{} work fine on older kernels, but the new version is bound to have some bugs and there is no reason to use it on these systems. % The sole purpose of the update is to accommodate the breaking changes made to font selection. % If you don't have those changes installed locally, nothing should be broken and the newer version of \lpack{berenisadf} offers no advantage at all.% % }. % Use the initial release of \lpack{berenisadf} if your installation of \LaTeX{} predates those changes. % % Installation varies with \TeX\ distribution so you should consult the documentation which came with your system for details. % In most cases, you will need to perform three steps: % \begin{enumerate} % \item move or copy the package files to appropriate locations on your system; % \item refresh the \TeX\ database; % \item incorporate the included map file fragments for the different engines your distribution supports. % \end{enumerate} % % The following instructions assume you are using \TeX~Live\footnote{This includes Mac\TeX\ for OS X users.}. % They should not be too difficult to adapt if you are using a different distribution. % % \subsection{Install the files} % % The files should be installed in one of two locations: \emph{either} the local system-wide \TeX\ tree \emph{or} your personal tree. % If the package is installed system-wide, all users will have access to it. % On the other hand, you may need privileges you do not have to do this in which case you must use your personal tree. % % \textbf{There are serious disadvantages to installing the package into your personal tree. % In particular, these pertain to use of \verb|updmap --user| rather than \verb|updmap --sys|. % If you are not aware of these disadvantages, please ensure you are fully cognisant of them before proceeding\fnupdmap. % Merely removing the package from your personal tree at a later point will \emph{not} undo the effects.} % % For \TeX~Live, \verb|kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFLOCAL| will return the path to the local tree and \verb|kpsewhich -var-value TEXMFHOME| the path to your personal tree. % The package already includes a hierarchy of files to help you install them correctly. % Ignoring any symbolic link in the top directory, move or copy the files in \path{doc}, \path{fonts} and \path{tex} into the appropriate locations. % If the tree is initially empty, you can simply move or copy the directories in as they are. % If the tree already contains other packages, you may need to merge the package hierarchy with the pre-existing one. % For example, if you already have a \path{doc/fonts} directory, move or copy \path{doc/fonts/berenis} into \path{doc/fonts/}. % If you have a \path{doc} directory but not a \path{doc/fonts}, move \path{doc/fonts} into \path{doc/}. % % \subsection{Refresh the database} % % Again, this depends on your distribution. % For \TeX~Live, \verb|mktexlsr | for the directory you used in the first step should do the trick. % Note that you \emph{may} be able to skip this step if you install into your personal tree. % Whether this is so depends on the details of your set-up. % As a test, move to a directory containing none of the package files and try \verb|kpsewhich berenis.sty|. % If the file is found, you don't need to refresh the database; otherwise use \verb|mktexlsr| and then try again. % % \subsection{Install the map fragments} % % For \TeX~Live, there are at least two ways of doing this. % The second method varies according to the version of \TeX~Live and instructions are provided accordingly. % Both methods depend on whether you installed into \verb|TEXMFLOCAL| or \verb|TEXMFHOME|. % If you installed system-wide, the choice is relatively straightforward --- it obviously makes sense in that case to update the font maps system-wide as well. % % If, on the other hand, you installed into your personal tree, the matter is more complex. % On the one hand, updating the system-wide maps may create difficulties or confusion for other users because while the map files will list the fonts as available, they will not be able to access them. % On the other hand, maintaining personal font map files can produce difficulties and confusions of its own\fnupdmap. % Whether it is to be preferred or not is a complex issue and depends on the details of your \TeX\ distribution, local configuration and personal preference. % The one clear case is that in which you install into your personal tree because you lack the privileges needed to install system-wide. % In that case, you have no choice but to maintain personal font map files or forgo the use of all fonts not provided by your administrator. % Other cases are thankfully beyond the scope of this document. % % \subsubsection{Method 1} % % If you installed the package system-wide, use the command: % \iffalse %^^A ateb Heiko Oberdiek: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/172896/ %^^A dyw hwn ddim yn gweithio tu mewn i arg macro! %^^A (*wrth gwrs* dyw e ddim yn weithio! wyt ti'n *hollol* dwp?) %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} updmap-sys --enable Map=ybd.map \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % % If you installed the package in your personal tree, you \emph{may} prefer\fnupdmap: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} updmap --enable Map=ybd.map \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % Either way, \verb|updmap| will output a good deal of information after each incantation. % This is normal. % Just check that it does not end with an error and that it found the new map file. % % \subsubsection{Method 2: \TeX~Live 2008 (and probably earlier)} % % If you installed the package system-wide, use \verb|updmap-sys --edit|. % % If you installed into your personal tree, you \emph{may} prefer to use \verb|updmap --edit|\fnupdmap. % % Either way, a configuration file will be opened which you can edit. % Move to the end of the file and add the following line: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} Map ybd.map \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % When you are done, save the file. % \verb|updmap| or \verb|updmap-sys| will produce a great deal of output if all is well. % Just check that it does not end with an error and that \path{ybd.map} is found. % % \subsubsection{Method 2: \TeX~Live 2009 (and possibly later)} % % If you installed the package system-wide, edit or or create \path{TEXMFLOCAL/web2c/updmap-local.cfg} and add the following line to the end of the file: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} Map ybd.map \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % Save the file and tell \verb|tlmgr| to merge in your addition using the command: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} tlmgr generate updmap \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % \verb|tlmgr| will then tell you that you need to ensure the changes are propagated correctly by calling \verb|updmap-sys|. % This should produce a great deal of output. % Check that it finds the new map file and does not end with an error. % % If you installed into your personal tree, you \emph{may} prefer to use \verb|updmap --edit| as described above for \TeX~Live 2008\fnupdmap. % % \subsubsection{Method 3: Current/Recent \TeX~Live} % % If you installed the package system-wide, tell \cs{updmap} to enable the map file: % \iffalse %<*verb> % \fi \begin{verbatim} updmap --sys --enable Map=ybd.map \end{verbatim} % \iffalse % % \fi % This should produce a great deal of output. % Check that it finds the new map file and does not end with an error. % % If you installed into your personal tree, you \emph{could} use \verb|updmap --user| in place of \verb|updmap --sys| as described above for \TeX~Live 2008, but this is \textbf{not} recommended\fnupdmap. % % To test your installation and that the package works on your system, latex this file (\path{berenisadf.tex}). % The console output and/or log should tell you whether any fonts were not found. % If you are careful not to overwrite it, you may also compare your output with \path{berenisadf.pdf}.% % % \MaybeStop{% % \PrintChanges % \clearpage % \PrintIndex % } % % \section{Implementation} % % You do not need to read the remainder of this document in order to install % or use the fonts. % \let\MakePrivateLetters\ModMakePrivateLetters % \iffalse %<*sty> % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \RequirePackage{svn-prov} \ProvidesPackageSVN[berenis.sty]{$Id: berenisadf.dtx 10366 2024-09-18 14:25:21Z cfrees $}[v2.1 \revinfo] \DefineFileInfoSVN[berenis] % \end{macrocode} % Load \lpack{nfssext-cfr}. % \lpack{nfssext-cfr} provides \cs{ProcessKeyOptions}, \cs{IfFormatAtLeastTF} on older kernels\footnote{Obviously this is not a reason to load it, but an explanation of why I can assume these macros are available on older kernels.}. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage{nfssext-cfr}[2024/01/01] \ExplSyntaxOn % \end{macrocode} % From cfr-coursepacket.cls (unpublished) % \begin{macrocode} \msg_new:nnn { berenis } { unknown-choice } { % name of choice; valid choices; invalid choice given berenis ~::~#1:~\msg_line_context:~#3~is~not~a~supported~font~encoding.~ Valid~choices~are~#2.~ Please~see~documentation~for~details. } \msg_new:nnn { berenis } { unavailable }% what; substitute { berenis ~::~#1:~\msg_line_context:~#1~unavailable. ~ #2~used~instead. } % \end{macrocode} % Define package keys. % \begin{macrocode} \keys_define:nn { berenis } { % \end{macrocode} % \begin{option}{enc} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_enc_tl} % Font encoding. % Valid choices are T1 or LY1. % Lower or upper case input is accepted. % \begin{macrocode} enc .choice:, enc .choices:nn = { ly1, LY1, t1, T1 } { \int_case:nn { \l_keys_choice_int } { { 1 } { \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } } { 2 } { \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } } { 3 } { \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_enc_tl { T1 } } { 4 } { \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_enc_tl { T1 } } } }, enc / unknown .code:n = { % \end{macrocode} % From expl3 docs: interfaces3.pdf p246 % \begin{macrocode} \msg_error:nneee { berenis } { unknown-choice } { enc } { ly1 , LY1 , t1, T1 } { \exp_not:n {#1} } }, % \end{macrocode} % Dubious choice of default encoding. % \begin{macrocode} enc .initial:n = ly1, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{lig} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_lig_bool} % Whether to enable additional ligatures by default. % Only supported for LY1. % \begin{macrocode} lig .bool_gset:N = \g__berenis_lig_bool, lig .default:n = true, lig .initial:n = false, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{lf,lining} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_osf_bool} % Lining figures by default (as opposed to oldstyle). % \begin{macrocode} lf .bool_gset_inverse:N = \g__berenis_osf_bool, lf .default:n = true, lining .bool_gset_inverse:N = \g__berenis_osf_bool, lining .default:n = true, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{lm} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_lm_bool} % Whether to change the default sans family to Latin Modern since Computer Modern doesn't support LY1. % \begin{macrocode} lm .bool_gset:N = \g__berenis_lm_bool, lm .default:n = true, lm .initial:n = true, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{osf} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_osf_bool} % Oldstyle (hanging) figures by default (as opposed to lining). % \begin{macrocode} osf .bool_gset:N = \g__berenis_osf_bool, osf .default:n = true, osf .initial:n = true, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{prop} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_prop_bool} % Proportional (as opposed to tabular) figures by default. % \begin{macrocode} prop .bool_gset:N = \g__berenis_prop_bool, prop .default:n = true, prop .initial:n = true, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{scale} % Factor to scale fonts by. % \begin{macro}{\ybd@scale} % This is empty by default, which is equivalent to \texttt{1}, but more efficient. % \begin{macrocode} scale .tl_gset:N = \ybd@scale, scale .initial:V = \@empty, % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{option}{tab} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_prop_bool} % Tabular (as opposed to proportional) figures by default. % \begin{macrocode} tab .bool_gset_inverse:N = \g__berenis_prop_bool, tab .default:n = true, } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{option} % \begin{macrocode} \ProcessKeyOptions[berenis] % \end{macrocode} % This collection requires more complex option handling than can be managed simply by processing the options, since certain options require others and it is not necessarily clear which should take precedence. % One option would be to simply let the last option rule the others, but that's not obviously the right thing to do. % Moreover, we want to at least issue warnings if we're changing things at this point. % So we assume a default option is less likely explicitly chosen and less likely to meet user expectations than a non-default one. % (Theoretically, this could be tracked. % \lpack{chronos} does that in spades. % But the need for it is rather greater in that case. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \g__berenis_lig_bool { \tl_if_eq:NnF \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } { % \end{macrocode} % If \texttt{lig} is true and the encoding isn't LY1, the user has explicitly set incompatible options. % There's no way to hazard a guess here, so re-enable LY1 and hope for the best. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageWarning { berenis } { Setting ~ font ~ encoding ~ to ~ LY1 ~ to ~ accommodate ~ ligatures } \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } } } % \end{macrocode} % % \begin{macrocode} \tl_if_eq:NnT \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } { \bool_if:NF \g__berenis_lm_bool { % \end{macrocode} % Again, LY1 without Latin Modern is problematic because it means there's nothing setup for sans or typewriter unless the user does it. % Still, no Latin Modern is an explicit request and the user may well want to do just that, so we don't change anything here, but only warn the unwary. % \begin{macrocode} \PackageWarning{berenis.sty} { Default ~ sf ~ and ~ tt ~ families ~ will ~ not\MessageBreak be ~ changed ~ to ~ Latin ~ Modern.\MessageBreak Since ~ Computer ~ Modern ~ does ~ not ~ support ~ LY1,\MessageBreak either ~ use ~ enc=t1 ~ to ~ use ~ T1 ~ or ~ set ~\MessageBreak suitable ~ defaults ~ for ~ sans ~ (`sf') ~ and ~\MessageBreak typewriter ~ (`tt') ~ yourself.\MessageBreak } } } % \end{macrocode} % Use a token list initialised with the bare Berry name. % %% could I just use \rmdefault directly here? % %% does it matter if it is a cs rather than a tl? % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_rm_tl} % Token list to hold Berry name as we construct it. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_new:N \g__berenis_rm_tl \tl_new:N \g__berenis_rm_subst_tl \tl_gset:Nn \g__berenis_rm_tl {ybd} % \end{macrocode} % Implement requested options by adjusting default family name. % Order is critical as we're matching on family names. % % Add indicator for ‘prop’ or not. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \g__berenis_prop_bool { \tl_gput_right:Nn \g__berenis_rm_tl {2} } % \end{macrocode} % Add indicator for ‘osf’ or not. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \g__berenis_osf_bool { \tl_gput_right:Nn \g__berenis_rm_tl {j} } % \end{macrocode} % Save the non-swash result\footnote{Easy because ‘w’!} % \begin{macrocode} \tl_gset_eq:NN \g__berenis_rm_subst_tl \g__berenis_rm_tl % \end{macrocode} % Add indicator for ligature/swash encoding as default % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \g__berenis_lig_bool { \tl_gput_right:Nn \g__berenis_rm_tl {w} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\rmdefault} % Make BerenisADFPro default roman font, using the assembled name to implement requested options e.g.~ligature/swash encoding and lf/osf, prop/tab as applicable % \begin{macrocode} \renewcommand{\rmdefault}{\g__berenis_rm_tl} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % Load appropriate font encoding % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[\g__berenis_enc_tl]{fontenc} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\g__berenis_enc_tl} % Get proper tai bach for W, w, Y, y\footnote{% % T1's support for ‘most’ European languages leaves certain European languages with almost no support for accented characters at all. % Two of the seven Welsh vowels have no support in T1. % The following four declarations remedy the most serious issues: ‘ŵ’, ‘ŵ’, ‘Ŷ’ and ‘ŷ’ common in contemporary Welsh. % I suspect other Celtic languages would need similar treatment \dots.% % }. % (Ideally would set further stuff but these are the most problematic.) % \changes{v1.0}{????/??/??}{Tai bach work for ‘swash’ encoding.} % \changes{v2.0}{????/??/??}{Tai bach work for any LY1 encoding.} % The cost is some of the non-fancy non-standard ligatures and the boundary character in the non-swash variants. % \begin{macrocode} \tl_if_eq:NnT \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } { % \end{macrocode} %^^A pam?? % \let\MakePrivateLetters\OrigMakePrivateLetters % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\^}{LY1}{W}{ \char9 } \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\^}{LY1}{w}{ \char3 } \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\^}{LY1}{Y}{ \char10 } \DeclareTextCompositeCommand{\^}{LY1}{y}{ \char13 } } \IfFormatAtLeastTF {2020-02-02}{% % \end{macrocode} % \let\MakePrivateLetters\ModMakePrivateLetters % \end{macro} % To get the oldstyle numbers etc.\ used from TS1, we need to set the subset to 0 or 1. % Unfortunately, this means characters missing from the fonts will not use default symbols as fallback, but this seems to be unavoidable. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd2}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd2j}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybdj}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd0}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd1}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybdw}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd2w}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybd2jw}{1}% \DeclareEncodingSubset{TS1}{ybdjw}{1}% }{ \RequirePackage{textcomp} } \UndeclareTextCommand{\textperthousand}{T1} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\sfdefault,\ttdefault} % Load LM if requested. % Don't use \lpack{cfr-lm} in case it isn't available. % \begin{macrocode} \bool_if:NT \g__berenis_lm_bool { \renewcommand{\sfdefault}{lmss} \renewcommand{\ttdefault}{lmtt} } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\zeroslash} % Based on definition of \ss from afm2pl manual page % \begin{macrocode} \cs_new_nopar:Npn \zeroslash { \tl_if_eq:NnTF \g__berenis_enc_tl { LY1 } { \setbox0\hbox{\char184}% \setbox1\hbox{\char24}% \ifnum\wd0=\wd1 \char48 \msg_warning:nnnn { berenis } { unavailable } { slashed ~ zero } { zero } \else \ifnum\wd0=0 \char48 \msg_warning:nnnn { berenis } { unavailable } { slashed ~ zero } { zero } \else\char184 \fi \fi } { \char48 \msg_warning:nnnn { berenis } { unavailable } { slashed ~ zero } { zero } } } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macrocode} \ExplSyntaxOff % \end{macrocode} %^^A paid â chynnwys \endinput - docstrip yn chwilio amddo fe yn arbennigol %^^A & bydd doctrip yn ei ychwanegu fe beth bynnag %^^A (Martin Scharrer: https://tex.stackexchange.com/a/28997/) % \begin{macrocode} %% end berenis.sty % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \let\MakePrivateLetters\OrigMakePrivateLetters % % The remaining files are not used directly, but either are or are required to generate the files which allow \TeX{} and \LaTeX{} to use the fonts. % The sources use \verb|fontforge| and \textsc{gnu} \verb|make| as explained in the (sparse) comments. % % \subsection{Font Definitions} % % These files define \LaTeXe{} font families. % There is no specific source for these files. % They were created based on similar files produced by \lpack{fontinst}, but they were not directly generated\footnote{% % I doubt I typed them. % I suppose I used some combination of \texttt{sed}, \texttt{vim}, \texttt{gawk} etc.}. % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd.fd}} % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrc8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdri8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbc8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbi8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd0.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd0> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd0.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd0}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd0.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd0.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd0.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd0}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr08y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb08y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd0}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd1.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd1> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd1.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd1}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd1.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd1.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd1.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd1}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr18y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb18y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd1}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd2.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd2> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd2.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd2}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd2.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd2.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd2.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd2}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr28y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb28y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2c8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2i8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ci8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd2j.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd2j.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd2j}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd2j.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd2j.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd2j.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd2j}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2j8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2j8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2j}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd2jw.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd2jw> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd2jw.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd2jw}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd2jw.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd2jw.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd2jw.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd2jw}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2jw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2jw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2jw}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2jw/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybd2w.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybd2w> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybd2w.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybd2w}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybd2w.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybd2w.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybd2w.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybd2w}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2w8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2iw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ciw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2w8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2iw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ciw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2w/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2w/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2w/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybd2w}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2w/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybdj.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybdj> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybdj.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybdj}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybdj.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybdj.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybdj.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybdj}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcj8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcij8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdj}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybdjw.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybdjw> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybdjw.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybdjw}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybdjw.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybdjw.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybdjw.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybdjw}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcjw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcijw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdjw/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybdjw/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybdjw/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdjw}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybdjw/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ly1ybdw.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ly1ybdw> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ly1ybdw.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ly1ybdw}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ly1ybdw.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ly1ybdw.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for LY1/ybdw.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{LY1}{ybdw}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdriw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrciw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbiw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbciw8y }{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdw/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybdw/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybdw/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{LY1}{ybdw}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybdw/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybd.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybd> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybd.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybd}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybd.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybd.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybd.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybd}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrc8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdri8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbc8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbi8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybd0.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybd0> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybd0.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybd0}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybd0.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybd0.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybd0.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybd0}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr08t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb08t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd0}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybd1.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybd1> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybd1.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybd1}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybd1.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybd1.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybd1.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybd1}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr18t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb18t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd1}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybd2.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybd2> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybd2.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybd2}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybd2.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybd2.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybd2.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybd2}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr28t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb28t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2c8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2i8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ci8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybd2j.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybd2j.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybd2j}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybd2j.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybd2j.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybd2j.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybd2j}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2j8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2j8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybd2j}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1ybdj.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-t1ybdj> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{t1ybdj.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{t1ybdj}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: t1ybdj.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{t1ybdj.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for T1/ybdj.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{T1}{ybdj}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcj8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcij8t }{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{T1}{ybdj}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybd.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybd> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybd.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybd}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybd.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybd.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybd.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybd}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrc8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdri8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbc8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbi8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybd0.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybd0> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybd0.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybd0}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybd0.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybd0.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybd0.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybd0}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr08c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr0ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb08c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb0ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd0}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd0/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybd1.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybd1> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybd1.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybd1}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybd1.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybd1.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybd1.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybd1}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr18c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr1ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb18c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb1ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd1}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd1/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybd2.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybd2> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybd2.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybd2}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybd2.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybd2.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybd2.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybd2}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr28c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb28c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2c8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2i8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ci8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybd2j.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybd2j.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybd2j}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybd2j.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybd2j.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybd2j.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybd2j}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2j8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2ij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdr2cij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2j8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2ij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdb2cij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybd2j}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybd2j/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1ybdj.fd}} % % % % \iffalse %<*fd-ts1ybdj> % \fi % \begin{fntdefn}{ts1ybdj.fd} % Font definitions: family \family{ts1ybdj}. % \begin{macrocode} %Filename: ts1ybdj.fd %Based on a file created using fontinst v1.928 %THIS FILE SHOULD BE PUT IN A TEX INPUTS DIRECTORY \ProvidesFile{ts1ybdj.fd} [0000/00/00 font definitions for TS1/ybdj.] % \end{macrocode} % addaswyd o t1phv.fd (dyddiad y ffeil fd: 2020-03-25) % \begin{macrocode} \expandafter\ifx\csname ybd@scale\endcsname\relax \let\ybd@@scale\@empty \else \edef\ybd@@scale{s*[\csname ybd@scale\endcsname]}% \fi \DeclareFontFamily{TS1}{ybdj}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdrcij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{n}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{sc}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcj8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{it}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{scit}{ <-> \ybd@@scale ybdbcij8c }{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{m}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/m/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{n}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/n}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{sc}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sc}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{it}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/it}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{sl}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/sl}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{scit}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{b}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/bx/scit}{} \DeclareFontShape{TS1}{ybdj}{bx}{si}{<->ssub * ybdj/b/si}{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{fntdefn} % \iffalse % % \fi % % % \subsection{Font Encodings} % These files define variant LY1, T1 and TS1 font encodings. % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybd.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybd> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybd.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybd. % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-cfr % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybd [ % 0 /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /dieresis /hungarumlaut /ring /caron % 8 /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright % 16 /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quotedblbase /guillemotleft /guillemotright /endash /emdash /compwordmark % 24 /zero.denominator /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl % 32 /visiblespace /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign.fitted /dollar.fitted /percent.fitted /ampersand /quoteright % 40 /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 48 /zero.fitted /one.fitted /two.fitted /three.fitted /four.fitted /five.fitted /six.fitted /seven.fitted % 56 /eight.fitted /nine.fitted /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 64 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G % 72 /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 80 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W % 88 /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 96 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g % 104 /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 112 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w % 120 /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /hyphenchar % 128 /Abreve /Aogonek /Cacute /Ccaron /Dcaron /Ecaron /Eogonek /Gbreve % 136 /Lacute /Lcaron /Lslash /Nacute /Ncaron /Eng /Ohungarumlaut /Racute % 144 /Rcaron /Sacute /Scaron /Scedilla /Tcaron /Tcedilla /Uhungarumlaut /Uring % 152 /Ydieresis /Zacute /Zcaron /Zdotaccent /IJ /Idotaccent /dcroat /section % 160 /abreve /aogonek /cacute /ccaron /dcaron /ecaron /eogonek /gbreve % 168 /lacute /lcaron /lslash /nacute /ncaron /eng /ohungarumlaut /racute % 176 /rcaron /sacute /scaron /scedilla /tcaron /tcedilla /uhungarumlaut /uring % 184 /ydieresis /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown /sterling.fitted % 192 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla % 200 /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 208 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /OE % 216 /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /SS % 224 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla % 232 /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 240 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /oe % 248 /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /germandbls ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybd.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybd0.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybd0> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybd0.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybd0. % Should probably be \texttt{fontinst-autoenc-t1-dotinferior} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-ybd0 % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybd0 [ % 0 /grave.inferior /acute.inferior /circumflex.inferior /tilde.inferior /dieresis.inferior /hungarumlaut.inferior /ring.inferior /caron.inferior % 8 /breve.inferior /macron.inferior /dotaccent.inferior /cedilla.inferior /ogonek.inferior /quotesinglbase.inferior /guilsinglleft.inferior /guilsinglright.inferior % 16 /quotedblleft.inferior /quotedblright.inferior /quotedblbase.inferior /guillemotleft.inferior /guillemotright.inferior /endash.inferior /emdash.inferior /compwordmark.inferior % 24 /zero.denominator.inferior /dotlessi.inferior /dotlessj.inferior /ff.inferior /fi.inferior /fl.inferior /ffi.inferior /ffl.inferior % 32 /visiblespace.inferior /exclam.inferior /quotedbl.inferior /numbersign.inferior /dollar.inferior /percent.inferior /ampersand.inferior /quoteright.inferior % 40 /parenleft.inferior /parenright.inferior /asterisk.inferior /plus.inferior /comma.inferior /hyphen.inferior /period.inferior /slash.inferior % 48 /zero.inferior /one.inferior /two.inferior /three.inferior /four.inferior /five.inferior /six.inferior /seven.inferior % 56 /eight.inferior /nine.inferior /colon.inferior /semicolon.inferior /less.inferior /equal.inferior /greater.inferior /question.inferior % 64 /at.inferior /A.inferior /B.inferior /C.inferior /D.inferior /E.inferior /F.inferior /G.inferior % 72 /H.inferior /I.inferior /J.inferior /K.inferior /L.inferior /M.inferior /N.inferior /O.inferior % 80 /P.inferior /Q.inferior /R.inferior /S.inferior /T.inferior /U.inferior /V.inferior /W.inferior % 88 /X.inferior /Y.inferior /Z.inferior /bracketleft.inferior /backslash.inferior /bracketright.inferior /asciicircum.inferior /underscore.inferior % 96 /quoteleft.inferior /a.inferior /b.inferior /c.inferior /d.inferior /e.inferior /f.inferior /g.inferior % 104 /h.inferior /i.inferior /j.inferior /k.inferior /l.inferior /m.inferior /n.inferior /o.inferior % 112 /p.inferior /q.inferior /r.inferior /s.inferior /t.inferior /u.inferior /v.inferior /w.inferior % 120 /x.inferior /y.inferior /z.inferior /braceleft.inferior /bar.inferior /braceright.inferior /asciitilde.inferior /hyphenchar.inferior % 128 /Abreve.inferior /Aogonek.inferior /Cacute.inferior /Ccaron.inferior /Dcaron.inferior /Ecaron.inferior /Eogonek.inferior /Gbreve.inferior % 136 /Lacute.inferior /Lcaron.inferior /Lslash.inferior /Nacute.inferior /Ncaron.inferior /Eng.inferior /Ohungarumlaut.inferior /Racute.inferior % 144 /Rcaron.inferior /Sacute.inferior /Scaron.inferior /Scedilla.inferior /Tcaron.inferior /Tcedilla.inferior /Uhungarumlaut.inferior /Uring.inferior % 152 /Ydieresis.inferior /Zacute.inferior /Zcaron.inferior /Zdotaccent.inferior /IJ.inferior /Idotaccent.inferior /dcroat.inferior /section.inferior % 160 /abreve.inferior /aogonek.inferior /cacute.inferior /ccaron.inferior /dcaron.inferior /ecaron.inferior /eogonek.inferior /gbreve.inferior % 168 /lacute.inferior /lcaron.inferior /lslash.inferior /nacute.inferior /ncaron.inferior /eng.inferior /ohungarumlaut.inferior /racute.inferior % 176 /rcaron.inferior /sacute.inferior /scaron.inferior /scedilla.inferior /tcaron.inferior /tcedilla.inferior /uhungarumlaut.inferior /uring.inferior % 184 /ydieresis.inferior /zacute.inferior /zcaron.inferior /zdotaccent.inferior /ij.inferior /exclamdown.inferior /questiondown.inferior /sterling.inferior % 192 /Agrave.inferior /Aacute.inferior /Acircumflex.inferior /Atilde.inferior /Adieresis.inferior /Aring.inferior /AE.inferior /Ccedilla.inferior % 200 /Egrave.inferior /Eacute.inferior /Ecircumflex.inferior /Edieresis.inferior /Igrave.inferior /Iacute.inferior /Icircumflex.inferior /Idieresis.inferior % 208 /Eth.inferior /Ntilde.inferior /Ograve.inferior /Oacute.inferior /Ocircumflex.inferior /Otilde.inferior /Odieresis.inferior /OE.inferior % 216 /Oslash.inferior /Ugrave.inferior /Uacute.inferior /Ucircumflex.inferior /Udieresis.inferior /Yacute.inferior /Thorn.inferior /SS.inferior % 224 /agrave.inferior /aacute.inferior /acircumflex.inferior /atilde.inferior /adieresis.inferior /aring.inferior /ae.inferior /ccedilla.inferior % 232 /egrave.inferior /eacute.inferior /ecircumflex.inferior /edieresis.inferior /igrave.inferior /iacute.inferior /icircumflex.inferior /idieresis.inferior % 240 /eth.inferior /ntilde.inferior /ograve.inferior /oacute.inferior /ocircumflex.inferior /otilde.inferior /odieresis.inferior /oe.inferior % 248 /oslash.inferior /ugrave.inferior /uacute.inferior /ucircumflex.inferior /udieresis.inferior /yacute.inferior /thorn.inferior /germandbls.inferior ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybd0.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybd1.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybd1> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybd1.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybd1. % Should probably be \texttt{fontinst-autoenc-t1-dotsuperior} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-ybd1 % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybd1 [ % 0 /grave.superior /acute.superior /circumflex.superior /tilde.superior /dieresis.superior /hungarumlaut.superior /ring.superior /caron.superior % 8 /breve.superior /macron.superior /dotaccent.superior /cedilla.superior /ogonek.superior /quotesinglbase.superior /guilsinglleft.superior /guilsinglright.superior % 16 /quotedblleft.superior /quotedblright.superior /quotedblbase.superior /guillemotleft.superior /guillemotright.superior /endash.superior /emdash.superior /compwordmark.superior % 24 /zero.denominator.superior /dotlessi.superior /dotlessj.superior /ff.superior /fi.superior /fl.superior /ffi.superior /ffl.superior % 32 /visiblespace.superior /exclam.superior /quotedbl.superior /numbersign.superior /dollar.superior /percent.superior /ampersand.superior /quoteright.superior % 40 /parenleft.superior /parenright.superior /asterisk.superior /plus.superior /comma.superior /hyphen.superior /period.superior /slash.superior % 48 /zero.superior /one.superior /two.superior /three.superior /four.superior /five.superior /six.superior /seven.superior % 56 /eight.superior /nine.superior /colon.superior /semicolon.superior /less.superior /equal.superior /greater.superior /question.superior % 64 /at.superior /A.superior /B.superior /C.superior /D.superior /E.superior /F.superior /G.superior % 72 /H.superior /I.superior /J.superior /K.superior /L.superior /M.superior /N.superior /O.superior % 80 /P.superior /Q.superior /R.superior /S.superior /T.superior /U.superior /V.superior /W.superior % 88 /X.superior /Y.superior /Z.superior /bracketleft.superior /backslash.superior /bracketright.superior /asciicircum.superior /underscore.superior % 96 /quoteleft.superior /a.superior /b.superior /c.superior /d.superior /e.superior /f.superior /g.superior % 104 /h.superior /i.superior /j.superior /k.superior /l.superior /m.superior /n.superior /o.superior % 112 /p.superior /q.superior /r.superior /s.superior /t.superior /u.superior /v.superior /w.superior % 120 /x.superior /y.superior /z.superior /braceleft.superior /bar.superior /braceright.superior /asciitilde.superior /hyphenchar.superior % 128 /Abreve.superior /Aogonek.superior /Cacute.superior /Ccaron.superior /Dcaron.superior /Ecaron.superior /Eogonek.superior /Gbreve.superior % 136 /Lacute.superior /Lcaron.superior /Lslash.superior /Nacute.superior /Ncaron.superior /Eng.superior /Ohungarumlaut.superior /Racute.superior % 144 /Rcaron.superior /Sacute.superior /Scaron.superior /Scedilla.superior /Tcaron.superior /Tcedilla.superior /Uhungarumlaut.superior /Uring.superior % 152 /Ydieresis.superior /Zacute.superior /Zcaron.superior /Zdotaccent.superior /IJ.superior /Idotaccent.superior /dcroat.superior /section.superior % 160 /abreve.superior /aogonek.superior /cacute.superior /ccaron.superior /dcaron.superior /ecaron.superior /eogonek.superior /gbreve.superior % 168 /lacute.superior /lcaron.superior /lslash.superior /nacute.superior /ncaron.superior /eng.superior /ohungarumlaut.superior /racute.superior % 176 /rcaron.superior /sacute.superior /scaron.superior /scedilla.superior /tcaron.superior /tcedilla.superior /uhungarumlaut.superior /uring.superior % 184 /ydieresis.superior /zacute.superior /zcaron.superior /zdotaccent.superior /ij.superior /exclamdown.superior /questiondown.superior /sterling.superior % 192 /Agrave.superior /Aacute.superior /Acircumflex.superior /Atilde.superior /Adieresis.superior /Aring.superior /AE.superior /Ccedilla.superior % 200 /Egrave.superior /Eacute.superior /Ecircumflex.superior /Edieresis.superior /Igrave.superior /Iacute.superior /Icircumflex.superior /Idieresis.superior % 208 /Eth.superior /Ntilde.superior /Ograve.superior /Oacute.superior /Ocircumflex.superior /Otilde.superior /Odieresis.superior /OE.superior % 216 /Oslash.superior /Ugrave.superior /Uacute.superior /Ucircumflex.superior /Udieresis.superior /Yacute.superior /Thorn.superior /SS.superior % 224 /agrave.superior /aacute.superior /acircumflex.superior /atilde.superior /adieresis.superior /aring.superior /ae.superior /ccedilla.superior % 232 /egrave.superior /eacute.superior /ecircumflex.superior /edieresis.superior /igrave.superior /iacute.superior /icircumflex.superior /idieresis.superior % 240 /eth.superior /ntilde.superior /ograve.superior /oacute.superior /ocircumflex.superior /otilde.superior /odieresis.superior /oe.superior % 248 /oslash.superior /ugrave.superior /uacute.superior /ucircumflex.superior /udieresis.superior /yacute.superior /thorn.superior /germandbls.superior ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybd1.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybd2.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybd2> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybd2.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybd2. % Should probably be \texttt{fontinst-autoenc-t1-cfr} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-ybd2 % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybd2 [ % 0 /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /dieresis /hungarumlaut /ring /caron % 8 /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright % 16 /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quotedblbase /guillemotleft /guillemotright /endash /emdash /compwordmark % 24 /zero.denominator /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl % 32 /visiblespace /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quoteright % 40 /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 48 /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven % 56 /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 64 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G % 72 /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 80 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W % 88 /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 96 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g % 104 /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 112 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w % 120 /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /hyphenchar % 128 /Abreve /Aogonek /Cacute /Ccaron /Dcaron /Ecaron /Eogonek /Gbreve % 136 /Lacute /Lcaron /Lslash /Nacute /Ncaron /Eng /Ohungarumlaut /Racute % 144 /Rcaron /Sacute /Scaron /Scedilla /Tcaron /Tcedilla /Uhungarumlaut /Uring % 152 /Ydieresis /Zacute /Zcaron /Zdotaccent /IJ /Idotaccent /dcroat /section % 160 /abreve /aogonek /cacute /ccaron /dcaron /ecaron /eogonek /gbreve % 168 /lacute /lcaron /lslash /nacute /ncaron /eng /ohungarumlaut /racute % 176 /rcaron /sacute /scaron /scedilla /tcaron /tcedilla /uhungarumlaut /uring % 184 /ydieresis /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown /sterling % 192 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla % 200 /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 208 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /OE % 216 /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /SS % 224 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla % 232 /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 240 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /oe % 248 /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /germandbls ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybd2.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybd2j.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybd2j.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybd2j. % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-cfr % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybd2j [ % 0 /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /dieresis /hungarumlaut /ring /caron % 8 /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright % 16 /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quotedblbase /guillemotleft /guillemotright /endash /emdash /compwordmark % 24 /zero.denominator /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl % 32 /visiblespace /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign.oldstyle /dollar.oldstyle /percent.oldstyle /ampersand /quoteright % 40 /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 48 /zero.oldstyle /one.oldstyle /two.oldstyle /three.oldstyle /four.oldstyle /five.oldstyle /six.oldstyle /seven.oldstyle % 56 /eight.oldstyle /nine.oldstyle /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 64 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G % 72 /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 80 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W % 88 /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 96 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g % 104 /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 112 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w % 120 /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /hyphenchar % 128 /Abreve /Aogonek /Cacute /Ccaron /Dcaron /Ecaron /Eogonek /Gbreve % 136 /Lacute /Lcaron /Lslash /Nacute /Ncaron /Eng /Ohungarumlaut /Racute % 144 /Rcaron /Sacute /Scaron /Scedilla /Tcaron /Tcedilla /Uhungarumlaut /Uring % 152 /Ydieresis /Zacute /Zcaron /Zdotaccent /IJ /Idotaccent /dcroat /section % 160 /abreve /aogonek /cacute /ccaron /dcaron /ecaron /eogonek /gbreve % 168 /lacute /lcaron /lslash /nacute /ncaron /eng /ohungarumlaut /racute % 176 /rcaron /sacute /scaron /scedilla /tcaron /tcedilla /uhungarumlaut /uring % 184 /ydieresis /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown /sterling.oldstyle % 192 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla % 200 /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 208 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /OE % 216 /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /SS % 224 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla % 232 /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 240 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /oe % 248 /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /germandbls ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybd2j.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{t1-ybdj.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-t1-ybdj> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{t1-ybdj.enc} % Font encoding t1-ybdj. % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-t1-cfr % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /t1-ybdj [ % 0 /grave /acute /circumflex /tilde /dieresis /hungarumlaut /ring /caron % 8 /breve /macron /dotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright % 16 /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quotedblbase /guillemotleft /guillemotright /endash /emdash /compwordmark % 24 /zero.denominator /dotlessi /dotlessj /ff /fi /fl /ffi /ffl % 32 /visiblespace /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign.taboldstyle /dollar.taboldstyle /percent.taboldstyle /ampersand /quoteright % 40 /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash % 48 /zero.taboldstyle /one.taboldstyle /two.taboldstyle /three.taboldstyle /four.taboldstyle /five.taboldstyle /six.taboldstyle /seven.taboldstyle % 56 /eight.taboldstyle /nine.taboldstyle /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question % 64 /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G % 72 /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O % 80 /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W % 88 /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore % 96 /quoteleft /a /b /c /d /e /f /g % 104 /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o % 112 /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w % 120 /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /hyphenchar % 128 /Abreve /Aogonek /Cacute /Ccaron /Dcaron /Ecaron /Eogonek /Gbreve % 136 /Lacute /Lcaron /Lslash /Nacute /Ncaron /Eng /Ohungarumlaut /Racute % 144 /Rcaron /Sacute /Scaron /Scedilla /Tcaron /Tcedilla /Uhungarumlaut /Uring % 152 /Ydieresis /Zacute /Zcaron /Zdotaccent /IJ /Idotaccent /dcroat /section % 160 /abreve /aogonek /cacute /ccaron /dcaron /ecaron /eogonek /gbreve % 168 /lacute /lcaron /lslash /nacute /ncaron /eng /ohungarumlaut /racute % 176 /rcaron /sacute /scaron /scedilla /tcaron /tcedilla /uhungarumlaut /uring % 184 /ydieresis /zacute /zcaron /zdotaccent /ij /exclamdown /questiondown /sterling.taboldstyle % 192 /Agrave /Aacute /Acircumflex /Atilde /Adieresis /Aring /AE /Ccedilla % 200 /Egrave /Eacute /Ecircumflex /Edieresis /Igrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis % 208 /Eth /Ntilde /Ograve /Oacute /Ocircumflex /Otilde /Odieresis /OE % 216 /Oslash /Ugrave /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Udieresis /Yacute /Thorn /SS % 224 /agrave /aacute /acircumflex /atilde /adieresis /aring /ae /ccedilla % 232 /egrave /eacute /ecircumflex /edieresis /igrave /iacute /icircumflex /idieresis % 240 /eth /ntilde /ograve /oacute /ocircumflex /otilde /odieresis /oe % 248 /oslash /ugrave /uacute /ucircumflex /udieresis /yacute /thorn /germandbls ] def %%EndResource % % End of file t1-ybdj.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybd.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybd> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybd.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybd. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd [ % now 256 chars follow /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro.fitted % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction % 0x04 4 /dotaccent % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut % 0x06 6 /ogonek % 0x07 7 /fl % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff % 0x0B 11 /fi % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi % 0x0E 14 /ffl % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi % 0x10 16 /dotlessj % 0x11 17 /grave % 0x12 18 /acute % 0x13 19 /caron % 0x14 20 /breve % 0x15 21 /macron % 0x16 22 /ring % 0x17 23 /cedilla % 0x18 24 /germandbls % 0x19 25 /ae % 0x1A 26 /oe % 0x1B 27 /oslash % 0x1C 28 /AE % 0x1D 29 /OE % 0x1E 30 /Oslash % 0x1F 31 /space % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 0x21 33 /quotedbl % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.fitted % 0x23 35 /dollar.fitted % 0x24 36 /percent.fitted % 0x25 37 /ampersand % 0x26 38 /quoteright % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 0x28 40 /parenright % 0x29 41 /asterisk % 0x2A 42 /plus % 0x2B 43 /comma % 0x2C 44 /hyphen % 0x2D 45 /period % 0x2E 46 /slash % 0x2F 47 /zero.fitted % 0x30 48 /one.fitted % 0x31 49 /two.fitted % 0x32 50 /three.fitted % 0x33 51 /four.fitted % 0x34 52 /five.fitted % 0x35 53 /six.fitted % 0x36 54 /seven.fitted % 0x37 55 /eight.fitted % 0x38 56 /nine.fitted % 0x39 57 /colon % 0x3A 58 /semicolon % 0x3B 59 /less % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 0x3D 61 /greater % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question % 0x3F 63 /at % 0x40 64 /A % 0x41 65 /B % 0x42 66 /C % 0x43 67 /D % 0x44 68 /E % 0x45 69 /F % 0x46 70 /G % 0x47 71 /H % 0x48 72 /I % 0x49 73 /J % 0x4A 74 /K % 0x4B 75 /L % 0x4C 76 /M % 0x4D 77 /N % 0x4E 78 /O % 0x4F 79 /P % 0x50 80 /Q % 0x51 81 /R % 0x52 82 /S % 0x53 83 /T % 0x54 84 /U % 0x55 85 /V % 0x56 86 /W % 0x57 87 /X % 0x58 88 /Y % 0x59 89 /Z % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft % 0x5B 91 /backslash % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 0x5D 93 /circumflex % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a % 0x61 97 /b % 0x62 98 /c % 0x63 99 /d % 0x64 100 /e % 0x65 101 /f % 0x66 102 /g % 0x67 103 /h % 0x68 104 /i % 0x69 105 /j % 0x6A 106 /k % 0x6B 107 /l % 0x6C 108 /m % 0x6D 109 /n % 0x6E 110 /o % 0x6F 111 /p % 0x70 112 /q % 0x71 113 /r % 0x72 114 /s % 0x73 115 /t % 0x74 116 /u % 0x75 117 /v % 0x76 118 /w % 0x77 119 /x % 0x78 120 /y % 0x79 121 /z % 0x7A 122 /braceleft % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase % 0x82 130 /florin % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase % 0x84 132 /ellipsis % 0x85 133 /dagger % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl % 0x87 135 /circumflex % 0x88 136 /perthousand % 0x89 137 /Scaron % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft % 0x8B 139 /OE % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum % 0x8E 142 /minus % 0x8F 143 /lslash % 0x90 144 /quoteleft % 0x91 145 /quoteright % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft % 0x93 147 /quotedblright % 0x94 148 /bullet % 0x95 149 /endash % 0x96 150 /emdash % 0x97 151 /tilde % 0x98 152 /trademark % 0x99 153 /scaron % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright % 0x9B 155 /oe % 0x9C 156 /zcaron % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis % 0x9F 159 /nbspace % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown % 0xA1 161 /cent.fitted % 0xA2 162 /sterling.fitted % 0xA3 163 /currency % 0xA4 164 /yen.fitted % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar % 0xA6 166 /section % 0xA7 167 /dieresis % 0xA8 168 /copyright % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 0xAE 174 /macron % 0xAF 175 /degree % 0xB0 176 /plusminus % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute % 0xB4 180 /mu % 0xB5 181 /paragraph % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered % 0xB7 183 /cedilla % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright % 0xBB 187 /onequarter % 0xBC 188 /onehalf % 0xBD 189 /threequarters % 0xBE 190 /questiondown % 0xBF 191 /Agrave % 0xC0 192 /Aacute % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex % 0xC2 194 /Atilde % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis % 0xC4 196 /Aring % 0xC5 197 /AE % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla % 0xC7 199 /Egrave % 0xC8 200 /Eacute % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis % 0xCB 203 /Igrave % 0xCC 204 /Iacute % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis % 0xCF 207 /Eth % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde % 0xD1 209 /Ograve % 0xD2 210 /Oacute % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex % 0xD4 212 /Otilde % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis % 0xD6 214 /multiply % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave % 0xD9 217 /Uacute % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis % 0xDC 220 /Yacute % 0xDD 221 /Thorn % 0xDE 222 /germandbls % 0xDF 223 /agrave % 0xE0 224 /aacute % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex % 0xE2 226 /atilde % 0xE3 227 /adieresis % 0xE4 228 /aring % 0xE5 229 /ae % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla % 0xE7 231 /egrave % 0xE8 232 /eacute % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex % 0xEA 234 /edieresis % 0xEB 235 /igrave % 0xEC 236 /iacute % 0xED 237 /icircumflex % 0xEE 238 /idieresis % 0xEF 239 /eth % 0xF0 240 /ntilde % 0xF1 241 /ograve % 0xF2 242 /oacute % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex % 0xF4 244 /otilde % 0xF5 245 /odieresis % 0xF6 246 /divide % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash % 0xF8 248 /ugrave % 0xF9 249 /uacute % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex % 0xFB 251 /udieresis % 0xFC 252 /yacute % 0xFD 253 /thorn % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybd0.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybd0> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybd0.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybd0. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd0 [ % now 256 chars follow /fj.inferior % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro.inferior % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj.inferior % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex.inferior % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction.inferior % 0x04 4 /dotaccent.inferior % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut.inferior % 0x06 6 /ogonek.inferior % 0x07 7 /fl.inferior % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex.inferior % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex.inferior % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff.inferior % 0x0B 11 /fi.inferior % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex.inferior % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi.inferior % 0x0E 14 /ffl.inferior % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi.inferior % 0x10 16 /dotlessj.inferior % 0x11 17 /grave.inferior % 0x12 18 /acute.inferior % 0x13 19 /caron.inferior % 0x14 20 /breve.inferior % 0x15 21 /macron.inferior % 0x16 22 /ring.inferior % 0x17 23 /cedilla.inferior % 0x18 24 /germandbls.inferior % 0x19 25 /ae.inferior % 0x1A 26 /oe.inferior % 0x1B 27 /oslash.inferior % 0x1C 28 /AE.inferior % 0x1D 29 /OE.inferior % 0x1E 30 /Oslash.inferior % 0x1F 31 /space.inferior % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam.inferior % 0x21 33 /quotedbl.inferior % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.inferior % 0x23 35 /dollar.inferior % 0x24 36 /percent.inferior % 0x25 37 /ampersand.inferior % 0x26 38 /quoteright.inferior % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft.inferior % 0x28 40 /parenright.inferior % 0x29 41 /asterisk.inferior % 0x2A 42 /plus.inferior % 0x2B 43 /comma.inferior % 0x2C 44 /hyphen.inferior % 0x2D 45 /period.inferior % 0x2E 46 /slash.inferior % 0x2F 47 /zero.inferior % 0x30 48 /one.inferior % 0x31 49 /two.inferior % 0x32 50 /three.inferior % 0x33 51 /four.inferior % 0x34 52 /five.inferior % 0x35 53 /six.inferior % 0x36 54 /seven.inferior % 0x37 55 /eight.inferior % 0x38 56 /nine.inferior % 0x39 57 /colon.inferior % 0x3A 58 /semicolon.inferior % 0x3B 59 /less.inferior % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal.inferior % 0x3D 61 /greater.inferior % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question.inferior % 0x3F 63 /at.inferior % 0x40 64 /A.inferior % 0x41 65 /B.inferior % 0x42 66 /C.inferior % 0x43 67 /D.inferior % 0x44 68 /E.inferior % 0x45 69 /F.inferior % 0x46 70 /G.inferior % 0x47 71 /H.inferior % 0x48 72 /I.inferior % 0x49 73 /J.inferior % 0x4A 74 /K.inferior % 0x4B 75 /L.inferior % 0x4C 76 /M.inferior % 0x4D 77 /N.inferior % 0x4E 78 /O.inferior % 0x4F 79 /P.inferior % 0x50 80 /Q.inferior % 0x51 81 /R.inferior % 0x52 82 /S.inferior % 0x53 83 /T.inferior % 0x54 84 /U.inferior % 0x55 85 /V.inferior % 0x56 86 /W.inferior % 0x57 87 /X.inferior % 0x58 88 /Y.inferior % 0x59 89 /Z.inferior % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft.inferior % 0x5B 91 /backslash.inferior % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright.inferior % 0x5D 93 /circumflex.inferior % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore.inferior % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft.inferior % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a.inferior % 0x61 97 /b.inferior % 0x62 98 /c.inferior % 0x63 99 /d.inferior % 0x64 100 /e.inferior % 0x65 101 /f.inferior % 0x66 102 /g.inferior % 0x67 103 /h.inferior % 0x68 104 /i.inferior % 0x69 105 /j.inferior % 0x6A 106 /k.inferior % 0x6B 107 /l.inferior % 0x6C 108 /m.inferior % 0x6D 109 /n.inferior % 0x6E 110 /o.inferior % 0x6F 111 /p.inferior % 0x70 112 /q.inferior % 0x71 113 /r.inferior % 0x72 114 /s.inferior % 0x73 115 /t.inferior % 0x74 116 /u.inferior % 0x75 117 /v.inferior % 0x76 118 /w.inferior % 0x77 119 /x.inferior % 0x78 120 /y.inferior % 0x79 121 /z.inferior % 0x7A 122 /braceleft.inferior % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar.inferior % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright.inferior % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde.inferior % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis.inferior % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash.inferior % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle.inferior % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase.inferior % 0x82 130 /florin.inferior % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase.inferior % 0x84 132 /ellipsis.inferior % 0x85 133 /dagger.inferior % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl.inferior % 0x87 135 /circumflex.inferior % 0x88 136 /perthousand.inferior % 0x89 137 /Scaron.inferior % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft.inferior % 0x8B 139 /OE.inferior % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron.inferior % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum.inferior % 0x8E 142 /minus.inferior % 0x8F 143 /lslash.inferior % 0x90 144 /quoteleft.inferior % 0x91 145 /quoteright.inferior % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft.inferior % 0x93 147 /quotedblright.inferior % 0x94 148 /bullet.inferior % 0x95 149 /endash.inferior % 0x96 150 /emdash.inferior % 0x97 151 /tilde.inferior % 0x98 152 /trademark.inferior % 0x99 153 /scaron.inferior % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright.inferior % 0x9B 155 /oe.inferior % 0x9C 156 /zcaron.inferior % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde.inferior % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis.inferior % 0x9F 159 /nbspace.inferior % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown.inferior % 0xA1 161 /cent.inferior % 0xA2 162 /sterling.inferior % 0xA3 163 /currency.inferior % 0xA4 164 /yen.inferior % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar.inferior % 0xA6 166 /section.inferior % 0xA7 167 /dieresis.inferior % 0xA8 168 /copyright.inferior % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine.inferior % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft.inferior % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot.inferior % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen.inferior % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered.inferior % 0xAE 174 /macron.inferior % 0xAF 175 /degree.inferior % 0xB0 176 /plusminus.inferior % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute.inferior % 0xB4 180 /mu.inferior % 0xB5 181 /paragraph.inferior % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered.inferior % 0xB7 183 /cedilla.inferior % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine.inferior % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright.inferior % 0xBB 187 /onequarter.inferior % 0xBC 188 /onehalf.inferior % 0xBD 189 /threequarters.inferior % 0xBE 190 /questiondown.inferior % 0xBF 191 /Agrave.inferior % 0xC0 192 /Aacute.inferior % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex.inferior % 0xC2 194 /Atilde.inferior % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis.inferior % 0xC4 196 /Aring.inferior % 0xC5 197 /AE.inferior % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla.inferior % 0xC7 199 /Egrave.inferior % 0xC8 200 /Eacute.inferior % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex.inferior % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis.inferior % 0xCB 203 /Igrave.inferior % 0xCC 204 /Iacute.inferior % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex.inferior % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis.inferior % 0xCF 207 /Eth.inferior % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde.inferior % 0xD1 209 /Ograve.inferior % 0xD2 210 /Oacute.inferior % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex.inferior % 0xD4 212 /Otilde.inferior % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis.inferior % 0xD6 214 /multiply.inferior % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash.inferior % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave.inferior % 0xD9 217 /Uacute.inferior % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex.inferior % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis.inferior % 0xDC 220 /Yacute.inferior % 0xDD 221 /Thorn.inferior % 0xDE 222 /germandbls.inferior % 0xDF 223 /agrave.inferior % 0xE0 224 /aacute.inferior % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex.inferior % 0xE2 226 /atilde.inferior % 0xE3 227 /adieresis.inferior % 0xE4 228 /aring.inferior % 0xE5 229 /ae.inferior % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla.inferior % 0xE7 231 /egrave.inferior % 0xE8 232 /eacute.inferior % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex.inferior % 0xEA 234 /edieresis.inferior % 0xEB 235 /igrave.inferior % 0xEC 236 /iacute.inferior % 0xED 237 /icircumflex.inferior % 0xEE 238 /idieresis.inferior % 0xEF 239 /eth.inferior % 0xF0 240 /ntilde.inferior % 0xF1 241 /ograve.inferior % 0xF2 242 /oacute.inferior % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex.inferior % 0xF4 244 /otilde.inferior % 0xF5 245 /odieresis.inferior % 0xF6 246 /divide.inferior % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash.inferior % 0xF8 248 /ugrave.inferior % 0xF9 249 /uacute.inferior % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex.inferior % 0xFB 251 /udieresis.inferior % 0xFC 252 /yacute.inferior % 0xFD 253 /thorn.inferior % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis.inferior % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybd1.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybd1> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybd1.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybd1. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd1 [ % now 256 chars follow /fj.superior % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro.superior % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj.superior % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex.superior % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction.superior % 0x04 4 /dotaccent.superior % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut.superior % 0x06 6 /ogonek.superior % 0x07 7 /fl.superior % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex.superior % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex.superior % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff.superior % 0x0B 11 /fi.superior % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex.superior % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi.superior % 0x0E 14 /ffl.superior % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi.superior % 0x10 16 /dotlessj.superior % 0x11 17 /grave.superior % 0x12 18 /acute.superior % 0x13 19 /caron.superior % 0x14 20 /breve.superior % 0x15 21 /macron.superior % 0x16 22 /ring.superior % 0x17 23 /cedilla.superior % 0x18 24 /germandbls.superior % 0x19 25 /ae.superior % 0x1A 26 /oe.superior % 0x1B 27 /oslash.superior % 0x1C 28 /AE.superior % 0x1D 29 /OE.superior % 0x1E 30 /Oslash.superior % 0x1F 31 /space.superior % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam.superior % 0x21 33 /quotedbl.superior % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.superior % 0x23 35 /dollar.superior % 0x24 36 /percent.superior % 0x25 37 /ampersand.superior % 0x26 38 /quoteright.superior % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft.superior % 0x28 40 /parenright.superior % 0x29 41 /asterisk.superior % 0x2A 42 /plus.superior % 0x2B 43 /comma.superior % 0x2C 44 /hyphen.superior % 0x2D 45 /period.superior % 0x2E 46 /slash.superior % 0x2F 47 /zero.superior % 0x30 48 /one.superior % 0x31 49 /two.superior % 0x32 50 /three.superior % 0x33 51 /four.superior % 0x34 52 /five.superior % 0x35 53 /six.superior % 0x36 54 /seven.superior % 0x37 55 /eight.superior % 0x38 56 /nine.superior % 0x39 57 /colon.superior % 0x3A 58 /semicolon.superior % 0x3B 59 /less.superior % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal.superior % 0x3D 61 /greater.superior % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question.superior % 0x3F 63 /at.superior % 0x40 64 /A.superior % 0x41 65 /B.superior % 0x42 66 /C.superior % 0x43 67 /D.superior % 0x44 68 /E.superior % 0x45 69 /F.superior % 0x46 70 /G.superior % 0x47 71 /H.superior % 0x48 72 /I.superior % 0x49 73 /J.superior % 0x4A 74 /K.superior % 0x4B 75 /L.superior % 0x4C 76 /M.superior % 0x4D 77 /N.superior % 0x4E 78 /O.superior % 0x4F 79 /P.superior % 0x50 80 /Q.superior % 0x51 81 /R.superior % 0x52 82 /S.superior % 0x53 83 /T.superior % 0x54 84 /U.superior % 0x55 85 /V.superior % 0x56 86 /W.superior % 0x57 87 /X.superior % 0x58 88 /Y.superior % 0x59 89 /Z.superior % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft.superior % 0x5B 91 /backslash.superior % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright.superior % 0x5D 93 /circumflex.superior % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore.superior % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft.superior % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a.superior % 0x61 97 /b.superior % 0x62 98 /c.superior % 0x63 99 /d.superior % 0x64 100 /e.superior % 0x65 101 /f.superior % 0x66 102 /g.superior % 0x67 103 /h.superior % 0x68 104 /i.superior % 0x69 105 /j.superior % 0x6A 106 /k.superior % 0x6B 107 /l.superior % 0x6C 108 /m.superior % 0x6D 109 /n.superior % 0x6E 110 /o.superior % 0x6F 111 /p.superior % 0x70 112 /q.superior % 0x71 113 /r.superior % 0x72 114 /s.superior % 0x73 115 /t.superior % 0x74 116 /u.superior % 0x75 117 /v.superior % 0x76 118 /w.superior % 0x77 119 /x.superior % 0x78 120 /y.superior % 0x79 121 /z.superior % 0x7A 122 /braceleft.superior % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar.superior % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright.superior % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde.superior % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis.superior % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash.superior % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle.superior % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase.superior % 0x82 130 /florin.superior % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase.superior % 0x84 132 /ellipsis.superior % 0x85 133 /dagger.superior % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl.superior % 0x87 135 /circumflex.superior % 0x88 136 /perthousand.superior % 0x89 137 /Scaron.superior % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft.superior % 0x8B 139 /OE.superior % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron.superior % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum.superior % 0x8E 142 /minus.superior % 0x8F 143 /lslash.superior % 0x90 144 /quoteleft.superior % 0x91 145 /quoteright.superior % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft.superior % 0x93 147 /quotedblright.superior % 0x94 148 /bullet.superior % 0x95 149 /endash.superior % 0x96 150 /emdash.superior % 0x97 151 /tilde.superior % 0x98 152 /trademark.superior % 0x99 153 /scaron.superior % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright.superior % 0x9B 155 /oe.superior % 0x9C 156 /zcaron.superior % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde.superior % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis.superior % 0x9F 159 /nbspace.superior % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown.superior % 0xA1 161 /cent.superior % 0xA2 162 /sterling.superior % 0xA3 163 /currency.superior % 0xA4 164 /yen.superior % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar.superior % 0xA6 166 /section.superior % 0xA7 167 /dieresis.superior % 0xA8 168 /copyright.superior % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine.superior % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft.superior % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot.superior % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen.superior % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered.superior % 0xAE 174 /macron.superior % 0xAF 175 /degree.superior % 0xB0 176 /plusminus.superior % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute.superior % 0xB4 180 /mu.superior % 0xB5 181 /paragraph.superior % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered.superior % 0xB7 183 /cedilla.superior % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine.superior % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright.superior % 0xBB 187 /onequarter.superior % 0xBC 188 /onehalf.superior % 0xBD 189 /threequarters.superior % 0xBE 190 /questiondown.superior % 0xBF 191 /Agrave.superior % 0xC0 192 /Aacute.superior % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex.superior % 0xC2 194 /Atilde.superior % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis.superior % 0xC4 196 /Aring.superior % 0xC5 197 /AE.superior % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla.superior % 0xC7 199 /Egrave.superior % 0xC8 200 /Eacute.superior % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex.superior % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis.superior % 0xCB 203 /Igrave.superior % 0xCC 204 /Iacute.superior % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex.superior % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis.superior % 0xCF 207 /Eth.superior % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde.superior % 0xD1 209 /Ograve.superior % 0xD2 210 /Oacute.superior % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex.superior % 0xD4 212 /Otilde.superior % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis.superior % 0xD6 214 /multiply.superior % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash.superior % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave.superior % 0xD9 217 /Uacute.superior % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex.superior % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis.superior % 0xDC 220 /Yacute.superior % 0xDD 221 /Thorn.superior % 0xDE 222 /germandbls.superior % 0xDF 223 /agrave.superior % 0xE0 224 /aacute.superior % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex.superior % 0xE2 226 /atilde.superior % 0xE3 227 /adieresis.superior % 0xE4 228 /aring.superior % 0xE5 229 /ae.superior % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla.superior % 0xE7 231 /egrave.superior % 0xE8 232 /eacute.superior % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex.superior % 0xEA 234 /edieresis.superior % 0xEB 235 /igrave.superior % 0xEC 236 /iacute.superior % 0xED 237 /icircumflex.superior % 0xEE 238 /idieresis.superior % 0xEF 239 /eth.superior % 0xF0 240 /ntilde.superior % 0xF1 241 /ograve.superior % 0xF2 242 /oacute.superior % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex.superior % 0xF4 244 /otilde.superior % 0xF5 245 /odieresis.superior % 0xF6 246 /divide.superior % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash.superior % 0xF8 248 /ugrave.superior % 0xF9 249 /uacute.superior % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex.superior % 0xFB 251 /udieresis.superior % 0xFC 252 /yacute.superior % 0xFD 253 /thorn.superior % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis.superior % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybd2.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybd2> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybd2.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybd2. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd2 [ % now 256 chars follow /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction % 0x04 4 /dotaccent % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut % 0x06 6 /ogonek % 0x07 7 /fl % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff % 0x0B 11 /fi % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi % 0x0E 14 /ffl % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi % 0x10 16 /dotlessj % 0x11 17 /grave % 0x12 18 /acute % 0x13 19 /caron % 0x14 20 /breve % 0x15 21 /macron % 0x16 22 /ring % 0x17 23 /cedilla % 0x18 24 /germandbls % 0x19 25 /ae % 0x1A 26 /oe % 0x1B 27 /oslash % 0x1C 28 /AE % 0x1D 29 /OE % 0x1E 30 /Oslash % 0x1F 31 /space % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 0x21 33 /quotedbl % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign % 0x23 35 /dollar % 0x24 36 /percent % 0x25 37 /ampersand % 0x26 38 /quoteright % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 0x28 40 /parenright % 0x29 41 /asterisk % 0x2A 42 /plus % 0x2B 43 /comma % 0x2C 44 /hyphen % 0x2D 45 /period % 0x2E 46 /slash % 0x2F 47 /zero % 0x30 48 /one % 0x31 49 /two % 0x32 50 /three % 0x33 51 /four % 0x34 52 /five % 0x35 53 /six % 0x36 54 /seven % 0x37 55 /eight % 0x38 56 /nine % 0x39 57 /colon % 0x3A 58 /semicolon % 0x3B 59 /less % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 0x3D 61 /greater % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question % 0x3F 63 /at % 0x40 64 /A % 0x41 65 /B % 0x42 66 /C % 0x43 67 /D % 0x44 68 /E % 0x45 69 /F % 0x46 70 /G % 0x47 71 /H % 0x48 72 /I % 0x49 73 /J % 0x4A 74 /K % 0x4B 75 /L % 0x4C 76 /M % 0x4D 77 /N % 0x4E 78 /O % 0x4F 79 /P % 0x50 80 /Q % 0x51 81 /R % 0x52 82 /S % 0x53 83 /T % 0x54 84 /U % 0x55 85 /V % 0x56 86 /W % 0x57 87 /X % 0x58 88 /Y % 0x59 89 /Z % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft % 0x5B 91 /backslash % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 0x5D 93 /circumflex % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a % 0x61 97 /b % 0x62 98 /c % 0x63 99 /d % 0x64 100 /e % 0x65 101 /f % 0x66 102 /g % 0x67 103 /h % 0x68 104 /i % 0x69 105 /j % 0x6A 106 /k % 0x6B 107 /l % 0x6C 108 /m % 0x6D 109 /n % 0x6E 110 /o % 0x6F 111 /p % 0x70 112 /q % 0x71 113 /r % 0x72 114 /s % 0x73 115 /t % 0x74 116 /u % 0x75 117 /v % 0x76 118 /w % 0x77 119 /x % 0x78 120 /y % 0x79 121 /z % 0x7A 122 /braceleft % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase % 0x82 130 /florin % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase % 0x84 132 /ellipsis % 0x85 133 /dagger % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl % 0x87 135 /circumflex % 0x88 136 /perthousand % 0x89 137 /Scaron % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft % 0x8B 139 /OE % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum % 0x8E 142 /minus % 0x8F 143 /lslash % 0x90 144 /quoteleft % 0x91 145 /quoteright % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft % 0x93 147 /quotedblright % 0x94 148 /bullet % 0x95 149 /endash % 0x96 150 /emdash % 0x97 151 /tilde % 0x98 152 /trademark % 0x99 153 /scaron % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright % 0x9B 155 /oe % 0x9C 156 /zcaron % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis % 0x9F 159 /nbspace % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown % 0xA1 161 /cent % 0xA2 162 /sterling % 0xA3 163 /currency % 0xA4 164 /yen % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar % 0xA6 166 /section % 0xA7 167 /dieresis % 0xA8 168 /copyright % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 0xAE 174 /macron % 0xAF 175 /degree % 0xB0 176 /plusminus % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute % 0xB4 180 /mu % 0xB5 181 /paragraph % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered % 0xB7 183 /cedilla % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright % 0xBB 187 /onequarter % 0xBC 188 /onehalf % 0xBD 189 /threequarters % 0xBE 190 /questiondown % 0xBF 191 /Agrave % 0xC0 192 /Aacute % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex % 0xC2 194 /Atilde % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis % 0xC4 196 /Aring % 0xC5 197 /AE % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla % 0xC7 199 /Egrave % 0xC8 200 /Eacute % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis % 0xCB 203 /Igrave % 0xCC 204 /Iacute % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis % 0xCF 207 /Eth % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde % 0xD1 209 /Ograve % 0xD2 210 /Oacute % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex % 0xD4 212 /Otilde % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis % 0xD6 214 /multiply % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave % 0xD9 217 /Uacute % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis % 0xDC 220 /Yacute % 0xDD 221 /Thorn % 0xDE 222 /germandbls % 0xDF 223 /agrave % 0xE0 224 /aacute % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex % 0xE2 226 /atilde % 0xE3 227 /adieresis % 0xE4 228 /aring % 0xE5 229 /ae % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla % 0xE7 231 /egrave % 0xE8 232 /eacute % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex % 0xEA 234 /edieresis % 0xEB 235 /igrave % 0xEC 236 /iacute % 0xED 237 /icircumflex % 0xEE 238 /idieresis % 0xEF 239 /eth % 0xF0 240 /ntilde % 0xF1 241 /ograve % 0xF2 242 /oacute % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex % 0xF4 244 /otilde % 0xF5 245 /odieresis % 0xF6 246 /divide % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash % 0xF8 248 /ugrave % 0xF9 249 /uacute % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex % 0xFB 251 /udieresis % 0xFC 252 /yacute % 0xFD 253 /thorn % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybd2j.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybd2j.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybd2j. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd2j [ % now 256 chars follow /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro.oldstyle % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction % 0x04 4 /dotaccent % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut % 0x06 6 /ogonek % 0x07 7 /fl % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff % 0x0B 11 /fi % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi % 0x0E 14 /ffl % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi % 0x10 16 /dotlessj % 0x11 17 /grave % 0x12 18 /acute % 0x13 19 /caron % 0x14 20 /breve % 0x15 21 /macron % 0x16 22 /ring % 0x17 23 /cedilla % 0x18 24 /germandbls % 0x19 25 /ae % 0x1A 26 /oe % 0x1B 27 /oslash % 0x1C 28 /AE % 0x1D 29 /OE % 0x1E 30 /Oslash % 0x1F 31 /space % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 0x21 33 /quotedbl % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.oldstyle % 0x23 35 /dollar.oldstyle % 0x24 36 /percent.oldstyle % 0x25 37 /ampersand % 0x26 38 /quoteright % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 0x28 40 /parenright % 0x29 41 /asterisk % 0x2A 42 /plus % 0x2B 43 /comma % 0x2C 44 /hyphen % 0x2D 45 /period % 0x2E 46 /slash % 0x2F 47 /zero.oldstyle % 0x30 48 /one.oldstyle % 0x31 49 /two.oldstyle % 0x32 50 /three.oldstyle % 0x33 51 /four.oldstyle % 0x34 52 /five.oldstyle % 0x35 53 /six.oldstyle % 0x36 54 /seven.oldstyle % 0x37 55 /eight.oldstyle % 0x38 56 /nine.oldstyle % 0x39 57 /colon % 0x3A 58 /semicolon % 0x3B 59 /less % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 0x3D 61 /greater % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question % 0x3F 63 /at % 0x40 64 /A % 0x41 65 /B % 0x42 66 /C % 0x43 67 /D % 0x44 68 /E % 0x45 69 /F % 0x46 70 /G % 0x47 71 /H % 0x48 72 /I % 0x49 73 /J % 0x4A 74 /K % 0x4B 75 /L % 0x4C 76 /M % 0x4D 77 /N % 0x4E 78 /O % 0x4F 79 /P % 0x50 80 /Q % 0x51 81 /R % 0x52 82 /S % 0x53 83 /T % 0x54 84 /U % 0x55 85 /V % 0x56 86 /W % 0x57 87 /X % 0x58 88 /Y % 0x59 89 /Z % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft % 0x5B 91 /backslash % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 0x5D 93 /circumflex % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a % 0x61 97 /b % 0x62 98 /c % 0x63 99 /d % 0x64 100 /e % 0x65 101 /f % 0x66 102 /g % 0x67 103 /h % 0x68 104 /i % 0x69 105 /j % 0x6A 106 /k % 0x6B 107 /l % 0x6C 108 /m % 0x6D 109 /n % 0x6E 110 /o % 0x6F 111 /p % 0x70 112 /q % 0x71 113 /r % 0x72 114 /s % 0x73 115 /t % 0x74 116 /u % 0x75 117 /v % 0x76 118 /w % 0x77 119 /x % 0x78 120 /y % 0x79 121 /z % 0x7A 122 /braceleft % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase % 0x82 130 /florin % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase % 0x84 132 /ellipsis % 0x85 133 /dagger % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl % 0x87 135 /circumflex % 0x88 136 /perthousand.oldstyle % 0x89 137 /Scaron % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft % 0x8B 139 /OE % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum % 0x8E 142 /minus % 0x8F 143 /lslash % 0x90 144 /quoteleft % 0x91 145 /quoteright % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft % 0x93 147 /quotedblright % 0x94 148 /bullet % 0x95 149 /endash % 0x96 150 /emdash % 0x97 151 /tilde % 0x98 152 /trademark % 0x99 153 /scaron % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright % 0x9B 155 /oe % 0x9C 156 /zcaron % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis % 0x9F 159 /nbspace % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown % 0xA1 161 /cent.oldstyle % 0xA2 162 /sterling.oldstyle % 0xA3 163 /currency % 0xA4 164 /yen.oldstyle % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar % 0xA6 166 /section % 0xA7 167 /dieresis % 0xA8 168 /copyright % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 0xAE 174 /macron % 0xAF 175 /degree % 0xB0 176 /plusminus % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute % 0xB4 180 /mu % 0xB5 181 /paragraph % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered % 0xB7 183 /cedilla % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright % 0xBB 187 /onequarter % 0xBC 188 /onehalf % 0xBD 189 /threequarters % 0xBE 190 /questiondown % 0xBF 191 /Agrave % 0xC0 192 /Aacute % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex % 0xC2 194 /Atilde % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis % 0xC4 196 /Aring % 0xC5 197 /AE % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla % 0xC7 199 /Egrave % 0xC8 200 /Eacute % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis % 0xCB 203 /Igrave % 0xCC 204 /Iacute % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis % 0xCF 207 /Eth % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde % 0xD1 209 /Ograve % 0xD2 210 /Oacute % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex % 0xD4 212 /Otilde % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis % 0xD6 214 /multiply % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave % 0xD9 217 /Uacute % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis % 0xDC 220 /Yacute % 0xDD 221 /Thorn % 0xDE 222 /germandbls % 0xDF 223 /agrave % 0xE0 224 /aacute % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex % 0xE2 226 /atilde % 0xE3 227 /adieresis % 0xE4 228 /aring % 0xE5 229 /ae % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla % 0xE7 231 /egrave % 0xE8 232 /eacute % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex % 0xEA 234 /edieresis % 0xEB 235 /igrave % 0xEC 236 /iacute % 0xED 237 /icircumflex % 0xEE 238 /idieresis % 0xEF 239 /eth % 0xF0 240 /ntilde % 0xF1 241 /ograve % 0xF2 242 /oacute % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex % 0xF4 244 /otilde % 0xF5 245 /odieresis % 0xF6 246 /divide % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash % 0xF8 248 /ugrave % 0xF9 249 /uacute % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex % 0xFB 251 /udieresis % 0xFC 252 /yacute % 0xFD 253 /thorn % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansi-ybdj.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansi-ybdj> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansi-ybdj.enc} % Font encoding texnansi-ybdj. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybdj [ % now 256 chars follow /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansi /Euro.taboldstyle % 0x01 1 /uni20AC /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansi /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansi /fraction % 0x04 4 /dotaccent % 0x05 5 /hungarumlaut % 0x06 6 /ogonek % 0x07 7 /fl % 0x08 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /Ycircumflex % 0x0A 10 not used, except boundary char internally /ff % 0x0B 11 /fi % 0x0C 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansi /ffi % 0x0E 14 /ffl % 0x0F 15 /dotlessi % 0x10 16 /dotlessj % 0x11 17 /grave % 0x12 18 /acute % 0x13 19 /caron % 0x14 20 /breve % 0x15 21 /macron % 0x16 22 /ring % 0x17 23 /cedilla % 0x18 24 /germandbls % 0x19 25 /ae % 0x1A 26 /oe % 0x1B 27 /oslash % 0x1C 28 /AE % 0x1D 29 /OE % 0x1E 30 /Oslash % 0x1F 31 /space % 0x20 32 /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 0x21 33 /quotedbl % 0x22 34 /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.taboldstyle % 0x23 35 /dollar.taboldstyle % 0x24 36 /percent.taboldstyle % 0x25 37 /ampersand % 0x26 38 /quoteright % 0x27 39 /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 0x28 40 /parenright % 0x29 41 /asterisk % 0x2A 42 /plus % 0x2B 43 /comma % 0x2C 44 /hyphen % 0x2D 45 /period % 0x2E 46 /slash % 0x2F 47 /zero.taboldstyle % 0x30 48 /one.taboldstyle % 0x31 49 /two.taboldstyle % 0x32 50 /three.taboldstyle % 0x33 51 /four.taboldstyle % 0x34 52 /five.taboldstyle % 0x35 53 /six.taboldstyle % 0x36 54 /seven.taboldstyle % 0x37 55 /eight.taboldstyle % 0x38 56 /nine.taboldstyle % 0x39 57 /colon % 0x3A 58 /semicolon % 0x3B 59 /less % 0x3C 60 /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 0x3D 61 /greater % 0x3E 62 /questiondown in TeX text /question % 0x3F 63 /at % 0x40 64 /A % 0x41 65 /B % 0x42 66 /C % 0x43 67 /D % 0x44 68 /E % 0x45 69 /F % 0x46 70 /G % 0x47 71 /H % 0x48 72 /I % 0x49 73 /J % 0x4A 74 /K % 0x4B 75 /L % 0x4C 76 /M % 0x4D 77 /N % 0x4E 78 /O % 0x4F 79 /P % 0x50 80 /Q % 0x51 81 /R % 0x52 82 /S % 0x53 83 /T % 0x54 84 /U % 0x55 85 /V % 0x56 86 /W % 0x57 87 /X % 0x58 88 /Y % 0x59 89 /Z % 0x5A 90 /bracketleft % 0x5B 91 /backslash % 0x5C 92 /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 0x5D 93 /circumflex % 0x5E 94 /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 0x5F 95 /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 0x60 96 /grave accent in ANSI /a % 0x61 97 /b % 0x62 98 /c % 0x63 99 /d % 0x64 100 /e % 0x65 101 /f % 0x66 102 /g % 0x67 103 /h % 0x68 104 /i % 0x69 105 /j % 0x6A 106 /k % 0x6B 107 /l % 0x6C 108 /m % 0x6D 109 /n % 0x6E 110 /o % 0x6F 111 /p % 0x70 112 /q % 0x71 113 /r % 0x72 114 /s % 0x73 115 /t % 0x74 116 /u % 0x75 117 /v % 0x76 118 /w % 0x77 119 /x % 0x78 120 /y % 0x79 121 /z % 0x7A 122 /braceleft % 0x7B 123 /endash in TeX text /bar % 0x7C 124 /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 0x7D 125 /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 0x7E 126 /asciitilde in ASCII /dieresis % 0x7F 127 also at 168 /Lslash % 0x80 128 position is unfortunate, but too late to fix /quotesingle % 0x81 129 /quotesinglbase % 0x82 130 /florin % 0x83 131 /quotedblbase % 0x84 132 /ellipsis % 0x85 133 /dagger % 0x86 134 /daggerdbl % 0x87 135 /circumflex % 0x88 136 /perthousand.taboldstyle % 0x89 137 /Scaron % 0x8A 138 /guilsinglleft % 0x8B 139 /OE % 0x8C 140 /Zcaron % 0x8D 141 /asciicircum % 0x8E 142 /minus % 0x8F 143 /lslash % 0x90 144 /quoteleft % 0x91 145 /quoteright % 0x92 146 /quotedblleft % 0x93 147 /quotedblright % 0x94 148 /bullet % 0x95 149 /endash % 0x96 150 /emdash % 0x97 151 /tilde % 0x98 152 /trademark % 0x99 153 /scaron % 0x9A 154 /guilsinglright % 0x9B 155 /oe % 0x9C 156 /zcaron % 0x9D 157 /asciitilde % 0x9E 158 /Ydieresis % 0x9F 159 /nbspace % 0xA0 160 no break space /exclamdown % 0xA1 161 /cent.taboldstyle % 0xA2 162 /sterling.taboldstyle % 0xA3 163 /currency % 0xA4 164 /yen.taboldstyle % 0xA5 165 /brokenbar % 0xA6 166 /section % 0xA7 167 /dieresis % 0xA8 168 /copyright % 0xA9 169 /ordfeminine % 0xAA 170 /guillemotleft % 0xAB 171 /logicalnot % 0xAC 172 /sfthyphen % 0xAD 173 /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 0xAE 174 /macron % 0xAF 175 /degree % 0xB0 176 /plusminus % 0xB1 177 /two.superior % 0xB2 178 /three.superior % 0xB3 179 /acute % 0xB4 180 /mu % 0xB5 181 /paragraph % 0xB6 182 /periodcentered % 0xB7 183 /cedilla % 0xB8 184 /one.superior % 0xB9 185 /ordmasculine % 0xBA 186 /guillemotright % 0xBB 187 /onequarter % 0xBC 188 /onehalf % 0xBD 189 /threequarters % 0xBE 190 /questiondown % 0xBF 191 /Agrave % 0xC0 192 /Aacute % 0xC1 193 /Acircumflex % 0xC2 194 /Atilde % 0xC3 195 /Adieresis % 0xC4 196 /Aring % 0xC5 197 /AE % 0xC6 198 /Ccedilla % 0xC7 199 /Egrave % 0xC8 200 /Eacute % 0xC9 201 /Ecircumflex % 0xCA 202 /Edieresis % 0xCB 203 /Igrave % 0xCC 204 /Iacute % 0xCD 205 /Icircumflex % 0xCE 206 /Idieresis % 0xCF 207 /Eth % 0xD0 208 /Ntilde % 0xD1 209 /Ograve % 0xD2 210 /Oacute % 0xD3 211 /Ocircumflex % 0xD4 212 /Otilde % 0xD5 213 /Odieresis % 0xD6 214 /multiply % 0xD7 215 OE in T1 /Oslash % 0xD8 216 /Ugrave % 0xD9 217 /Uacute % 0xDA 218 /Ucircumflex % 0xDB 219 /Udieresis % 0xDC 220 /Yacute % 0xDD 221 /Thorn % 0xDE 222 /germandbls % 0xDF 223 /agrave % 0xE0 224 /aacute % 0xE1 225 /acircumflex % 0xE2 226 /atilde % 0xE3 227 /adieresis % 0xE4 228 /aring % 0xE5 229 /ae % 0xE6 230 /ccedilla % 0xE7 231 /egrave % 0xE8 232 /eacute % 0xE9 233 /ecircumflex % 0xEA 234 /edieresis % 0xEB 235 /igrave % 0xEC 236 /iacute % 0xED 237 /icircumflex % 0xEE 238 /idieresis % 0xEF 239 /eth % 0xF0 240 /ntilde % 0xF1 241 /ograve % 0xF2 242 /oacute % 0xF3 243 /ocircumflex % 0xF4 244 /otilde % 0xF5 245 /odieresis % 0xF6 246 /divide % 0xF7 247 oe in T1 /oslash % 0xF8 248 /ugrave % 0xF9 249 /uacute % 0xFA 250 /ucircumflex % 0xFB 251 /udieresis % 0xFC 252 /yacute % 0xFD 253 /thorn % 0xFE 254 /ydieresis % 0xFF 255 germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansx-ybd2jw.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansx-ybd2jw> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansx-ybd2jw.enc} % Font encoding texnansx-ybd2jw. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd2jw [ /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansx /Euro.oldstyle % /uni20AC 1 /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansx /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansx /fraction % 4 /dotaccent % 5 /hungarumlaut % 6 /ogonek % 7 /fl % 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /Ycircumflex % 10 not used, except boundary char internally maybe /ff % 11 /fi % 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /ffi % 14 /ffl % 15 /dotlessi % 16 /dotlessj % 17 /grave % 18 /acute % 19 /caron % 20 /breve % 21 /macron % 22 /ring % 23 /cedilla % 24 /germandbls % 25 /tt % /ae % 26 /oe % 27 /ch % /oslash % 28 /fft % /AE % 29 /OE % 30 /ft % /Oslash % 31 /space % 32 % /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 % /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.oldstyle % 35 /dollar.oldstyle % 36 /percent.oldstyle % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 % /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 /zero.oldstyle % 48 /one.oldstyle % 49 /two.oldstyle % 50 /three.oldstyle % 51 /four.oldstyle % 52 /five.oldstyle % 53 /six.oldstyle % 54 /seven.oldstyle % 55 /eight.oldstyle % 56 /nine.oldstyle % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 % /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 61 /greater % 62 % /questiondown in TeX text /question % 63 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 % /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 93 /circumflex % 94 % /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 95 % /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 96 % /grave accent in ANSI /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 % /endash in TeX text /bar % 124 % /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 125 % /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 126 % /asciitilde in ASCII /sp % /dieresis % 127 /Lslash % 128 this position is unfortunate, but now too late to fix /quotesingle % 129 /quotesinglbase % 130 /florin % 131 /quotedblbase % 132 /ellipsis % 133 /dagger % 134 /daggerdbl % 135 /ck % /circumflex % 136 % .notdef in texnansx /perthousand.oldstyle % 137 /Scaron % 138 /guilsinglleft % 139 /cl % /OE % 140 % .notdef in texnansx /Zcaron % 141 /asciicircum % 142 /minus % 143 /lslash % 144 /ct % /quoteleft % 145 % .notdef in texnansx /sh % /quoteright % 146 % .notdef in texnansx /quotedblleft % 147 /quotedblright % 148 /bullet % 149 /endash % 150 /emdash % 151 /sk % /tilde % 152 % .notdef in texnansx /trademark % 153 /scaron % 154 /guilsinglright % 155 /sl % /oe % 156 % .notdef in texnansx /zcaron % 157 /asciitilde % 158 /Ydieresis % 159 /nbspace % 160 % /space (no break space) /exclamdown % 161 /cent.oldstyle % 162 /sterling.oldstyle % 163 /currency % 164 /yen.oldstyle % 165 /brokenbar % 166 /section % 167 /dieresis % 168 /copyright % 169 /ordfeminine % 170 /guillemotleft % 171 /logicalnot % 172 /sfthyphen % 173 % /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 174 /st % /macron % 175 % .notdef in texnansx /degree % 176 /plusminus % 177 /two.superior % 178 /three.superior % 179 /Qalt % /acute % 180 % .notdef in texnansx /mu % 181 /paragraph % 182 /periodcentered % 183 /.notdef % /cedilla % 184 /one.superior % 185 /ordmasculine % 186 /guillemotright % 187 /onequarter % 188 /onehalf % 189 /threequarters % 190 /questiondown % 191 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /multiply % 215 % OE in T1 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /.notdef % /germandbls % 223 % .notdef in texnansx /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /divide % 247 % oe in T1 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /ydieresis % 255 % germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansx-ybd2w.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansx-ybd2w> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansx-ybd2w.enc} % Font encoding texnansx-ybd2w. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybd2w [ /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansx /Euro % /uni20AC 1 /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansx /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansx /fraction % 4 /dotaccent % 5 /hungarumlaut % 6 /ogonek % 7 /fl % 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /Ycircumflex % 10 not used, except boundary char internally maybe /ff % 11 /fi % 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /ffi % 14 /ffl % 15 /dotlessi % 16 /dotlessj % 17 /grave % 18 /acute % 19 /caron % 20 /breve % 21 /macron % 22 /ring % 23 /cedilla % 24 /germandbls % 25 /tt % /ae % 26 /oe % 27 /ch % /oslash % 28 /fft % /AE % 29 /OE % 30 /ft % /Oslash % 31 /space % 32 % /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 % /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign % 35 /dollar % 36 /percent % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 % /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 /zero % 48 /one % 49 /two % 50 /three % 51 /four % 52 /five % 53 /six % 54 /seven % 55 /eight % 56 /nine % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 % /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 61 /greater % 62 % /questiondown in TeX text /question % 63 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 % /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 93 /circumflex % 94 % /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 95 % /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 96 % /grave accent in ANSI /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 % /endash in TeX text /bar % 124 % /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 125 % /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 126 % /asciitilde in ASCII /sp % /dieresis % 127 /Lslash % 128 this position is unfortunate, but now too late to fix /quotesingle % 129 /quotesinglbase % 130 /florin % 131 /quotedblbase % 132 /ellipsis % 133 /dagger % 134 /daggerdbl % 135 /ck % /circumflex % 136 % .notdef in texnansx /perthousand % 137 /Scaron % 138 /guilsinglleft % 139 /cl % /OE % 140 % .notdef in texnansx /Zcaron % 141 /asciicircum % 142 /minus % 143 /lslash % 144 /ct % /quoteleft % 145 % .notdef in texnansx /sh % /quoteright % 146 % .notdef in texnansx /quotedblleft % 147 /quotedblright % 148 /bullet % 149 /endash % 150 /emdash % 151 /sk % /tilde % 152 % .notdef in texnansx /trademark % 153 /scaron % 154 /guilsinglright % 155 /sl % /oe % 156 % .notdef in texnansx /zcaron % 157 /asciitilde % 158 /Ydieresis % 159 /nbspace % 160 % /space (no break space) /exclamdown % 161 /cent % 162 /sterling % 163 /currency % 164 /yen % 165 /brokenbar % 166 /section % 167 /dieresis % 168 /copyright % 169 /ordfeminine % 170 /guillemotleft % 171 /logicalnot % 172 /sfthyphen % 173 % /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 174 /st % /macron % 175 % .notdef in texnansx /degree % 176 /plusminus % 177 /two.superior % 178 /three.superior % 179 /Qalt % /acute % 180 % .notdef in texnansx /mu % 181 /paragraph % 182 /periodcentered % 183 /zero.slash % /cedilla % 184 % .notdef in texnansx /one.superior % 185 /ordmasculine % 186 /guillemotright % 187 /onequarter % 188 /onehalf % 189 /threequarters % 190 /questiondown % 191 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /multiply % 215 % OE in T1 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /.notdef % /germandbls % 223 % .notdef in texnansx /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /divide % 247 % oe in T1 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /ydieresis % 255 % germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansx-ybdjw.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansx-ybdjw> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansx-ybdjw.enc} % Font encoding texnansx-ybdjw. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybdjw [ /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansx /Euro.taboldstyle % /uni20AC 1 /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansx /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansx /fraction % 4 /dotaccent % 5 /hungarumlaut % 6 /ogonek % 7 /fl % 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /Ycircumflex % 10 not used, except boundary char internally maybe /ff % 11 /fi % 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /ffi % 14 /ffl % 15 /dotlessi % 16 /dotlessj % 17 /grave % 18 /acute % 19 /caron % 20 /breve % 21 /macron % 22 /ring % 23 /cedilla % 24 /germandbls % 25 /tt % /ae % 26 /oe % 27 /ch % /oslash % 28 /fft % /AE % 29 /OE % 30 /ft % /Oslash % 31 /space % 32 % /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 % /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.taboldstyle % 35 /dollar.taboldstyle % 36 /percent.taboldstyle % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 % /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 /zero.taboldstyle % 48 /one.taboldstyle % 49 /two.taboldstyle % 50 /three.taboldstyle % 51 /four.taboldstyle % 52 /five.taboldstyle % 53 /six.taboldstyle % 54 /seven.taboldstyle % 55 /eight.taboldstyle % 56 /nine.taboldstyle % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 % /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 61 /greater % 62 % /questiondown in TeX text /question % 63 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 % /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 93 /circumflex % 94 % /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 95 % /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 96 % /grave accent in ANSI /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 % /endash in TeX text /bar % 124 % /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 125 % /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 126 % /asciitilde in ASCII /sp % /dieresis % 127 /Lslash % 128 this position is unfortunate, but now too late to fix /quotesingle % 129 /quotesinglbase % 130 /florin % 131 /quotedblbase % 132 /ellipsis % 133 /dagger % 134 /daggerdbl % 135 /ck % /circumflex % 136 % .notdef in texnansx /perthousand.taboldstyle % 137 /Scaron % 138 /guilsinglleft % 139 /cl % /OE % 140 % .notdef in texnansx /Zcaron % 141 /asciicircum % 142 /minus % 143 /lslash % 144 /ct % /quoteleft % 145 % .notdef in texnansx /sh % /quoteright % 146 % .notdef in texnansx /quotedblleft % 147 /quotedblright % 148 /bullet % 149 /endash % 150 /emdash % 151 /sk % /tilde % 152 % .notdef in texnansx /trademark % 153 /scaron % 154 /guilsinglright % 155 /sl % /oe % 156 % .notdef in texnansx /zcaron % 157 /asciitilde % 158 /Ydieresis % 159 /nbspace % 160 % /space (no break space) /exclamdown % 161 /cent.taboldstyle % 162 /sterling.taboldstyle % 163 /currency % 164 /yen.taboldstyle % 165 /brokenbar % 166 /section % 167 /dieresis % 168 /copyright % 169 /ordfeminine % 170 /guillemotleft % 171 /logicalnot % 172 /sfthyphen % 173 % /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 174 /st % /macron % 175 % .notdef in texnansx /degree % 176 /plusminus % 177 /two.superior % 178 /three.superior % 179 /Qalt % /acute % 180 % .notdef in texnansx /mu % 181 /paragraph % 182 /periodcentered % 183 /.notdef % /cedilla % 184 /one.superior % 185 /ordmasculine % 186 /guillemotright % 187 /onequarter % 188 /onehalf % 189 /threequarters % 190 /questiondown % 191 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /multiply % 215 % OE in T1 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /.notdef % /germandbls % 223 % .notdef in texnansx /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /divide % 247 % oe in T1 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /ydieresis % 255 % germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{texnansx-ybdw.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-texnansx-ybdw> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{texnansx-ybdw.enc} % Font encoding texnansx-ybdw. % \begin{macrocode} /TeXnANSIEncoding-ybdw [ /fj % 0x00 0 .notdef in texnansx /Euro.fitted % /uni20AC 1 /ffj % 0x02 2 .notdef in texnansx /wcircumflex % 0x03 3 .notdef in texnansx /fraction % 4 /dotaccent % 5 /hungarumlaut % 6 /ogonek % 7 /fl % 8 /Wcircumflex % 0x09 9 /fraction at 4, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /Ycircumflex % 10 not used, except boundary char internally maybe /ff % 11 /fi % 12 /ycircumflex % 0x0D 13 /fl at 8, backward compatibility only; .notdef in texnansx /ffi % 14 /ffl % 15 /dotlessi % 16 /dotlessj % 17 /grave % 18 /acute % 19 /caron % 20 /breve % 21 /macron % 22 /ring % 23 /cedilla % 24 /germandbls % 25 /tt % /ae % 26 /oe % 27 /ch % /oslash % 28 /fft % /AE % 29 /OE % 30 /ft % /Oslash % 31 /space % 32 % /suppress in TeX text /exclam % 33 /quotedbl % 34 % /quotedblright in TeX text /numbersign.fitted % 35 /dollar.fitted % 36 /percent.fitted % 37 /ampersand % 38 /quoteright % 39 % /quotesingle in ANSI /parenleft % 40 /parenright % 41 /asterisk % 42 /plus % 43 /comma % 44 /hyphen % 45 /period % 46 /slash % 47 /zero.fitted % 48 /one.fitted % 49 /two.fitted % 50 /three.fitted % 51 /four.fitted % 52 /five.fitted % 53 /six.fitted % 54 /seven.fitted % 55 /eight.fitted % 56 /nine.fitted % 57 /colon % 58 /semicolon % 59 /less % 60 % /exclamdown in Tex text /equal % 61 /greater % 62 % /questiondown in TeX text /question % 63 /at % 64 /A % 65 /B % 66 /C % 67 /D % 68 /E % 69 /F % 70 /G % 71 /H % 72 /I % 73 /J % 74 /K % 75 /L % 76 /M % 77 /N % 78 /O % 79 /P % 80 /Q % 81 /R % 82 /S % 83 /T % 84 /U % 85 /V % 86 /W % 87 /X % 88 /Y % 89 /Z % 90 /bracketleft % 91 /backslash % 92 % /quotedblleft in TeX text /bracketright % 93 /circumflex % 94 % /asciicircum in ASCII /underscore % 95 % /dotaccent in TeX text /quoteleft % 96 % /grave accent in ANSI /a % 97 /b % 98 /c % 99 /d % 100 /e % 101 /f % 102 /g % 103 /h % 104 /i % 105 /j % 106 /k % 107 /l % 108 /m % 109 /n % 110 /o % 111 /p % 112 /q % 113 /r % 114 /s % 115 /t % 116 /u % 117 /v % 118 /w % 119 /x % 120 /y % 121 /z % 122 /braceleft % 123 % /endash in TeX text /bar % 124 % /emdash in TeX test /braceright % 125 % /hungarumlaut in TeX text /tilde % 126 % /asciitilde in ASCII /sp % /dieresis % 127 /Lslash % 128 this position is unfortunate, but now too late to fix /quotesingle % 129 /quotesinglbase % 130 /florin % 131 /quotedblbase % 132 /ellipsis % 133 /dagger % 134 /daggerdbl % 135 /ck % /circumflex % 136 % .notdef in texnansx /perthousand % 137 /Scaron % 138 /guilsinglleft % 139 /cl % /OE % 140 % .notdef in texnansx /Zcaron % 141 /asciicircum % 142 /minus % 143 /lslash % 144 /ct % /quoteleft % 145 % .notdef in texnansx /sh % /quoteright % 146 % .notdef in texnansx /quotedblleft % 147 /quotedblright % 148 /bullet % 149 /endash % 150 /emdash % 151 /sk % /tilde % 152 % .notdef in texnansx /trademark % 153 /scaron % 154 /guilsinglright % 155 /sl % /oe % 156 % .notdef in texnansx /zcaron % 157 /asciitilde % 158 /Ydieresis % 159 /nbspace % 160 % /space (no break space) /exclamdown % 161 /cent.fitted % 162 /sterling.fitted % 163 /currency % 164 /yen.fitted % 165 /brokenbar % 166 /section % 167 /dieresis % 168 /copyright % 169 /ordfeminine % 170 /guillemotleft % 171 /logicalnot % 172 /sfthyphen % 173 % /hyphen (hanging hyphen) /registered % 174 /st % /macron % 175 % .notdef in texnansx /degree % 176 /plusminus % 177 /two.superior % 178 /three.superior % 179 /Qalt % /acute % 180 % .notdef in texnansx /mu % 181 /paragraph % 182 /periodcentered % 183 /zero.slashfitted % /cedilla % 184 % .notdef in texnansx /one.superior % 185 /ordmasculine % 186 /guillemotright % 187 /onequarter % 188 /onehalf % 189 /threequarters % 190 /questiondown % 191 /Agrave % 192 /Aacute % 193 /Acircumflex % 194 /Atilde % 195 /Adieresis % 196 /Aring % 197 /AE % 198 /Ccedilla % 199 /Egrave % 200 /Eacute % 201 /Ecircumflex % 202 /Edieresis % 203 /Igrave % 204 /Iacute % 205 /Icircumflex % 206 /Idieresis % 207 /Eth % 208 /Ntilde % 209 /Ograve % 210 /Oacute % 211 /Ocircumflex % 212 /Otilde % 213 /Odieresis % 214 /multiply % 215 % OE in T1 /Oslash % 216 /Ugrave % 217 /Uacute % 218 /Ucircumflex % 219 /Udieresis % 220 /Yacute % 221 /Thorn % 222 /.notdef % /germandbls % 223 % .notdef in texnansx /agrave % 224 /aacute % 225 /acircumflex % 226 /atilde % 227 /adieresis % 228 /aring % 229 /ae % 230 /ccedilla % 231 /egrave % 232 /eacute % 233 /ecircumflex % 234 /edieresis % 235 /igrave % 236 /iacute % 237 /icircumflex % 238 /idieresis % 239 /eth % 240 /ntilde % 241 /ograve % 242 /oacute % 243 /ocircumflex % 244 /otilde % 245 /odieresis % 246 /divide % 247 % oe in T1 /oslash % 248 /ugrave % 249 /uacute % 250 /ucircumflex % 251 /udieresis % 252 /yacute % 253 /thorn % 254 /ydieresis % 255 % germandbls in T1 ] def % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybd.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybd> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybd.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybd. % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Correct to get superiors and oldstyle figures.} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotoldstyle % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybd [ % 0 /capitalgrave /capitalacute /capitalcircumflex /capitaltilde /capitaldieresis /capitalhungarumlaut /capitalring /capitalcaron % 8 /capitalbreve /capitalmacron /capitaldotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash /threequartersemdash /capitalcompwordmark % 24 /arrowleft /arrowright /tieaccentlowercase /tieaccentcapital /newtieaccentlowercase /newtieaccentcapital /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark % 32 /blank /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar.fitted /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered /.notdef /comma /hyphendbl /period /fraction % 48 /zero.taboldstyle /one.taboldstyle /two.taboldstyle /three.taboldstyle /four.taboldstyle /five.taboldstyle /six.taboldstyle /seven.taboldstyle % 56 /eight.taboldstyle /nine.taboldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft /minus /angbracketright /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv /.notdef /bigcircle % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft /.notdef /openbracketright /arrowup /arrowdown % 96 /asciigrave /.notdef /born /divorced /died /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf /married /musicalnote /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow /hyphendblchar % 128 /asciibreve /asciicaron /asciiacutedbl /asciigravedbl /dagger /daggerdbl /bardbl /perthousand.fitted % 136 /bullet /centigrade /dollar.taboldstyle /cent.taboldstyle /florin /colonmonetary /won /naira % 144 /guarani /peso /lira /recipe /interrobang /interrobangdown /dong /trademark % 152 /pertenthousand /pilcrow /baht /numero /discount /estimated /openbullet /servicemark % 160 /quillbracketleft /quillbracketright /cent.fitted /sterling.fitted /currency /yen.fitted /brokenbar /section % 168 /asciidieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /copyleft /logicalnot /circledP /registered /asciimacron % 176 /degree /plusminus /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered % 184 /referencemark /one.superior /ordmasculine /radical /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /Euro.fitted % 192 /Euro.fitted /euro.fitted /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybd.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybd0.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybd0> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybd0.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybd0. % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotinferior % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybd0 [ % 0 /capitalgrave.inferior /capitalacute.inferior /capitalcircumflex.inferior /capitaltilde.inferior /capitaldieresis.inferior /capitalhungarumlaut.inferior /capitalring.inferior /capitalcaron.inferior % 8 /capitalbreve.inferior /capitalmacron.inferior /capitaldotaccent.inferior /cedilla.inferior /ogonek.inferior /quotesinglbase.inferior /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase.inferior /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash.inferior /threequartersemdash.inferior /capitalcompwordmark.inferior % 24 /arrowleft.inferior /arrowright.inferior /tieaccentlowercase.inferior /tieaccentcapital.inferior /newtieaccentlowercase.inferior /newtieaccentcapital.inferior /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark.inferior % 32 /blank.inferior /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar.inferior /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle.inferior % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered.inferior /.notdef /comma.inferior /hyphendbl.inferior /period.inferior /fraction.inferior % 48 /zerooldstyle.inferior /oneoldstyle.inferior /twooldstyle.inferior /threeoldstyle.inferior /fouroldstyle.inferior /fiveoldstyle.inferior /sixoldstyle.inferior /sevenoldstyle.inferior % 56 /eightoldstyle.inferior /nineoldstyle.inferior /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft.inferior /minus.inferior /angbracketright.inferior /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv.inferior /.notdef /bigcircle.inferior % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega.inferior % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft.inferior /.notdef /openbracketright.inferior /arrowup.inferior /arrowdown.inferior % 96 /asciigrave.inferior /.notdef /born.inferior /divorced.inferior /died.inferior /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf.inferior /married.inferior /musicalnote.inferior /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow.inferior /hyphendblchar.inferior % 128 /asciibreve.inferior /asciicaron.inferior /asciiacutedbl.inferior /asciigravedbl.inferior /dagger.inferior /daggerdbl.inferior /bardbl.inferior /perthousand.inferior % 136 /bullet.inferior /centigrade.inferior /dollaroldstyle.inferior /centoldstyle.inferior /florin.inferior /colonmonetary.inferior /won.inferior /naira.inferior % 144 /guarani.inferior /peso.inferior /lira.inferior /recipe.inferior /interrobang.inferior /interrobangdown.inferior /dong.inferior /trademark.inferior % 152 /pertenthousand.inferior /pilcrow.inferior /baht.inferior /numero.inferior /discount.inferior /estimated.inferior /openbullet.inferior /servicemark.inferior % 160 /quillbracketleft.inferior /quillbracketright.inferior /cent.inferior /sterling.inferior /currency.inferior /yen.inferior /brokenbar.inferior /section.inferior % 168 /asciidieresis.inferior /copyright.inferior /ordfeminine.inferior /copyleft.inferior /logicalnot.inferior /circledP.inferior /registered.inferior /asciimacron.inferior % 176 /degree.inferior /plusminus.inferior /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute.inferior /mu.inferior /paragraph.inferior /periodcentered.inferior % 184 /referencemark.inferior /one.superior /ordmasculine.inferior /radical.inferior /onequarter.inferior /onehalf.inferior /threequarters.inferior /Euro.inferior % 192 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply.inferior /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide.inferior /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybd0.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybd1.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybd1> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybd1.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybd1. % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotsuperior % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybd1 [ % 0 /capitalgrave.superior /capitalacute.superior /capitalcircumflex.superior /capitaltilde.superior /capitaldieresis.superior /capitalhungarumlaut.superior /capitalring.superior /capitalcaron.superior % 8 /capitalbreve.superior /capitalmacron.superior /capitaldotaccent.superior /cedilla.superior /ogonek.superior /quotesinglbase.superior /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase.superior /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash.superior /threequartersemdash.superior /capitalcompwordmark.superior % 24 /arrowleft.superior /arrowright.superior /tieaccentlowercase.superior /tieaccentcapital.superior /newtieaccentlowercase.superior /newtieaccentcapital.superior /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark.superior % 32 /blank.superior /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar.superior /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle.superior % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered.superior /.notdef /comma.superior /hyphendbl.superior /period.superior /fraction.superior % 48 /zerooldstyle.superior /oneoldstyle.superior /twooldstyle.superior /threeoldstyle.superior /fouroldstyle.superior /fiveoldstyle.superior /sixoldstyle.superior /sevenoldstyle.superior % 56 /eightoldstyle.superior /nineoldstyle.superior /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft.superior /minus.superior /angbracketright.superior /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv.superior /.notdef /bigcircle.superior % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega.superior % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft.superior /.notdef /openbracketright.superior /arrowup.superior /arrowdown.superior % 96 /asciigrave.superior /.notdef /born.superior /divorced.superior /died.superior /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf.superior /married.superior /musicalnote.superior /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow.superior /hyphendblchar.superior % 128 /asciibreve.superior /asciicaron.superior /asciiacutedbl.superior /asciigravedbl.superior /dagger.superior /daggerdbl.superior /bardbl.superior /perthousand.superior % 136 /bullet.superior /centigrade.superior /dollaroldstyle.superior /centoldstyle.superior /florin.superior /colonmonetary.superior /won.superior /naira.superior % 144 /guarani.superior /peso.superior /lira.superior /recipe.superior /interrobang.superior /interrobangdown.superior /dong.superior /trademark.superior % 152 /pertenthousand.superior /pilcrow.superior /baht.superior /numero.superior /discount.superior /estimated.superior /openbullet.superior /servicemark.superior % 160 /quillbracketleft.superior /quillbracketright.superior /cent.superior /sterling.superior /currency.superior /yen.superior /brokenbar.superior /section.superior % 168 /asciidieresis.superior /copyright.superior /ordfeminine.superior /copyleft.superior /logicalnot.superior /circledP.superior /registered.superior /asciimacron.superior % 176 /degree.superior /plusminus.superior /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute.superior /mu.superior /paragraph.superior /periodcentered.superior % 184 /referencemark.superior /one.superior /ordmasculine.superior /radical.superior /onequarter.superior /onehalf.superior /threequarters.superior /Euro.superior % 192 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply.superior /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide.superior /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybd1.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybd2.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybd2> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybd2.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybd2. % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Correct to get superiors and oldstyle figures.} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotoldstyle % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybd2 [ % 0 /capitalgrave /capitalacute /capitalcircumflex /capitaltilde /capitaldieresis /capitalhungarumlaut /capitalring /capitalcaron % 8 /capitalbreve /capitalmacron /capitaldotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash /threequartersemdash /capitalcompwordmark % 24 /arrowleft /arrowright /tieaccentlowercase /tieaccentcapital /newtieaccentlowercase /newtieaccentcapital /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark % 32 /blank /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered /.notdef /comma /hyphendbl /period /fraction % 48 /zero.oldstyle /one.oldstyle /two.oldstyle /three.oldstyle /four.oldstyle /five.oldstyle /six.oldstyle /seven.oldstyle % 56 /eight.oldstyle /nine.oldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft /minus /angbracketright /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv /.notdef /bigcircle % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft /.notdef /openbracketright /arrowup /arrowdown % 96 /asciigrave /.notdef /born /divorced /died /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf /married /musicalnote /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow /hyphendblchar % 128 /asciibreve /asciicaron /asciiacutedbl /asciigravedbl /dagger /daggerdbl /bardbl /perthousand % 136 /bullet /centigrade /dollar.oldstyle /cent.oldstyle /florin /colonmonetary /won /naira % 144 /guarani /peso /lira /recipe /interrobang /interrobangdown /dong /trademark % 152 /pertenthousand /pilcrow /baht /numero /discount /estimated /openbullet /servicemark % 160 /quillbracketleft /quillbracketright /cent /sterling /currency /yen /brokenbar /section % 168 /asciidieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /copyleft /logicalnot /circledP /registered /asciimacron % 176 /degree /plusminus /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered % 184 /referencemark /one.superior /ordmasculine /radical /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /Euro % 192 /Euro /euro /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybd2.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybd2j.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybd2j> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybd2j.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybd2j. % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Correct to get superiors.} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotoldstyle % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{3} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybd2j [ % 0 /capitalgrave /capitalacute /capitalcircumflex /capitaltilde /capitaldieresis /capitalhungarumlaut /capitalring /capitalcaron % 8 /capitalbreve /capitalmacron /capitaldotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash /threequartersemdash /capitalcompwordmark % 24 /arrowleft /arrowright /tieaccentlowercase /tieaccentcapital /newtieaccentlowercase /newtieaccentcapital /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark % 32 /blank /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar.oldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered /.notdef /comma /hyphendbl /period /fraction % 48 /zero.oldstyle /one.oldstyle /two.oldstyle /three.oldstyle /four.oldstyle /five.oldstyle /six.oldstyle /seven.oldstyle % 56 /eight.oldstyle /nine.oldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft /minus /angbracketright /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv /.notdef /bigcircle % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft /.notdef /openbracketright /arrowup /arrowdown % 96 /asciigrave /.notdef /born /divorced /died /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf /married /musicalnote /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow /hyphendblchar % 128 /asciibreve /asciicaron /asciiacutedbl /asciigravedbl /dagger /daggerdbl /bardbl /perthousand.oldstyle % 136 /bullet /centigrade /dollar.oldstyle /cent.oldstyle /florin /colonmonetary /won /naira % 144 /guarani /peso /lira /recipe /interrobang /interrobangdown /dong /trademark % 152 /pertenthousand /pilcrow /baht /numero /discount /estimated /openbullet /servicemark % 160 /quillbracketleft /quillbracketright /cent.oldstyle /sterling.oldstyle /currency /yen.oldstyle /brokenbar /section % 168 /asciidieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /copyleft /logicalnot /circledP /registered /asciimacron % 176 /degree /plusminus /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered % 184 /referencemark /one.superior /ordmasculine /radical /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /Euro.oldstyle % 192 /Euro.oldstyle /euro.oldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybd2j.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{\file{ts1-ybdj.enc}} % \iffalse %<*enc-ts1-ybdj> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ts1-ybdj.enc} % Font encoding ts1-ybdj. % \changes{v2.1}{2024-09-17}{Correct to get superiors.} % \begin{macrocode} %%BeginResource: encoding fontinst-autoenc-ts1-dotoldstyle % \end{macrocode} % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} /ts1-ybdj [ % 0 /capitalgrave /capitalacute /capitalcircumflex /capitaltilde /capitaldieresis /capitalhungarumlaut /capitalring /capitalcaron % 8 /capitalbreve /capitalmacron /capitaldotaccent /cedilla /ogonek /quotesinglbase /.notdef /.notdef % 16 /.notdef /.notdef /quotedblbase /.notdef /.notdef /twelveudash /threequartersemdash /capitalcompwordmark % 24 /arrowleft /arrowright /tieaccentlowercase /tieaccentcapital /newtieaccentlowercase /newtieaccentcapital /.notdef /ascendercompwordmark % 32 /blank /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /dollar.taboldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /quotesingle % 40 /.notdef /.notdef /asteriskcentered /.notdef /comma /hyphendbl /period /fraction % 48 /zero.taboldstyle /one.taboldstyle /two.taboldstyle /three.taboldstyle /four.taboldstyle /five.taboldstyle /six.taboldstyle /seven.taboldstyle % 56 /eight.taboldstyle /nine.taboldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /angbracketleft /minus /angbracketright /.notdef % 64 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 72 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omegainv /.notdef /bigcircle % 80 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /Omega % 88 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /openbracketleft /.notdef /openbracketright /arrowup /arrowdown % 96 /asciigrave /.notdef /born /divorced /died /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 104 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /leaf /married /musicalnote /.notdef % 112 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 120 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /tildelow /hyphendblchar % 128 /asciibreve /asciicaron /asciiacutedbl /asciigravedbl /dagger /daggerdbl /bardbl /perthousand.taboldstyle % 136 /bullet /centigrade /dollar.taboldstyle /cent.taboldstyle /florin /colonmonetary /won /naira % 144 /guarani /peso /lira /recipe /interrobang /interrobangdown /dong /trademark % 152 /pertenthousand /pilcrow /baht /numero /discount /estimated /openbullet /servicemark % 160 /quillbracketleft /quillbracketright /cent.taboldstyle /sterling.taboldstyle /currency /yen.taboldstyle /brokenbar /section % 168 /asciidieresis /copyright /ordfeminine /copyleft /logicalnot /circledP /registered /asciimacron % 176 /degree /plusminus /two.superior /three.superior /asciiacute /mu /paragraph /periodcentered % 184 /referencemark /one.superior /ordmasculine /radical /onequarter /onehalf /threequarters /Euro.taboldstyle % 192 /Euro.taboldstyle /euro.taboldstyle /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 200 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 208 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /multiply /.notdef % 216 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 224 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 232 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef % 240 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /divide /.notdef % 248 /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef ] def %%EndResource % % End of file ts1-ybdj.enc. % \end{macrocode} % \end{multicols} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{Converted Encodings (Output)} % % Originally, this file was used to convert custom \lpack{fontinst} \textsc{etx} files to encodings. % The encodings were then copied and modified to provide the various encodings required. % Running this script on the \textsc{etx} sources will \textbf{not} produce encodings the package uses, but only the starting points for constructing them\footnote{% % This is why the generated files are \emph{also} part of the package source code.}. % % \iffalse %<*etx-enc> % \fi % \begin{macrocode} \input finstmsc.sty \etxtoenc{dotoldstyle}{dotoldstyle} \etxtoenc{dottaboldstyle}{dottaboldstyle} \etxtoenc{t1-cfr}{t1-cfr} \etxtoenc{t1-dotinferior}{t1-dotinferior} \etxtoenc{t1-dotsuperior}{t1-dotsuperior} \bye % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % % \fi % % The remaining files are not needed to use the fonts, but only to generate them. % % \subsection{Scripts} % % The scripts in this section are not used to typeset the documentation or recreate the encoding files. % The latter are modified by hand for each encoding from a few base encodings, so regenerating them would merely overwrite the customisations. % The former can be generated using the \texttt{Makefile} and, in earlier versions of the package, that's how we produced the documentation. % Now we use \lpack{l3build}, we generate the documentation that way, but the relevant targets remain in the \texttt{Makefile} in case anybody wants them. % % \textbf{Copying these scripts will NOT result in usable code.} % For all files, the first and last lines, beginning with \texttt{\%} must be deleted. % Even then, \file{Makefile.make} will \textbf{not} be usable because \TeX{} removes essential tab characters. % Compile the \file{.ins} to generate the scripts instead. % % \subsubsection{Makefile} % % \textbf{\itshape Requires \gnu{} \texttt{make}.} % % We use \textsc{gnu} \texttt{make} and \textsc{FontForge} to generate the fonts and package files\footnote{ % Apologies to anybody on Windows who's read this far. % You deserve better.% % }. % Anything \texttt{make} can do, you can do --- but not necessarily better and certainly not faster. % We now use \lpack{l3build} to run \texttt{make}, which partially defeats the raison d'être of both programmes. % % David Carlisle says \TeX{} demands a dot because Windows can't tell the difference\footnote{% % OK, so this may not be \emph{quite} what he said.% % }. % Since a terminal dot looks weird, we add something and have Lua tell \texttt{make} to treat the file as a Makefile. % % \newgeometry{marginparwidth=15mm,includemp=true,hscale=0.7} % \newfancyoffset=\dimexpr\oddsidemargin-\savedoddsidemargin+\savedfancyoffset % \fancyheadoffset[lh]{\newfancyoffset} % \fancyheadoffset[rh]{\dimexpr\savedtextwidth-\textwidth-\oddsidemargin+\savedoddsidemargin} % \fancyhf[lh]{\hbox to \newfancyoffset{\itshape\fileversion\hfil}\itshape\filebase} % % \begin{ffeil}{Makefile.make} % Note that \TeX{} destroys the spacing essential to \gnu{} \texttt{make}, even in verbatim mode\footnote{% % But thanks to David Carlisle for telling me to prevent \lpack{docstrip} destroying the actual \file{Makefile.make}: \sechat{66210359\#66210359}; \texsepost{a/453323/}.% % }. % You can \textbf{NOT}, therefore, copy this and expect it to work; use the generated file instead. % \iffalse %<*make> % \fi % \begin{macrocode} %< der nonder : $(lpplnonder) ls $(lpplnonder) > nonder adf : Makefile $(gpl) ls $(gpl) > adf manifest.txt : ctandirs berenisadf.pdf : berenisadf.tex berenis.sty $(tfms) $(pfbs) ybd.map latexmk -pdf -pv- -pvc- berenisadf.tex $(afms) : %.afm : %.pfb $(pfbs) : ff-ybd.pe ybd.nam $(otfs) @printf %b "Generating type 1 from $(subst .pfb,.otf,$(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@))))))))))\n" $(srcdir)/ff-ybd.pe $(subst .pfb,.otf,$(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@)))))))))) @printf %b "Moving $(subst .pfb,.afm,$(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@)))))))))) to $(subst .pfb,.afm,$@)\n" mv $(subst .pfb,.afm,$(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@)))))))))) $(subst .pfb,.afm,$@) @printf %b "Moving $(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@))))))))) to $@\n" mv $(subst ybd,BerenisADFPro,$(subst -r,-Regular,$(subst -b,-Bold,$(subst -rI,-I,$(subst ybdb,ybd-b,$(subst ybdr,ybd-r,$(subst bc,SC-b,$(subst rc,SC-r,$(subst i,Italic,$@))))))))) $@ $(maps) : %.map : %.pl $(pls8yybd) : %8y.pl : %.afm ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybd.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybd.enc $< $@ $(pls8y0) : ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybd0.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybd0.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) $@ $(pls8y1) : ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybd1.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybd1.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) $@ $(pls8y2) : ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybd2.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybd2.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) $@ $(pls8y2j) : ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybd2j.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybd2j.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) $@ $(pls8y2jw) : ybd-8y.lig texnansx-ybd2jw.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst w,,$(subst 2,,$@)))) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansx-ybd2jw.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst w,,$(subst 2,,$@)))) $@ $(pls8y2w) : ybd-8y.lig texnansx-ybd2w.enc @echo $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst w,,$(subst 2,,$@))) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansx-ybd2w.enc $(subst 8y.pl,.afm,$(subst w,,$(subst 2,,$@))) $@ $(pls8yj) : %j8y.pl : %.afm ybd-8y.lig texnansi-ybdj.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansi-ybdj.enc $< $@ $(pls8yjw) : %jw8y.pl : %.afm ybd-8y.lig texnansx-ybdjw.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansx-ybdjw.enc $< $@ $(pls8yw) : %w8y.pl : %.afm ybd-8y.lig texnansx-ybdw.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8y.lig -n -p texnansx-ybdw.enc $< $@ $(pls8tybd) : %8t.pl : %.afm ybd-8t.lig t1-ybd.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybd.enc $< $@ $(pls8t0) : ybd-8t.lig t1-ybd0.enc @echo $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybd0.enc $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) $@ $(pls8t1) : ybd-8t.lig t1-ybd1.enc @echo $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybd1.enc $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) $@ $(pls8t2) : ybd-8t.lig t1-ybd2.enc @echo $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybd2.enc $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) $@ $(pls8t2j) : ybd-8t.lig t1-ybd2j.enc @echo $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybd2j.enc $(subst 8t.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) $@ $(pls8tj) : %j8t.pl : %.afm ybd-8t.lig t1-ybdj.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p t1-ybdj.enc $< $@ $(pls8cybd) : %8c.pl : %.afm ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybd.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybd.enc $< $@ $(pls8c0) : ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybd0.enc @echo $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybd0.enc $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 0,,$@)) $@ $(pls8c1) : ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybd1.enc @echo $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybd1.enc $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 1,,$@)) $@ $(pls8c2) : ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybd2.enc @echo $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybd2.enc $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst 2,,$@)) $@ $(pls8c2j) : ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybd2j.enc @echo $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybd2j.enc $(subst 8c.pl,.afm,$(subst j,,$(subst 2,,$@))) $@ $(pls8cj) : %j8c.pl : %.afm ybd-8t.lig ts1-ybdj.enc @echo $< \=\> $@ -afm2pl -l ybd-8t.lig -n -p ts1-ybdj.enc $< $@ $(plsr) : ybdr.afm $(plsri) : ybdri.afm $(plsrc) : ybdrc.afm $(plsrci) : ybdrci.afm $(plsb) : ybdb.afm $(plsbi) : ybdbi.afm $(plsbc) : ybdbc.afm $(plsbci) : ybdbci.afm ybd.map : $(maps) @printf %b "Creating ybd.map...\n" cat $(maps) > ybd.map $(tfms) : %.tfm : %.pl @echo $< \=\> $@ pltotf $< $@ %MAKE % \end{macrocode} % \iffalse % % \fi % \end{ffeil} % % \restoregeometry % \fancyheadoffset[lh]{\savedfancyoffset} % \fancyheadoffset[rh]{0pt} % \fancyhf[lh]{\hbox to \savedfancyoffset{\itshape\fileversion\hfil}\itshape\filebase} % % \subsubsection{FontForge} % % \textbf{\itshape Requires \texttt{FontForge}.} % % The included \verb|Makefile| in turn uses a FontForge script to convert the opentype fonts to postscript type 1 for use with 8-bit engines. % This is the script used to do the conversion. % % \iffalse %<*ff-ybd> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ff-ybd.pe} % The script was legacy when this was first written, so we need \verb|-lang=ff|. % We also need to scotch the comments of which \lpack{docstrip} is so fond, because the shebang must be the first line. % We use Lua to set the executable bit after extraction. % \begin{macrocode} %< % \fi % % \subsection{Ligatures} % % We also need to define the ligatures, including both standard and non-standard ones. % % \subsubsection{T1} % % \iffalse %<*lig-ybd-8t> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ybd-8t.lig} % Ligatures for T1. % \begin{macrocode} || = cwm ; question quoteleft =: questiondown ; exclam quoteleft =: exclamdown ; hyphen hyphen =: endash ; endash hyphen =: emdash ; quoteleft quoteleft =: quotedblleft ; quoteright quoteright =: quotedblright ; less less =: guillemotleft ; greater greater =: guillemotright ; space {} * ; * {} space ; Aacute <> A ; aacute <> a ; Abreve <> A ; abreve <> a ; Acircumflex <> A ; acircumflex <> a ; Adieresis <> A ; adieresis <> a ; Agrave <> A ; agrave <> a ; Aogonek <> A ; aogonek <> a ; Aring <> A ; aring <> a ; Atilde <> A ; atilde <> a ; Cacute <> C ; cacute <> c ; Ccaron <> C ; ccaron <> c ; Ccedilla <> C ; ccedilla <> c ; Dcaron <> D ; dcaron <> d ; Eacute <> E ; eacute <> e ; Ecaron <> E ; ecaron <> e ; Ecircumflex <> E ; ecircumflex <> e ; Edieresis <> E ; edieresis <> e ; Egrave <> E ; egrave <> e ; Eogonek <> E ; eogonek <> e ; Gbreve <> G ; gbreve <> g ; Iacute <> I ; iacute <> i ; Icircumflex <> I ; icircumflex <> i ; Idieresis <> I ; idieresis <> i ; Idotaccent <> I ; Igrave <> I ; igrave <> i ; Lacute <> L ; lacute <> l ; Lcaron <> L ; lcaron <> l ; Nacute <> N ; nacute <> n ; Ncaron <> N ; ncaron <> n ; Ntilde <> N ; ntilde <> n ; Oacute <> O ; oacute <> o ; Ocircumflex <> O ; ocircumflex <> o ; Odieresis <> O ; odieresis <> o ; Ograve <> O ; ograve <> o ; Oslash <> O ; oslash <> o ; Otilde <> O ; otilde <> o ; Racute <> R ; racute <> r ; Rcaron <> R ; rcaron <> r ; Sacute <> S ; sacute <> s ; Scaron <> S ; scaron <> s ; Scedilla <> S ; scedilla <> s ; Tcaron <> T ; tcaron <> t ; Tcedilla <> T ; tcedilla <> t ; Uacute <> U ; uacute <> u ; Ucircumflex <> U ; ucircumflex <> u ; Udieresis <> U ; udieresis <> u ; Ugrave <> U ; ugrave <> u ; Uring <> U ; uring <> u ; Yacute <> Y ; yacute <> y ; Ydieresis <> Y ; ydieresis <> y ; Zacute <> Z ; zacute <> z ; Zcaron <> Z ; zcaron <> z ; Zdotaccent <> Z ; zdotaccent <> z ; f i =: fi ; f l =: fl ; f f =: ff ; ff i =: ffi ; ff l =: ffl ; % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsubsection{LY1} % % \iffalse %<*lig-ybd-8y> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ybd-8y.lig} % Ligatures for LY1. % \begin{macrocode} || = cwm ; question quoteleft =: questiondown ; exclam quoteleft =: exclamdown ; hyphen hyphen =: endash ; endash hyphen =: emdash ; quoteleft quoteleft =: quotedblleft ; quoteright quoteright =: quotedblright ; less less =: guillemotleft ; greater greater =: guillemotright ; space {} * ; * {} space ; Aacute <> A ; aacute <> a ; Acircumflex <> A ; acircumflex <> a ; Adieresis <> A ; adieresis <> a ; Agrave <> A ; agrave <> a ; Aring <> A ; aring <> a ; Atilde <> A ; atilde <> a ; Ccedilla <> C ; ccedilla <> c ; Eacute <> E ; eacute <> e ; Ecircumflex <> E ; ecircumflex <> e ; Edieresis <> E ; edieresis <> e ; Egrave <> E ; egrave <> e ; Iacute <> I ; iacute <> i ; Icircumflex <> I ; icircumflex <> i ; Idieresis <> I ; idieresis <> i ; Igrave <> I ; igrave <> i ; Ntilde <> N ; ntilde <> n ; Oacute <> O ; oacute <> o ; Ocircumflex <> O ; ocircumflex <> o ; Odieresis <> O ; odieresis <> o ; Ograve <> O ; ograve <> o ; Oslash <> O ; oslash <> o ; Otilde <> O ; otilde <> o ; Scaron <> S ; scaron <> s ; Uacute <> U ; uacute <> u ; Ucircumflex <> U ; ucircumflex <> u ; Udieresis <> U ; udieresis <> u ; Ugrave <> U ; ugrave <> u ; Wcircumflex <> W ; wcircumflex <> w ; Yacute <> Y ; yacute <> y ; Ycircumflex <> Y ; ycircumflex <> y ; Ydieresis <> Y ; ydieresis <> y ; Zcaron <> Z ; zcaron <> z ; f i =: fi ; f l =: fl ; f f =: ff ; ff i =: ffi ; ff l =: ffl ; f j =: fj ; ff j =: ffj ; f t =: ft ; ff t =: fft ; c h =: ch ; c k =: ck ; c l =: cl ; c t =: ct ; s h =: sh ; s k =: sk ; s l =: sl ; s p =: sp ; s t =: st ; t t =: tt ; Q asterisk =: Qalt ; % \end{macrocode} % \end{ffeil} % \iffalse % % \fi % % \subsection{Names} % % \iffalse %<*nam-ybd> % \fi % \begin{ffeil}{ybd.nam} % Names for \texttt{FontForge}. % \begin{multicols}{2} % \begin{macrocode} %< % \fi %\Finale %^^A vim: tw=00: