NAME WebService::GoogleHack README VERSION 0.14 SYNOPSIS GoogleHack is a set of Perl modules that does a variety of text processing using the World Wide Web as a source of information. The module acts as the "driver" module for all the sub-modules such as Search, Spelling, Text, and Rate. Basic Features * Allow the users to to query Google . * Retrieve Spelling Suggestions . * Retrieve Cached web pages in a readable format. * Retrieve Number of hits. * Retrieve Time Taken for Query. * Retrieve snippets. Advanced Features * Find the Pointwise Mututal Information (PMI) measure between two words * Given a paragraph find if the paragraph has a positive or negative semantic orientation. * Given a set of words along with a positively oriented word such as "excellent" and a negatively oriented word such as "poor", predict if the given words are positive or negative in sentiment. * Given a set of phrases along with a positively oriented word such as "excellent" and a negatively oriented word such as "poor", predict if the given words are positive or negative in sentiment. * Given two or more words finds a set of related words. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILS GoogleHack is made up of 5 PERL modules: 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) ties together all the functionality of the Rate, Search,Text and Spelling modules. Hence, by just creating an object of type GoogleHack, the user will be able to call all the functions of the other modules. In addition to acting as a single interface to the other modules, also provides the functions to find the set of related words. Google Hack supports two methods for finding sets of related words. These are known as Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2 ( These algorithms are implemented in the module You can see an example program that calls these algorithms here ( is the sub-module of GoogleHack that implements all the sentiment classification and relatedness measures of GoogleHack. Functions include, * Predict the semantic orientation of words * Predict the semantic orientation of phrases * Predict the semantic orientaiton of reviews * Measure the semantic relatedness between words Though the functions in this module can be accessed directly, it is advised to use the GoogleHack module to interact with this module. is the sub-module of GoogleHack that implements the feature that interacts with the Google search engine. Though the search functions in this module can be accessed directly, it is advised to use the GoogleHack module to interact with this module. is the sub-module of GoogleHack that implements the spelling suggestion feature of Google. Though the spelling suggestion functions in this module can be accessed directly, it is advised to use the GoogleHack module to interact with this module. is the sub-module of GoogleHack that implements the text processing functions. Basic features include, * Retrieve words from text * Retrieve n-word sentences from text * Remove formatting such as HTML tags from text These features are used by some of the other modules of GoogleHack. DEPENDENCIES This module requires these other modules and libraries: To use this package, you need to have a Google API ID, and the GoogleSearch.WSDL File. You can register for this service and download the required materials @ Other packages that you will need: (See INSTALL file more more information on how to install these packages) * SOAP::Lite * HTML::TokeParser * Text::English * LWP Additional Package if using Sentiment Classification functions: * Brill Tagger (This is not a PERL module - See INSTALL file more more information) DEMONSTRATION To use the GoogleHack package include the following command at the beginning of your program: use WebService::GoogleHack; This command creates a new instance of GoogleHack called "google": $google = new WebService::GoogleHack; $PATHCONFIG=""; $PATHREVIEW=""; This command initializes the "key" and "Google WSDL" file path: $google->initConfig("$PATHCONFIG"); $correction=$google->phraseSpelling("dulut"); $results=$google->Search("duluth"); print $google->{'searchTime'}; print $google->{'snippet'}->[0];; $results=$google->measureSemanticRelatedness("knife","cut"); $google->predictSemanticOrientation("$PATHREVIEW","excellent","poor"); my @terms=(); push(@terms,"gun"); push(@terms,"pistol"); $results=$google->wordClusterInPage(\@terms,10,25,1,"results.txt","true" ); print "\n Algorithm 1 Results \n$results"; push(@terms,"machine gun"); $results=$google->Algorithm2(\@terms,10,15,10,1,1,35,"results.txt","true "); print "\n Algorithm 2 Results \n$results"; $google->predictWordSentiment("$PATHREVIEW","excellent","bad"); print "\n Word Sentiment Results \n$results"; DOCUMENTATION POD style documentation is included in all modules and scripts You can look @ `perldoc GoogleHack` for more information about the specifics of each module. The description of each method in the modules is also given. SUPPORT & CREDITS Questions about how to use this library should If you have any questions or suggestions you e mail Pratheepan Raveendranathan ( or Ted Pedersen ( Design - Ted Pedersen Pratheepan Raveendranathan Implementation - Pratheepan Raveendranathan Documentation - Ted Pedersen Pratheepan Raveendranathan You can visit the developers web site @ Ted Pedersen - Pratheepan Raveendranathan - COPYRIGHT AND LICENCE Copyright (c) 2005 by Pratheepan Raveendranathan, Ted Pedersen This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to The Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.