Catmandu::XSD - Modules for handling XML data with XSD compilation
## Converting XML to YAML/JSON/CSV/etc
# Compile an XSD schema file and parse one shiporder.xml file
catmandu convert XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd
to YAML < shiporder.xml
# Same as above but parse more than one file into an array of records
catmandu convert XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd
--files 'data/*.xml'
# Same as above but all array of records are in a XML container file
catmandu convert XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd
--xpath '/Container/List//Record/Payload/*'
to YAML < data/container.xml
## Convert an YAML/JSON/CSV into XML validated against an XSD schemas
# Convert one shiporder YAML to XML
catmandu convert YAML to XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd < shiporder.YAML
# Same as above but store multiple shiporders in the YAML into a separate file
catmandu convert YAML to XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd
--split 1
< shiporder.YAML
# Same as above but use template toolkit to pack the XML into an container
# (The xml record is stored in the 'xml' key which can be retrieved in the
# template by [% xml %])
catmandu convert YAML to XSD --root '{}shiporder'
--schemas demo/order/*.xsd
--template_before t/
--template t/
--template t/
< shiporder.YAML
## Example documents
# Show an example how a valid XML document needs to be structured for an
# XSD scheme.
catmandu convert XSD --root {}shiporder
--schemas "t/demo/order/*xsd"
--example 1 to YAML
Catmandu::XSD contains modules for handling XML data within the
Catmandu framework. Parsing and serializing is based on XML::Compile.
There are two modules available for handling XML data in the Catmandu
framework: Catmandu::XML and Catmandu::XSD. The former one can be used
when no XML schema is available for the data. It provides a simple
interface to read in XML data and transform it to other formats.
Because Catmandu::XML doesn't depend on an XSD schema, it can't know
which fields in the input XML files are sequences or single value
elements. Each record is parsed on its own. A record with content:
will be parsed into a YAML structure:
catmandu XML to YAML < test.xml
bar: test
A record with content:
will be parsed into a Perl structure:
catmandu XML to YAML < test2.xml
- test
- test
In the first case 'bar' will contain a string, in the second case an
array. This might no be what you want in some programming projects.
E.g. when you need the 'bar' field to be always an array of values,
then you an XSD schema file is required containing the exact structure
of the XML document:
And now the test.xml and test2.xml can be parsed with help of
catmandu XSD --root '{}foo' --schemas test.xsd to YAML < test.xml
- test
catmandu XSD --root '{}foo' --schemas test.xsd to YAML < test2.xml
- test
- test
Some XSD Schema allow for any or anyAttribute specifications in the
schema. The Catmandu::XSD modules can't guess in these cases what the
schema implementation is. These nodes will be parsed as
XML::LibXML::Nodes in the resulting documents. Catmandu output formats
such as Catmandu::Exporter::JSON can't handle these XML::LibXML::Node
nodes. You have to implement yourself a Catmandu::Fix to translate
these values in to plain string, array or hash elements.
But in general a round trip should be problematic:
catmandu XSD --root ... --schema wildcard.xsd to XSD --root ... --schema wildcard.xsd < data.xml
ComplexType and ComplexContent in the XSD schema can be declared with
the attribute. This means that in the XML documents
simple text and XML elements can be mixed as in:
Hello, I'm John how can I help you?
In these cases it is not know if the elements are required as an hash
or should be ignored. By defaults Catmandu::XSD will parse these
elements as XML::LibXML::Nodes documents. This behavious can be changed
by setting the 'mixed' flag:
# All mixed elements will be XML::LibXML::Node-s
catmandu XSD --root ... --schema mixed.xsd < data.xml
# The mixed elements will be ignored, only the text will survive
# Hello, I'm John how can I help you?
# => Hello, I'm John how can I help you?
catmandu XSD --root ... --schema mixed.xsd --mixed TEXTUAL < data.xml
# The mixed text will be ignored, only the elements will survive
# Hello, I'm John how can I help you?
# => { name => 'John' , bold => 'help' }
catmandu XSD --root ... --schema mixed.xsd --mixed STRUCTURAL < data.xml
# The mixed elements will be a plain XML fragment string
# Hello, I'm John how can I help you?
# => $r = 'Hello, I'm John how can I help you?'
catmandu XSD --root ... --schema mixed.xsd --mixed XML_STRING < data.xml
Parse and validate XML data using an XSD file for structural data
Serialize and validate XML data using an XSD file for structural data
Use the github issue tracker for any bug reports or questions on this
This module is based on XML::Compile and the Catmandu framework.
XML::Compile is the workhorse that forms the core of this module to
compile XSD file into parser and serializers.
Catmandu is used to transform parsed XML into any format you like.
Catmandu contains a simple DSL languages called Catmandu::Fix to create
small scripts to manipulate data. The Catmandu toolkit is used by many
university libraries to process metadata collections.
For more information on Catmandu visit:
or follow the blog posts at:
Patrick Hochstenbach , patrick.hochstenbach at
This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
XML::Compile , Catmandu , Template , Catmandu::XML