Business::Stripe ================ This module provides common Perl 5 bindings to the Stripe payment system with minimal dependencies and overhead. Any API calls that do not have bindings can be easily accessed through the generic `api` method. Basic Usage ----------- ```perl my $stripe = Business::Stripe->new( -api_key => 'your-api-key-here', ); ## get the payment token from Stripe.js, then: my $success = $stripe->charges_create( amount => 400, # in cents source => $token_from_stripe_js, description => 'Ice cream' ); if ($success) { return $stripe->success(); # <-- the returned JSON structure } else { die $stripe->error->{message}; } my $customer = $stripe->api('post', 'customers', email => '', name => 'Jane S. Customer', description => 'Displayed alongside the customer on your dashboard', source => $token_id, ) and $stripe->success; die $stripe->error unless $customer; ``` Please refer to [Business::Stripe's complete documentation]( for more examples and thorough documentation. After installation, the same documentation may be accessed on your terminal by typing: perldoc Business::Stripe on your terminal. Installation ------------ To install this module via cpanm: > cpanm Business::Stripe Or, at the cpan shell: cpan> install Business::Stripe If you wish to install it manually, download and unpack the tarball and run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install Of course, instead of downloading the tarball you may simply clone the git repository: $ git clone git:// Finally, you can also just download and include it as part of your distribution (though in this case you should probably rename it to something like ``). LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT --------------------- Copyright (C) 2012-2019 Aquaron. All Rights Reserved. This program and library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl 5 itself. See for more information.