NAME Class::DBI::Loader - Dynamic definition of Class::DBI sub classes. SYNOPSIS use Class::DBI::Loader; my $loader = Class::DBI::Loader->new( dsn => "dbi:mysql:dbname", user => "root", password => "", namespace => "Data", additional_classes => qw/Class::DBI::AbstractSearch/, additional_base_classes => qw/My::Stuff/, constraint => '^foo.*', relationships => 1 ); my $class = $loader->find_class('film'); # $class => Data::Film my $obj = $class->retrieve(1); use with mod_perl in your # load all tables use Class::DBI::Loader; my $loader = Class::DBI::Loader->new( dsn => "dbi:mysql:dbname", user => "root", password => "", namespace => "Data", ); in your web application. use strict; # you can use Data::Film directly my $film = Data::Film->retrieve($id); DESCRIPTION Class::DBI::Loader automate the definition of Class::DBI sub-classes. scan table schemas and setup columns, primary key. class names are defined by table names and namespace option. +-----------+-----------+-----------+ | table | namespace | class | +-----------+-----------+-----------+ | foo | Data | Data::Foo | | foo_bar | | FooBar | +-----------+-----------+-----------+ Class::DBI::Loader supports MySQL, Postgres and SQLite. See Class::DBI::Loader::Generic. AUTHOR Sebastian Riedel, "" AUTHOR EMERITUS IKEBE Tomohiro, "" THANK YOU Randal Schwartz, Simon Flack and all the others who've helped. LICENSE This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. SEE ALSO Class::DBI, Class::DBI::mysql, Class::DBI::Pg, Class::DBI::SQLite, Class::DBI::Loader::Generic, Class::DBI::Loader::mysql, Class::DBI::Loader::Pg, Class::DBI::Loader::SQLite