## ---- fig.show='hold'--------------------------------------------------------- library(TCGAWorkflowData) data("elmerExample") data("TCGA_LGG_Transcriptome_20_samples") data("TCGA_GBM_Transcriptome_20_samples") data("histoneMarks") data("biogrid") data("genes_GR") data("maf_lgg_gbm") ## ---- eval = FALSE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE, include=TRUE----------------- # library(GenomicRanges) # library(TCGAbiolinks) # ############################## # ## Recurrent CNV annotation ## # ############################## # # Get gene information from GENCODE using biomart # genes <- TCGAbiolinks:::get.GRCh.bioMart(genome = "hg19") # genes <- genes[genes$external_gene_id != "" & genes$chromosome_name %in% c(1:22,"X","Y"),] # genes[genes$chromosome_name == "X", "chromosome_name"] <- 23 # genes[genes$chromosome_name == "Y", "chromosome_name"] <- 24 # genes$chromosome_name <- sapply(genes$chromosome_name,as.integer) # genes <- genes[order(genes$start_position),] # genes <- genes[order(genes$chromosome_name),] # genes <- genes[,c("external_gene_id", "chromosome_name", "start_position","end_position")] # colnames(genes) <- c("GeneSymbol","Chr","Start","End") # genes_GR <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(genes,keep.extra.columns = TRUE) # save(genes_GR,genes,file = "genes_GR.rda", compress = "xz") ## ---- eval=FALSE, message=FALSE, warning=FALSE, include=TRUE------------------ # library(RTCGAToolbox) # # Download GISTIC results # lastAnalyseDate <- getFirehoseAnalyzeDates(1) # gistic <- getFirehoseData( # dataset = "GBM", # gistic2_Date = lastAnalyseDate, # GISTIC = TRUE # ) # # # get GISTIC results # gistic_allbygene <- getData( # gistic, # type = "GISTIC", # platform = "AllByGene" # ) # # gistic_thresholedbygene <- getData( # gistic, # type = "GISTIC", # platform = "ThresholdedByGene" # ) # # save( # gistic_allbygene, # gistic_thresholedbygene, # file = "GBMGistic.rda", compress = "xz" # ) ## ---- eval=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'-------------------------------- # query_exp_lgg <- GDCquery( # project = "TCGA-LGG", # data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling", # data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", # workflow.type = "STAR - Counts" # ) # # Get only first 20 samples to make example faster # query_exp_lgg$results[[1]] <- query_exp_lgg$results[[1]][1:20,] # GDCdownload(query_exp_lgg) # exp_lgg <- GDCprepare( # query = query_exp_lgg # ) # # query_exp_gbm <- GDCquery( # project = "TCGA-GBM", # data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling", # data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", # workflow.type = "STAR - Counts" # ) # # Get only first 20 samples to make example faster # query_exp_gbm$results[[1]] <- query_exp_gbm$results[[1]][1:20,] # GDCdownload(query_exp_gbm) # exp_gbm <- GDCprepare( # query = query_exp_gbm # ) ## ---- eval=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'-------------------------------- # #----------- 8.3 Identification of Regulatory Enhancers ------- # library(TCGAbiolinks) # # Samples: primary solid tumor w/ DNA methylation and gene expression # matched_met_exp <- function(project, n = NULL){ # # get primary solid tumor samples: DNA methylation # message("Download DNA methylation information") # met450k <- GDCquery( # project = project, # data.category = "DNA Methylation", # platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 450", # data.type = "Methylation Beta Value", # sample.type = c("Primary Tumor") # ) # met450k.tp <- met450k$results[[1]]$cases # # # get primary solid tumor samples: RNAseq # message("Download gene expression information") # exp <- GDCquery( # project = project, # data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling", # data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", # workflow.type = "STAR - Counts" # sample.type = c("Primary Tumor") # ) # # exp.tp <- exp$results[[1]]$cases # # Get patients with samples in both platforms # patients <- unique(substr(exp.tp,1,15)[substr(exp.tp,1,12) %in% substr(met450k.tp,1,12)] ) # if(!is.null(n)) patients <- patients[1:n] # get only n samples # return(patients) # } # lgg.samples <- matched_met_exp("TCGA-LGG", n = 10) # gbm.samples <- matched_met_exp("TCGA-GBM", n = 10) # samples <- c(lgg.samples,gbm.samples) # # #----------------------------------- # # 1 - Methylation # # ---------------------------------- # query.met <- GDCquery( # project = c("TCGA-LGG","TCGA-GBM"), # data.category = "DNA Methylation", # platform = "Illumina Human Methylation 450", # data.type = "Methylation Beta Value", # barcode = samples # ) # GDCdownload(query.met) # met <- GDCprepare(query.met, save = FALSE) # met <- subset(met,subset = as.character(GenomicRanges::seqnames(met)) %in% c("chr9")) # # #----------------------------------- # # 2 - Expression # # ---------------------------------- # query.exp <- GDCquery( # project = c("TCGA-LGG","TCGA-GBM"), # data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling", # data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification", # workflow.type = "STAR - Counts" # sample.type = c("Primary Tumor") # barcode = samples # ) # GDCdownload(query.exp) # exp <- GDCprepare(query.exp, save = FALSE) # save(exp, met, gbm.samples, lgg.samples, file = "elmerExample.rda", compress = "xz") ## ---- eval=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'-------------------------------- # library(TCGAbiolinks) # query <- GDCquery( # project = c("TCGA-LGG","TCGA-GBM"), # data.category = "Simple Nucleotide Variation", # access = "open", # data.type = "Masked Somatic Mutation", # workflow.type = "Aliquot Ensemble Somatic Variant Merging and Masking" # ) # GDCdownload(query) # maf <- GDCprepare(query) # save(maf,file = "maf_lgg_gbm.rda",compress = "xz") ## ---- eval=FALSE, include=TRUE, results='asis'-------------------------------- # ### read biogrid info # ### Check last version in https://thebiogrid.org/download.php # file <- "https://downloads.thebiogrid.org/Download/BioGRID/Latest-Release/BIOGRID-ALL-LATEST.tab2.zip" # if(!file.exists(gsub("zip","txt",basename(file)))){ # downloader::download(file,basename(file)) # unzip(basename(file),junkpaths =TRUE) # } # # tmp.biogrid <- vroom::vroom( # dir(pattern = "BIOGRID-ALL.*\\.txt") # ) # save(tmp.biogrid, file = "biogrid.rda", compress = "xz") ## ----results='hide', eval=FALSE, echo=FALSE, message=FALSE,warning=FALSE------ # library(ChIPseeker) # library(AnnotationHub) # library(pbapply) # library(ggplot2) # #------------------ Working with ChipSeq data --------------- # # Step 1: download histone marks for a brain and non-brain samples. # #------------------------------------------------------------ # # loading annotation hub database # ah = AnnotationHub() # # # Searching for brain consolidated epigenomes in the roadmap database # bpChipEpi_brain <- query(ah , c("EpigenomeRoadMap", "narrowPeak", "chip", "consolidated","brain","E068")) # # # Get chip-seq data # histone.marks <- pblapply(names(bpChipEpi_brain), function(x) {ah[[x]]}) # names(histone.marks) <- names(bpChipEpi_brain) # save(histone.marks, file = "histoneMarks.rda", compress = "xz") ## ----sessionInfo, results='asis', echo=FALSE---------------------------------- pander::pander(sessionInfo(), compact = FALSE)