## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", message = FALSE, warning = FALSE ) ## ----eval=TRUE, include=FALSE, paged.print=TRUE------------------------------- library(S4Vectors) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- library(scFeatures) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- data("example_scrnaseq" , package = "scFeatures") data <- example_scrnaseq data <- process_data(data, normalise = TRUE) # perform normalisation scfeatures_result <- scFeatures(data, feature_types = "gene_mean_celltype") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- feature_gene_mean_celltype <- scfeatures_result$gene_mean_celltype # inspect the first 5 rows and first 5 columns feature_gene_mean_celltype[1:5, 1:5] # inspect the dimension of the matrix dim(feature_gene_mean_celltype) ## ----fig.height=4, fig.width=7------------------------------------------------ library(ClassifyR) # X is the feature type generated # y is the condition for classification X <- feature_gene_mean_celltype y <- data@meta.data[!duplicated(data$sample), ] y <- y[match(rownames(X), y$sample), ]$condition # run the classification model using random forest result <- ClassifyR::crossValidate( X, y, classifier = "randomForest", nCores = 2, nFolds = 3, nRepeats = 5 ) ClassifyR::performancePlot(results = result) ## ----fig.height=5, fig.width=7------------------------------------------------ library(survival) library(survminer) X <- feature_gene_mean_celltype X <- t(X) # run hierarchical clustering hclust_res <- hclust( as.dist(1 - cor(X, method = "pearson")), method = "ward.D2" ) set.seed(1) # generate some survival outcome, including the survival days and the censoring outcome survival_day <- sample(1:100, ncol(X)) censoring <- sample(0:1, ncol(X), replace = TRUE) cluster_res <- cutree(hclust_res, k = 2) metadata <- data.frame( cluster = factor(cluster_res), survival_day = survival_day, censoring = censoring) # plot survival curve fit <- survfit( Surv(survival_day, censoring) ~ cluster, data = metadata ) ggsurv <- ggsurvplot(fit, conf.int = FALSE, risk.table = TRUE, risk.table.col = "strata", pval = TRUE ) ggsurv ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # here we use the demo data from the package data("scfeatures_result" , package = "scFeatures") # here we use the current working directory to save the html output # modify this to save the html file to other directory output_folder <- tempdir() run_association_study_report(scfeatures_result, output_folder ) ## ---- eval=TRUE--------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()