## ---- include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set( collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>" ) ## ----extdata1----------------------------------------------------------------- sample_id_file <- system.file("extdata/tcga_sample_ids.tsv", package = "SplicingFactory") sample_ids <- read.table(sample_id_file) ## ----extdata2----------------------------------------------------------------- gene_id_file <- system.file("extdata/tcga_gene_ids.tsv", package = "SplicingFactory") gene_ids <- read.table(sample_id_file) ## ----setup-------------------------------------------------------------------- library("SplicingFactory") library("SummarizedExperiment") # Load dataset data(tcga_brca_luma_dataset) # Extract gene names genes <- tcga_brca_luma_dataset[, 1] # Extract read count data without gene names readcounts <- tcga_brca_luma_dataset[, -1] # Check read count dataset dim(readcounts) head(readcounts[, 1:5]) ## ----readfilter--------------------------------------------------------------- tokeep <- rowSums(readcounts > 5) > 5 readcounts <- readcounts[tokeep, ] genes <- genes[tokeep] ## ----laplace------------------------------------------------------------------ laplace_entropy <- calculate_diversity(readcounts, genes, method = "laplace", norm = TRUE, verbose = TRUE) head(assay(laplace_entropy)[, 1:5]) ## ----gini--------------------------------------------------------------------- gini_index <- calculate_diversity(readcounts, genes, method = "gini", verbose = TRUE) head(assay(gini_index)[, 1:5]) ## ----divplots----------------------------------------------------------------- library("tidyr") library("ggplot2") # Construct data.frame from SummarizedExperiment result laplace_data <- cbind(assay(laplace_entropy), Gene = rowData(laplace_entropy)$genes) # Reshape data.frame laplace_data <- pivot_longer(laplace_data, -Gene, names_to = "sample", values_to = "entropy") # Add sample type information laplace_data$sample_type <- apply(laplace_data[, 2], 1, function(x) ifelse(grepl("_N", x), "Normal", "Tumor")) # Filter genes with NA entropy values laplace_data <- drop_na(laplace_data) # Update gene names and add diversity type column laplace_data$Gene <- paste0(laplace_data$Gene, "_", laplace_data$sample_type) laplace_data$diversity <- "Normalized Laplace entropy" # Construct data.frame from SummarizedExperiment result gini_data <- cbind(assay(gini_index), Gene = rowData(gini_index)$genes) # Reshape data.frame gini_data <- pivot_longer(gini_data, -Gene, names_to = "sample", values_to = "gini") # Add sample type information gini_data$sample_type <- apply(gini_data[, 2], 1, function(x) ifelse(grepl("_N", x), "Normal", "Tumor")) # Filter genes with NA gini values gini_data <- drop_na(gini_data) # Update gene names and add diversity type column gini_data$Gene <- paste0(gini_data$Gene, "_", gini_data$sample_type) gini_data$diversity <- "Gini index" # Plot diversity data ggplot() + geom_density(data = laplace_data, alpha = 0.3, aes(x = entropy, group = sample, color = diversity)) + geom_density(data = gini_data, alpha = 0.3, aes(x = gini, group = sample, color = diversity)) + facet_grid(. ~ sample_type) + scale_color_manual(values = c("black", "darkorchid4")) + guides(color = FALSE) + theme_minimal() + labs(x = "Diversity values", y = "Density") # Mean entropy calculation across samples for each gene/sample type combination laplace_entropy_mean <- aggregate(laplace_data$entropy, by = list(laplace_data$Gene), mean) colnames(laplace_entropy_mean)[2] <- "mean_entropy" laplace_entropy_mean <- as_tibble(laplace_entropy_mean) # Add sample type information laplace_entropy_mean$sample_type <- apply(laplace_entropy_mean[, 1], 1, function(x) ifelse(grepl("_Normal", x), "Normal", "Tumor")) # Add diversity type column laplace_entropy_mean$diversity <- "Normalized Laplace entropy" # Mean gini calculation across samples for each gene/sample type combination gini_mean <- aggregate(gini_data$gini, by = list(gini_data$Gene), mean) colnames(gini_mean)[2] <- "mean_gini" gini_mean <- as_tibble(gini_mean) # Add sample type information gini_mean$sample_type <- apply(gini_mean[, 1], 1, function(x) ifelse(grepl("_Normal", x), "Normal", "Tumor")) # Add diversity type column gini_mean$diversity <- "Gini index" ggplot() + geom_violin(data = laplace_entropy_mean, aes(x = sample_type, y = mean_entropy, fill = diversity), alpha = 0.6) + geom_violin(data = gini_mean, aes(x = sample_type, y = mean_gini, fill = diversity), alpha = 0.6) + scale_fill_viridis_d(name = "Diversity") + coord_flip() + theme_minimal() + labs(x = "Samples", y = "Diversity") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update the SummarizedExperiment object with a new sample metadata column for # sample types, as the the object returned by calculate_diversity does not # contain this information. colData(laplace_entropy) <- cbind(colData(laplace_entropy), sample_type = ifelse(grepl("_N", laplace_entropy$samples), "Normal", "Tumor")) # Calculate significant entropy changes entropy_significance <- calculate_difference(x = laplace_entropy, samples = "sample_type", control = "Normal", method = "mean", test = "wilcoxon", verbose = TRUE) head(entropy_significance) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- entropy_significance$label <- apply(entropy_significance[, c(4, 7)], 1, function(x) ifelse(abs(x[1]) >= 0.1 & x[2] < 0.05, "significant", "non-significant")) entropy_significance$mean <- apply(entropy_significance[, c(2, 3)], 1, function(x) (x[1] + x[2]) / 2) ggplot(entropy_significance, aes(x = mean, y = mean_difference)) + geom_point(color = "lightgrey", size = 1) + geom_point(data = entropy_significance[entropy_significance$label == "significant", ], color = "red", size = 1) + theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Normalized Laplace entropy", subtitle = "Wilcoxon signed rank test", x = "Mean entropy", y = "Mean difference") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ggplot(entropy_significance, aes(x = mean_difference, y = -log10(adjusted_p_values), color = label)) + geom_point() + scale_color_manual(values = c("grey", "red"), guide = "none") + geom_hline(yintercept = -log10(0.05), color = "red") + geom_vline(xintercept = c(0.1, -0.1)) + theme_minimal() + labs(title = "Normalized Laplace entropy", subtitle = "Wilcoxon signed rank test", x = "Mean difference of entropy values", y = "-Log10(adjusted p-value") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()