## ----echo=FALSE,message=FALSE, warning=FALSE---------------------------------- library("knitr") ## ----setup, include = FALSE--------------------------------------------------- knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) ## ---- echo=FALSE,message=FALSE, warning=FALSE--------------------------------- suppressPackageStartupMessages({ library("readr") library("dplyr") library("Biostrings") library("SummarizedExperiment") library("stringr") }) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Loading packages required for data handling & data manipulation library(dplyr) library(tibble) library(stringr) # Loading HPiP package library(HPiP) # Loading data data(Gold_ReferenceSet) dim(Gold_ReferenceSet) ## ---- eval=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- # local = tempdir() # #Get positive interactions from BioGrid # TP <- get_positivePPI(organism.taxID = 2697049, # access.key = 'XXXX', # filename = "PositiveInt.RData", # path = local) ## ---- echo=FALSE, warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide'---------------- TP <- read_csv( system.file("extdata/TP_set.csv", package = "HPiP"), show_col_types = FALSE ) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #pathogen proteins prot1 <- unique(TP$`Official Symbol Interactor A`) #host proteins prot2 <- unique(TP$`Official Symbol Interactor B`) #true positive PPIs TPset <- TP$PPI TN <- get_negativePPI(prot1 , prot2, TPset) dim(TN) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- local = tempdir() #retrieve FASTA sequences of SARS-CoV-2 virus id = unique(Gold_ReferenceSet$Pathogen_Protein) fasta_list <- getFASTA(id, filename = 'FASTA.RData', path = local) ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # Convert the list of sequences obtained in the previous section to data.frame fasta_df <- do.call(rbind, fasta_list) fasta_df <- data.frame(UniprotID = row.names(fasta_df), sequence = as.character(fasta_df)) #calculate AAC acc_df <- calculateAAC(fasta_df) #only print out the result for the first row acc_df[1,-1] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- acc_df[1,-1] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input dc_df <- calculateDC(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row dc_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- dc_df[1, c(2:31)] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input tc_df <- calculateTC(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row tc_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <-tc_df[1, c(2:31)] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input TC_Sm_df <- calculateTC_Sm(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row TC_Sm_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- TC_Sm_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input QD_df <- calculateQD_Sm(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row QD_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- QD_df[1, c(2:31)] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input F1_df <- calculateF(fasta_df, type = "F1") #only print out the result the first row F1_df[1,-1] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- F1_df[1,-1] #convert df to character vector x_df <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) x_df ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input F2_df <- calculateF(fasta_df, type = "F2") #only print out the result the first row F2_df[1,-1] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- F2_df[1,-1] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- df1 <- HPiP:::df1 df1[is.na(df1)] <- "" knitr::kable(df1, align = "lccrr", caption = "Amino acid attributes and the division of amino acid into three-group.", longtable = TRUE) ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input CTDC_df <- calculateCTDC(fasta_df) CTDC_df[1, c(-1)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- CTDC_df[1, c(-1)] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input CTDT_df <- calculateCTDT(fasta_df) #only print out the result for the first row CTDT_df[1, -1] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- CTDT_df[1, -1] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input CTDD_df <- calculateCTDD(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row CTDD_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- CTDD_df[1, c(2:31)] ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input CTriad_df <- calculateCTriad(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row CTriad_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- CTriad_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- warning=FALSE, results='hide'------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input moran_df <- calculateAutocor(fasta_df,type = "moran", nlag = 10) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row moran_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- moran_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input mb_df <- calculateAutocor(fasta_df,type = "moreaubroto", nlag = 10) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row mb_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- mb_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input geary_df <- calculateAutocor(fasta_df,type = "geary", nlag = 10) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row geary_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- geary_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- df2 <- HPiP:::df2 df2[is.na(df2)] <- "" knitr::kable(df2, caption = "Composition of k-spaced amino acid pairs. Given 400 (20 × 20) amino acid pairs and four values for k (k=1–4), there are 1600 attributes generated for the KSAAP feature.", col.names = c("","","","","","","",""),row.names = NA, longtable = TRUE, align = "lccrr") ## ---- results='hide'---------------------------------------------------------- # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input KSAAP_df <- calculateKSAAP(fasta_df) #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row KSAAP_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE------------------------------------------------------------- ex <- KSAAP_df[1, c(2:31)] #convert df to character vector ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) ex ## ---- results='hide', warning=FALSE, eval = FALSE----------------------------- # # using data.frame provided by getFASTA function as data input # BE_df <- calculateBE(fasta_df) # #only print out the first 30 elements for the first row # BE_df[1, c(2:31)] ## ---- echo= FALSE, eval = FALSE----------------------------------------------- # ex <- BE_df[1, c(2:31)] # #convert df to character vector # ex <- structure(as.numeric(ex), names = colnames(ex)) # ex ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #loading the package library(Biostrings) #Read fasta sequences provided by HPiP package using Biostrings fasta <- readAAStringSet(system.file("extdata/UP000464024.fasta", package="HPiP"), use.names=TRUE) #Convert to df fasta_bios = data.frame(ID=names(fasta),sequences=as.character(fasta)) #Extract the UniProt identifier fasta_bios$ID <- sub(".*[|]([^.]+)[|].*", "\\1", fasta_bios$ID) # for example, run ACC acc_bios <- calculateAAC(fasta_bios) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #loading viral_se object data(viral_se) viral_se ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #loading host_se object data(host_se) host_se ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #generate descriptors CTDC_df <- calculateCTDC(fasta_df) CTDC_m <- as.matrix(CTDC_df[, -1]) row.names(CTDC_m) <- CTDC_df$identifier CTDT_df <- calculateCTDT(fasta_df) CTDT_m <- as.matrix(CTDT_df[, -1]) row.names(CTDT_m) <- CTDT_df$identifier CTDD_df <- calculateCTDD(fasta_df) CTDD_m <- as.matrix(CTDD_df[, -1]) row.names(CTDD_m) <- CTDD_df$identifier ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #convert matrix to se object ctdc_se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = CTDC_m), colData = paste0(colnames(CTDC_df[,-1]), "CTDC")) ctdt_se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = CTDT_m), colData = paste0(colnames(CTDT_df[,-1]), "CTDT")) ctdd_se <- SummarizedExperiment(assays = list(counts = CTDD_m), colData = paste0(colnames(CTDD_df[,-1]), "CTDD")) #combine all se objects to one viral_se <- cbind(ctdc_se,ctdd_se,ctdt_se) ## ---- echo=FALSE-------------------------------------------------------------- df3 <- HPiP:::df3 df3[is.na(df3)] <- "" knitr::kable(df3, caption = "List of commonly used descriptors in HPiP.", align = "lccrr") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #extract features from viral_se counts_v <- assays(viral_se)$counts #extract row.names from viral_Se rnames_v <- row.names(counts_v) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #extract features from host_se counts_h <- assays(host_se)$counts #extract row.names from viral_Se rnames_h <- row.names(counts_h) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #Loading gold-standard data gd <- Gold_ReferenceSet x1_viral <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(gd), ncol = ncol(counts_v)) for (i in 1:nrow(gd)) x1_viral[i, ] <- counts_v[which(gd$Pathogen_Protein[i] == rnames_v), ] x1_host <- matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(gd), ncol = ncol(counts_h)) for (i in 1:nrow(gd)) x1_host[i, ] <- counts_h[which(gd$Host_Protein[i] == rnames_h), ] ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- x <- getHPI(x1_viral,x1_host, type = "combine") x <- as.data.frame(x) x <- cbind(gd$PPI, gd$class, x) colnames(x)[1:2] <- c("PPI", "class") ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ #to use correlation analysis, make sure to drop the columns with sd zero xx <- Filter(function(x) sd(x) != 0, x[,-c(1,2)]) xx <- cbind(x$PPI, x$class, xx) colnames(xx)[1:2] <- c("PPI", "class") #perform feature selection using both correlation analysis and RFE approach set.seed(101) x_FS <- FSmethod(xx, type = c("both"), cor.cutoff = 0.8,resampling.method = "cv", iter = 2,repeats =NULL, metric = "Accuracy", verbose = FALSE) ## ----message=FALSE,fig.width = 8, fig.height = 8------------------------------ #cor plot corr_plot(x_FS$cor.result$corProfile, method = 'square' , cex = 0.1) ## ---- fig.width = 8, fig.height = 4------------------------------------------- #var importance var_imp(x_FS$rf.result$rfProfile, cex.x = 8, cex.y = 8) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- #load the unlabeled HP-PPIs data('unlabel_data') #Constructed labeled HP-PPIs labeled_dat <- x_FS$rf.result$rfdf labeled_dat <- labeled_dat[,-1] #select important features unlabel_data <- unlabel_data[names(unlabel_data) %in% names(x_FS$rf.result$rfdf)] #merge them ind_data <- rbind(unlabel_data,labeled_dat) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get class labels gd <- x_FS$rf.result$rfdf gd <- gd[, c(2,1)] ## ----warning=FALSE,results='hide', message=FALSE------------------------------ set.seed(102) ppi <- pred_ensembel(ind_data, gd, classifier = c("svmRadial", "glm", "ranger"), resampling.method = "cv", ncross = 5, verboseIter = TRUE, plots = TRUE, filename=file.path(tempdir(), "plots.pdf")) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pred_interactions <- ppi[["predicted_interactions"]] head(pred_interactions) ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- pred_interactions <- filter(pred_interactions, ensemble >= 0.7) dim(pred_interactions) ## ----message=FALSE, results='hide',fig.width = 6, fig.height = 6-------------- S_interc <- filter(pred_interactions, str_detect(Pathogen_protein, "^ORF8:")) #drop the first column ppi <- S_interc[,-1] plotPPI(ppi, edge.name = "ensemble", node.color ="red", edge.color = "grey", cex.node = 10, node.label.dist= 2) ## ---- fig.width = 10, fig.height = 5------------------------------------------ ppi <- pred_interactions[,-1] FreqInteractors(ppi,cex.size = 12) ## ---- warning=FALSE, message=FALSE, results='hide', eval=FALSE---------------- # enrich_result <- # enrichfindP(ppi,threshold = 0.05, # sources = "GO", # p.corrction.method = "bonferroni", # org = "hsapiens") ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ ppi <- pred_interactions[,-1] set.seed(103) predcpx <- run_clustering(ppi, method = "FC") ## ----message=FALSE------------------------------------------------------------ enrichcpx <- enrichfind_cpx(predcpx, threshold = 0.05, sources = "GO", p.corrction.method = "bonferroni", org = "hsapiens") ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- sessionInfo()