--- title: "BatchQC Advanced Usage" author: "Claire Ruberman, Solaiappan Manimaran" date: "`r Sys.Date()`" output: pdf_document vignette: > %\VignetteIndexEntry{BatchQC_usage_advanced} %\VignetteEngine{knitr::rmarkdown} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} --- ## Simulated Example ###### (a) Use the data simulating mechanism from the batchQC package ```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE} require(MCMCpack) require(sva) require(BatchQC) # Simulate Count Data ## output is ngenes by (nbatch x ncond x npercond) matrix ## ggstep: Gene to Gene step variation ## bbstep: Batch to Batch step variation ## ccstep: Condition to Condition step variation ## basedisp: Base Dispersion ## bdispstep: Batch to Batch Dispersion step variation set.seed(47) nbatch <- 3 ncond <- 2 npercond <- 10 ngenes <- 50 ggstep <- 50 bbstep <- 2000 ccstep <- 800 basedisp <- 100 bdispstep <- -10 data.matrix <- rnaseq_sim(ngenes=ngenes, nbatch=nbatch, ncond=ncond, npercond= npercond, basemean=10000, ggstep=ggstep, bbstep=bbstep, ccstep=ccstep, basedisp=basedisp, bdispstep=bdispstep, swvar=1000, seed=1234) # genes 10 to 25 affected by an independent unobserved factor unmodeled.factor.indicator=rbinom(60,1,.5) nsamples=nbatch*ncond*npercond eh.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=ngenes, ncol=nsamples) for(j in 1:nsamples){ bsize <- seq(basedisp, length.out=nbatch, by=bdispstep) size<-rinvgamma(1, shape=mean(bsize), scale=1) bmu <- seq(bbstep, length.out=nbatch, by=bbstep) cmu <- seq(ccstep, length.out=ncond, by=ccstep) eh.mu=rnorm(1, mean=mean(bmu), sd=1) mu=eh.mu*unmodeled.factor.indicator[j] eh.matrix[10:25,j]=rnbinom(16,size=size,mu=mu) } data.matrix.eh=data.matrix+eh.matrix # Apply BatchQC batch <- rep(1:nbatch, each=ncond*npercond) condition <- rep(rep(1:ncond, each=npercond), nbatch) nsample <- nbatch*ncond*npercond sample <- 1:nsample pdata <- data.frame(sample, batch, condition) modmatrix = model.matrix(~as.factor(condition), data=pdata) modmatrix.null = model.matrix(~1,data=pdata) ## null model matrix (just intercept) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) heatmap=batchqc_heatmap(data.matrix, batch, mod=modmatrix) #heatmap.eh=batchqc_heatmap(data.matrix.eh, batch, mod=modmatrix) n.sv=batchQC_num.sv(data.matrix,modmatrix) #n.sv.eh=batchQC_num.sv(data.matrix.eh,modmatrix) combat_data.matrix = ComBat(dat=data.matrix, batch=batch, mod=modmatrix) #combat_data.matrix.eh = ComBat(dat=data.matrix.eh, batch=batch, mod=modmatrix) # sva.object=batchQC_sva(data.matrix, modmatrix) # #sva.object.eh=batchQC_sva(data.matrix.eh, modmatrix) # # ## Plot the surrogate variables by batch and the unmodeled factor # # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # if (sva.object$n.sv > 1) { # for(i in 1:sva.object$n.sv){ # boxplot(sva.object$sv[,i]~unmodeled.factor.indicator,xlab= # "Unmodeled Factor ",ylab=paste("Surrogate Variable",i,sep=" "),main= # "Simulated Data ") # boxplot(sva.object$sv[,i]~batch,xlab="Batch",ylab=paste( # "Surrogate Variable",i,sep=" "),main="Simulated Data") # } # } else { # boxplot(sva.object$sv~unmodeled.factor.indicator,xlab= # "Unmodeled Factor ",ylab=paste("Surrogate Variable",1,sep=" "),main= # "Simulated Data ") # boxplot(sva.object$sv~batch,xlab="Batch",ylab=paste( # "Surrogate Variable",1,sep=" "),main="Simulated Data") # } # # pprob.gam=sva.object$pprob.gam ##prob each gene is affected by EH # index.p.batch.8=which(pprob.gam>=.8) # # par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # ### Look at heatmap for genes just affected by EH # heatmap=batchqc_heatmap(data.matrix[index.p.batch.8,], batch, mod=modmatrix) ### Histogram of the p values #### (a) Raw data pValues=f.pvalue(data.matrix,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) qValues = p.adjust(pValues,method="BH") #### (b) Apply Combat pValuesComBat=f.pvalue(combat_data.matrix,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) qValuesComBat = p.adjust(pValuesComBat,method="BH") #### (c) Include Batch modBatch = model.matrix(~as.factor(condition) + as.factor(batch),data=pdata) mod0Batch = model.matrix(~as.factor(batch),data=pdata) pValuesBatch = f.pvalue(data.matrix,modBatch,mod0Batch) qValuesBatch = p.adjust(pValuesBatch,method="BH") #### (d) Include SV's # modSv = cbind(modmatrix,sva.object$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in model matrix with condition (cancer status) # mod0Sv = cbind(modmatrix.null,sva.object$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in null model matrix # # pValuesSv = f.pvalue(data.matrix,modSv,mod0Sv) # ## pvalues including sv's in model matrix # qValuesSv = p.adjust(pValuesSv,method="BH") par(mfrow=c(1,2)) ## Original Simulated Data hist(pValues,main="Raw Count Data") # hist(pValuesSv,main="Count Data after Combat") hist(pValuesBatch,main="Adjusted p-Values for Batch") # hist(pValuesSv,main="Adjusted p-Values for SVs") ``` ###### (b) Use the data simulating mechanism from the batchQC package, ###### adding additional expression heterogeneity from a dichotomous unmodeled ###### factor, independent of both batch and condition ```{r, echo=TRUE, message=FALSE} # Use simulated data as before, except genes 10 to 25 affected by an # independent unobserved factor unmodeled.factor.indicator=rbinom(60,1,.5) nsamples=nbatch*ncond*npercond eh.matrix <- matrix(0, nrow=ngenes, ncol=nsamples) for(j in 1:nsamples){ bsize <- seq(basedisp, length.out=nbatch, by=bdispstep) size<-rinvgamma(1, shape=mean(bsize), scale=1) bmu <- seq(bbstep, length.out=nbatch, by=bbstep) cmu <- seq(ccstep, length.out=ncond, by=ccstep) eh.mu=rnorm(1, mean=mean(bmu), sd=1) mu=eh.mu*unmodeled.factor.indicator[j] eh.matrix[10:25,j]=rnbinom(16,size=size,mu=mu) } data.matrix.eh=data.matrix+eh.matrix # Apply BatchQC batch <- rep(1:nbatch, each=ncond*npercond) condition <- rep(rep(1:ncond, each=npercond), nbatch) nsample <- nbatch*ncond*npercond sample <- 1:nsample pdata <- data.frame(sample, batch, condition) modmatrix = model.matrix(~as.factor(condition), data=pdata) modmatrix.null = model.matrix(~1,data=pdata) ## null model matrix (just intercept) par(mfrow=c(1,1)) heatmap.eh=batchqc_heatmap(data.matrix.eh, batch, mod=modmatrix) n.sv.eh=batchQC_num.sv(data.matrix.eh,modmatrix) combat_data.matrix.eh = ComBat(dat=data.matrix.eh, batch=batch, mod=modmatrix) # sva.object.eh=batchQC_sva(data.matrix.eh, modmatrix) # # par(mfrow=c(1,2)) # if (sva.object.eh$n.sv > 1) { # for(i in 1:sva.object.eh$n.sv){ # boxplot(sva.object.eh$sv[,i]~unmodeled.factor.indicator,xlab= # "Unmodeled Factor ",ylab=paste("Surrogate Variable",i,sep=" "),main= # "Simulated Data with EH") # # boxplot(sva.object.eh$sv[,i]~batch,xlab="Batch",ylab=paste( # "Surrogate Variable",i,sep=" "),main="Simulated Data with EH") # } # } else { # boxplot(sva.object.eh$sv~unmodeled.factor.indicator,xlab= # "Unmodeled Factor ",ylab=paste("Surrogate Variable",1,sep=" "),main= # "Simulated Data with EH") # # boxplot(sva.object.eh$sv~batch,xlab="Batch",ylab=paste( # "Surrogate Variable",1,sep=" "),main="Simulated Data with EH") # } # # pprob.gam.eh=sva.object.eh$pprob.gam ##prob each gene is affected by EH # index.p.batch.8.eh=which(pprob.gam.eh>=.8) ### Look at heatmap for genes just affected by EH # par(mfrow=c(1,1)) # heatmap.eh=batchqc_heatmap(data.matrix.eh[index.p.batch.8.eh,], batch, # mod=modmatrix) ### Histogram of the p values #### (a) Raw data pValues=f.pvalue(data.matrix,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) pValues.eh=f.pvalue(data.matrix.eh,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) qValues = p.adjust(pValues,method="BH") qValues.eh = p.adjust(pValues.eh,method="BH") #### (b) Apply Combat pValuesComBat=f.pvalue(combat_data.matrix,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) pValuesComBat.eh=f.pvalue(combat_data.matrix.eh,modmatrix,modmatrix.null) qValuesComBat = p.adjust(pValuesComBat,method="BH") qValuesComBat.eh = p.adjust(pValuesComBat.eh,method="BH") #### (c) Include Batch modBatch = model.matrix(~as.factor(condition) + as.factor(batch),data=pdata) mod0Batch = model.matrix(~as.factor(batch),data=pdata) pValuesBatch = f.pvalue(data.matrix,modBatch,mod0Batch) qValuesBatch = p.adjust(pValuesBatch,method="BH") pValuesBatch.eh = f.pvalue(data.matrix.eh,modBatch,mod0Batch) qValuesBatch.eh = p.adjust(pValuesBatch.eh,method="BH") #### (d) Include SV's # modSv = cbind(modmatrix,sva.object$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in model matrix with condition (cancer status) # mod0Sv = cbind(modmatrix.null,sva.object$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in null model matrix # # modSv.eh = cbind(modmatrix,sva.object.eh$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in model matrix with condition (cancer status) # mod0Sv.eh = cbind(modmatrix.null,sva.object.eh$sv) # ## include surrogate variables in null model matrix # # pValuesSv = f.pvalue(data.matrix,modSv,mod0Sv) # ## pvalues including sv's in model matrix # qValuesSv = p.adjust(pValuesSv,method="BH") # pValuesSv.eh = f.pvalue(data.matrix.eh,modSv.eh,mod0Sv.eh) # ## pvalues including sv's in model matrix # qValuesSv.eh = p.adjust(pValuesSv.eh,method="BH") par(mfrow=c(2,2)) ## Additional source of EH Added hist(pValues.eh,main="Raw Count Data (Added EH)") # hist(pValuesSv.eh,main="Count Data after Combat (Added EH)") hist(pValuesBatch.eh,main="Adjusted p-Values for Batch (Added EH)") # hist(pValuesSv.eh,main="Adjusted p-Values for SVs (Added EH)") ```