Changes in version 1.5 MetaboCoreUtils 1.5.2 - substractElements drops elements with zero counts (issue #57). MetaboCoreUtils 1.5.1 - Add functions formula2mz, adductFormula and multiplyElements (issue #55). Changes in version 1.3 MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.8 - Support for heavy isotopes in countElements/pasteElements/calculateMass (issue #53). MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.7 - Fix bug in containsElements function (issue #51). MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.6 - Add functions for Kendrick mass defects. MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.5 - Add missing unit tests. MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.4 - Add calculateMass function. MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.3 - Vectorized versions for chemical mass functions. MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.2 - Function for conversion of migration time to effective mobility in CE-MS. MetaboCoreUtils 1.3.1 - Add isotope detection functionality. Changes in version 1.1 MetaboCoreUtils 1.1.3 - Add isotope detection functionality. MetaboCoreUtils 1.1.2 - Add already charged adduct/ion to the adduct definition. MetaboCoreUtils 1.1.1 - Add correctRindex function. - Add isotopologue function to group isotopologues in MS spectra. Changes in version 0.99 MetaboCoreUtils 0.99.1 - Add [M+H-2(H2O)]+ adduct definition. MetaboCoreUtils 0.99.0 - Add package vignette and prepare for Bioconductor submission. Changes in version 0.0 MetaboCoreUtils 0.0.3 - Add internalStandards and internalStandardsNames functions. MetaboCoreUtils 0.0.3 - Refactor mass2mz and mz2mass to support calculation of multiple adducts for multiple input values as well as user defined adduct definition. - Add functions adducts to return a data.frame with the (built-in) adduct definitions. MetaboCoreUtils 0.0.2 - Vectorize mass2mz and mz2mass and additional performance improvement. MetaboCoreUtils 0.0.1 - Add utility functions to work with chemical formulas: pasteElements, countElements and standardizeFormula. - Add utility functions to convert between m/z and monoisotopic masses based on provided ion adduct information.