Changes in version 1.22.1 (2023-06-03) + Fix cooler2sparse function when a cool file has only a single chromosome. Thanks to @junjunlab, @agata-sm, + Update cool file handling in the vignette. Changes in version 1.20.1 (2022-11-28) + Use more secure HTTPS URL for Aiden Lab (PR #12 by @paulmenzel) Changes in version 1.11.1 (2020-08-14) + Add CITATION, also to file + Update NEWS + Update DESCRIPTION o Add Mikhail Dozmorov as Maintainer o Add URL and BugReports fields + Revert breaking changes o KRnormalization.R, line 75, Z = rk/v; rho_km1 = t(rk) %*% Z; o hic_compare.R, line 99, A.min <- ceiling(mean(A_q10)) Changes in version 1.11.0 (2020-02-11) + New method to read in .cool files, cooler2bedpe() + New method for comparison, hic_compare()